A Cruel And Painful Achievement

Cruelty Loves Company
I really [formicateing] HATE this Achievement
It is NOT fun AT ALL.
It has caused me untold amounts of suffering trying to get it. I've lost count of the games I've played making no progress or very little and I'm still not done.
Every single game I've played trying to get this has been utter misery and made me consider uninstalling the game. More so than anything else in this game THIS is breaking me.
Not even Power Moves was this bad.
This is NOT how The Knight works. And I have to do this FIFTY times?
Who MADE this? Who hurt you so much you felt to need to make others suffering like this?
I could MAYBE see twenty-five times, that's not too hard, but FIFTY? Why do you hate people so much?
Or maybe if it was, you know, ACTUALLY USING THE POWER. Maybe have it be "Have Guard injure Survivors 30 times" or just SOMETHING ELSE other than "Drop guard. Wait for chase. Hit Survivor yourself." Something EASIER to do than this [male bovine fecal matter].
I've gotten more hits from the Guards themselves than I have playing in the manner in which you seem to have to do for this Achievement.
Just. Why? Why did it have to be this way?
I finished it.
It is done.
Now I can never play The Knight ever again.
Except for the inevitable two or three Challenges when he gets a Tome spotlight.
But NEVER again until then.
I'm free.
(It took me FIVE GAMES to get seven ticks on the achievement. And that was WITH me being a "Friendly Killer" and making it clear I wasn't playing normally. People would stop running and just let the Guards spawn on them and hit them. Even with me shaking my head they just. Wouldn't. Get. It. But it's over with. I can go back to having fun again.)