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DCing from games needs to lead up to a permanent ban

bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471
edited December 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

DCing from a game is essentially a throw for the entire team, and prevents the trial from ever having a proper resolution. It's near impossible for a 3 man team to win, no matter how well coordinated, against just about any competent killer in the roster. Any player that DCs, especially very early in a match, is openly stating that they feel their time is more valuable than that of the 4 other players on their team. The current penalties are an absolute joke and do nothing to disincentivize this behavior. Penalties need to escalate much faster, up to a permanent ban.

EDIT: posted too early before I finished typing


  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    Or at the very least reduce the amount of gens that need to be done, or even matchmaking kicking in and giving you a 4th survivor while the game is still ensued.

  • Tsukah
    Tsukah Member Posts: 390
    edited December 2022

    Bad idea, permanent bans = bye bye money and playerbase

    Current penalty is fine, 3 days (72 hours) is not a joke at all

  • Saying bad words = permanent ban = bye bye money. There is nothing excessive, or controversial, about asking a playerbase to refrain from using certain language under threat of a permanent ban. Conversely, there is nothing excessive about asking a playerbase to actually play the game instead of ruining the other 4 players' experience under threat of a permanent ban.

  • Tsukah
    Tsukah Member Posts: 390
    edited December 2022

    It's a bad idea my dude, especially for people who have connection issues or major power outages especially where I live in Canada where the winters are long and harsh

    And there's no need to be rude towards me, grow up

  • HeyItsQuiet
    HeyItsQuiet Member Posts: 363

    No :)

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I think the only issue is that the initial bans are barely worth noting at all. You get 5 minutes for like the first 5 DCs, and only then does it start to increase.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,126

    What an overreaction.

    Let's not do that.

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    I dont know, maybe people need to not be #########. Like, killers know that situation is unfair. Now yes everyone can play how they want sure, but like come on, youre gonna win. But then again, Ill quote it till the day that I die, nobody is responsible for your fun so oh well to bad gg ez

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 228

    That’s punishing killer for a survivor quitting,real survivor answer to a survivor problem.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    What if I have to leave the game because my son wakes up? Or there’s a medical emergency? Or my internet cuts out? I deserve to be perma banned for that? What a joke lol.

  • MoNosEmpire
    MoNosEmpire Member Posts: 649

    I don't think it really is punishing a killer, there's less gens to do and if it was a 3 survivor game then it would be fair across the board.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    Exactly.... There are many reasons why I do not endorse Perm Bans for just quiting; it not that severe then cheating and exploiting. Sure, it sucks that thw killer will have a easy win for many kills, not so fair that the Survivors lose their numbers advantage because they are down a player. But, I am fine with the way the disconnect penalty works, even if it not perfect system and it needs some tweaking. It would be nice to not have player deal with so long of temporarily ban timer and if there is some reward towards reducing the penalty. But, I also don't want it to be exploit in which DC is just means to avoid the inevitable defeat.

    I would also be down for a call a vote button, in which Survivors can straight up call a vote if they want to throw the game and give the Killer ton of BP.

  • PhantomFang
    PhantomFang Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 4

    As annoying and frustrating as it is to have a DC, the fact of the matter is that people are going to do it no matter what the penalties are. You don't know why people DC. Maybe it's because their internet cut out, maybe something came up irl, maybe they just got so mad at the game that they needed to take a break before it escalated. You don't know their situation, and imo it's ridiculous to permanently ban someone for something as trivial as that. This always has and always will be a casual game, and while it really sucks having a DC, there's nothing much else you can do other than either play it through or if you really want you can always just let killer kill you to move onto next game.

    I think a better solution would be having a very small time window where someone who may have unintentionally dc'd (server error, lost internet connection) etc. can join back in the game. Or this might be quite complicated/silly to implement but perhaps bots could be added as a replacement for w/ the same amount of hook states as the survivor who'd previously left. It still wouldn't be ideal as it's a bot and not an actual person but it's better than nothing.

  • Don't queue up for a game if you're not ready to play it to its end. If your life consists of enough emergencies to earn an escalation to a permanent ban, then you probably shouldn't be playing video games in the first place.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,697

    I don't understand how some people have enough emergencies that they d/c enough to actually reach 3 day bans. If you are d/c at a consistent and frequent basis you would get perma-banned so if you have a day where your power is going on and off, don't play dbd.

    But I don't think a perma-ban would solve the issue. Right now the 1st d/c is only a minute and the 2nd is only 5 minutes. This allows people to d/c a couple of times with practically no real penalty. D/cing should at a min be a 15 minute timeout.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,203

    I don't understand why they thought lowering the first dc to 1 minute was a good idea. 5 minutes was fine for the first one; 1 minute is basically not a deterrent at all.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,974

    @bunnyfengenthusiast I feel your frustration and disdain for rage quitters. I can’t stand them in this game or ANY video game for that matter. It’s disgusting that there are so many entitled players out there who have this immature attitude that if they’re having a miserable time, they’re just going to screw every one else over by leaving the match. How inconsiderate. These people need to grow up. I don’t understand why they continue to play the game if they don’t like vs. half the killer roster or being found first. Utterly ridiculous. Play something else then.

    I think a perma-ban is too harsh, though. BHVR is a company after all trying to make a profit and needs to keep the player base thriving, in order to continue making money. They’re better off trying to correct the behavior of some of these inconsiderate people. I say increase the penalty sooner , and let these players know the community has had enough of their B.S and they need to learn some game etiquette. Those who can’t handle the harsher penalties will be forced to play something else once locked out for an extended period, causing them to ruin less games for the DBD community. They may even weed themselves out and won’t return. And for those who create an uptick in AFK’ng & Letting Go on hook, let those stats get tracked and dump habitual offenders into a pool with like-minded players. They all can soft ragequit on each other in one big circle jerk, until they can learn to play their games through- more consistently. Or, keep that same energy with rage quitters in general and dump those jerks into a ragequitting, circle jerk pool.

    We also need to get away from the crutch of “bad internet” or “life happens.” Sure, they are both legitimate reasons why players leave in the middle of a live service game. But let’s be real here- that’s not what we are experiencing on a regular basis. What we are experiencing are CONSTANT DC’s from players who were either just downed by the killer, found first by the killer, realize who the killer is at the start of the match (*cough Nurse, *cough Twins), or just hooked. Absolutely childish. You can just tell these players are not ragequitting for the first time, and it’s way too convenient to have bad internet after just getting downed, found, or hooked (possible, I know- I’ve had my router and power take a 💩 on me mid-chase [once each in 3 years], but that’s super rare. That doesn’t happen to everyone consistently).

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Agreed but the escalation to that 1 week should be faster than it is now.

    This is a hilarious take, I hope you are just being sarcastic and dont actually believe that, but on the off chance you are serious. Why is it that anytime the DC penalty is disabled DC'S skyrocket? That alone proves the dc penalty is effective and needs to be in the game, and actually is too lenient, and that a harsher penalty may lead to even less DCs