Welcome to the new forums!
Bring it on.
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I had no idea this was the new URL for the forums - I've been trying to refresh the old one for hours. Whoops!
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I can finally ignore you.
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Are the old links going to be turned into redirects?
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there should be a redirect yes. I have flagged with the team that this is not the case right now - I would suggest though bookmarking the new link to get used to using that one.
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To tell the truth, I didn't find the link to this forum and still thought that everything was down because of some mishap ^_^""
Good to finally be able to mingle with you folks. And gg Karu!
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No you still have to live with me on Twitter 💔
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I was away for like 2 weeks, not even on the forums and everything changed.
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Everything changed when the fire nation attacked
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He’s doing great! Thanks for asking. I recently put my Christmas tree up and he keeps going missing and by missing, I mean hiding under the tree like a present and going to sleep. 🤣
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I was wondering where my source of entertainment went lmao.....but I'm enjoying my new PfP
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Hola! 😄
Maurice!! 😔We really need him back!
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I love him with all my heart
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Nice update
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No Hooked on You sub?
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Iiiii don´t know what to make out of this. This feels weird. So... green.
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I was looking for this post! I knew about the update, but I wasn't expecting such a big change with the visuals. It's cool though.
All these red and green buttons. It feels a little festive almost.
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on PC I have to put it to 150% zoom to get rid of the left blank space beside the posts, nothing to do about the rightside though 😕
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It took a while but i made it too!
Love the green
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I'm only on mobile for the time being so I can't comment on the PC look
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Not really liking the new forums. ☹️😩
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Nah i think its to dark. I mean, the signs that show if there are new comments or a new thread are simply to dark. Like, i have to approach my monitor to see it. Grey on grey isn´t a good idea.