MMR feels.....better?

So i'm currently playing a lot more survivor than before, although i only play in solo q lately i feel that the matches i'm playing feel more consistent than before, now i don't feel hopeless all the time being left for dead at my first hook.
Yeah, sometimes i get hooked and forgotten, and my game last only 3/5 minutes, but that doesn't happen as often as it used to.
Also teammates are more willing to do risky plays and are more altruist than my last month trials.
Anyways, how do you guys feel the MMR now? (Also when playing killer i feel i get survivors closer to my actual ability, i don't get this god loopers that i used to get)
they definitely changed something. my teammates fit much better together.
the downside, even the killer fit. which leads to difficult games. but that's the only way you grow.
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I feel like SBMM is mostly off unless a lot of people are in the queues. As survivor or killer I find lobbies have some pretty obvious and wide variations in the skill levels of survivors. I feel they made changes to prioritise finding faster matches over accuracy. Probably why they removed the rank system, to stop players from complaining about the wildly varying differences in ranks in matches.
I think it is better for both sides... as killer it means other than SWFs of god tier players, I am not going against full random teams comprised of gods and I always have a weak link to make matches feel less impossible. For survivor it means I get very fast matches whereas in the old days nobody wanted to play killer in red ranks so you need to have something else to do while you waited for a game.
I will take fast matchmaking over perfect SBMM any day
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It's most likely due to the fact that there's more players playing for the Bone Chill event.
MMR works when it has enough players to match more closely. If you don't have a match then it will throw you with anyone.
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I just wish there was even a shred of transparency in-game about matchmaking and what happened in the match as it relates to matchmaking. By hiding everything, players can't even really give pointed feedback about what made the match feel bad. Were my teammates poorly matched or did they just have bad games? If that's a consistent thing, is the system not accurately representing skill? Was the killer rated too high or low, and how did that affect the match? Are the games even fun when the matchmaking is close?
We can't give any of that feedback, and I don't see how the devs can even improve the system if the players can't do that. All we can say is "it sucked" or "it was good" without any sort of reference point. Every developer that is doing this with their matchmaking (hiding everything about it under the hood) has a frustrated playerbase when it comes to matchmaking. I don't get it.
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I like this new style of match making unless there are killer incentives and then I'm extremely hesitant on starting a match. I had loaded in thinking I needed more BP when I got my stuff shoved in and left the match as a killer with 6k BP. With no incentives, I get players around my level and I have a good time, even when I lose. As survivor, it works awesome until I get Terminator Nemisis who tunnels and then whines that I had Adrenaline and that it was unfair.
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It's not supposed to measure skill, and it can't. Between the various different play styles and attitudes between players, not least the undefined win conditions, you simply can't evaluate "skill".
How do you compare a blendette who urban evades her way out of the exit gate, to a neon nea who runs the killer for 17 gens and gets mori'd?
It simply evaluates a players ability to escape/kill, however it is they accomplish that. So that you can get matched up with other people who are more or less just as capable of escaping/killing as you.
It's not skill based matchmaking, it's kill based matchmaking.
For that reason, it's really not that helpful to show players how that applies to any individual game. Players will assume baseless conclusions on MMR levels that simply don't mean all that much. It's not much more accurate than 'playtime', in fact it's more or less "playtime +/- average attitude to winning".
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Sure, if we get into the semantics of what "skill" refers to, then it's arguable. I say skill in the sense of how often someone wins a game regardless of how they do it, and that's ultimately what translates into an MMR rating. It would be helpful in the sense that people can say "hey, a match of this MMR range feels really bad or unbalanced". Right now people can't say why something felt off about a match with any sort of evidence. Granted, it's all sort of moot because it's a queue time tool first, a balance tool second, and a player experience tool last. But I'd still like some sort of feedback about MMR without breaking TOS.
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Muahahahaha ... just played my first game of the event.
Was playing with two brand new players who had absolutely no idea what was happening vs a pro nurse with three slowdown perks.
If that's working MMR I hope it's broken again soon.
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It never ceases to amaze how often I'm having a good time with MMR while everyone on the forum is asking if it's off and vice versa.
My games are complete toss-ups at the moment I have to say, as if players were assigned at random. One match I'm getting decimated by a kill squad with barely 4 hooks before they are all out, then I 12 hook the entire team with 3 gens left. It's like there are two MMR brackets: potato mixed with average players and gods.
SoloQ has been completely unplayable for months, I don't see any difference for better or worse.
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I tend to have runs of game. Games that are good and lots of fun,, and then I run into 4 or 5 games where I get my butt handed to me.
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I got matched a few days ago with a survivor who died to a Myers still in first stage on an outdoor map within the first minute of the game. That player was not AFK.
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MMR is still a joke for me. Yesterday I had a game where I got my stuff pushed in by a a group with about 150 prestige levels between them followed by a team with maybe 150 hours between them.