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Discussion with a P100 Blight

Post 4k slaughter by a Blight I noticed they were a streamer so I went into their channel for a chat. In short they acknowledged:

  • Winning 95% of their matches
  • That matchmaking is broken
  • That Blight is broken (though they said it was only certain addons which I disagree with since, as they said, they win 95% of the time with or without those addons)

They said they play Blight because they have fun playing Blight, not because he’s broken or wins all the time.

So… they do something they know is unsportsmanlike and unfair just because they are allowed to and THEY have fun. Regardless of all the people they make NOT have fun because the killer and game are clearly broken. This is a pretty common argument amongst killers in this game. But here’s what this is also saying - they have no moral compass of their own to stop them from doing something wrong. The system they are playing in says it’s ok so they will go along with that since it allows them to do what they enjoy.

Does anyone not see what’s wrong here? Not see the obvious philosophical issue? People who allow themselves to go along with corrupt / broken systems are not free from responsibility. Especially when you’re not forced to go along with it. If you continue to play broken killers and don’t take steps to just play a fair game, you’re the problem. You can’t just blame the game and the unfair system. You have the freedom to make the game more fair by not playing the strongest killers and builds in the game and using the cheapest, easiest tactics. This is why survivors get angry at this game and killers. This is why the DCs and quits. It’s not just saltiness. It’s a complete lack of fairness and an abrogation of responsibility of both killers and BHVR. We want to play fair games, that’s all.

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  • Member Posts: 1,941

    First of all, this is a game. It doesn't say anything (most of the time) about someone's morality. People who play strong builds don't have bad morals, they are exploiting a system and that is still not bad morally because it doesn't negatively affect the livelihood of people.

    The game is unbalanced in certain situations, but this is another whole conversation on if the game should be balanced or not, as well as which side has the "right" to easier games or not and why.

    As it is right now I acknowledge that solo survivor can be the more grueling experience and I also acknowledge that killers here have no idea most of the time and they don't really care cause they only play survivor to unwind, so they are not invested in this role even if technically they play it sometimes.

    As for killers winning 95% of the time, that is hard to tell cause this is one single killer playing the second best killer in the game and probably rather good at the game. If BHVR would share more stats we would have a better idea at what is really going on. How is killer at the lowest level? What about at mid level and what about at high level? And how much does playing fair affect killer winrate? What about bringing 3+ gen slowdown?

    I personally would rather we focus on BHVR and how they can improve the experience for solo survivors like adding icons for certain actions or a ping system or being able to see teammates' perks etc. There's a lot of stuff they can do with this.

    Expecting some unspoken rules to be followed doesn't strike me as the best idea for this game, cause this way it will continue to be broken and unfair. Plus someone can always claim "the majority of killers don't play this way" and those things will remain this strong for way longer than if people play normally instead of nice.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    I'm kind of in agreement with this Blight, I'd say his main 2 balance issues are certain add-ons, and his Lethal Rush attack hitbox, it's ######### massive when it really doesn't need to be.

  • Member Posts: 2,280
    edited December 2022

    As often as we disagree with him, omans is probably the most accurate here. Both sides have stupid tools at their disposal yet it takes a long time to fix anything which lies with the devs. Survivors raging at killers for using these broken things has a mirror in killers hating survivors for bringing their equivalent.

  • Member Posts: 240

    I don’t know about broken. I broke a blights ankles for about 4 gens yesterday. He only got a 3k because he had noed which did get cleansed but the team was being stupid at the end and gave him 2 extra kills. I spectated because he wanted me so badly lol I had to see what happened.

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  • Member Posts: 2,440

    You know blight only has that huge hitbox for the first 1/10 of a second after he m1s in a lethal rush right? Hits would be very inconsistent if he couldn't shoulder flick you at point blank. It's why forcing him to flick for a hit is so important because it becomes so dodgable after that initial hit box. It's also why hug techs are over rated, most of them are blind flicks betting on a survivor to run the tile normally in relation to the blights starting position. I know you didn't say anything about the hug tech but It was related.

  • Member Posts: 1,604

    Blight is crazy hard to play and I can never play him, nor do I have a problem with him as survivor

    if someone mains a killer and play it every day ofc he would be good at it lmao

  • Member Posts: 285

    Blame the game not the player

    Devs are the one who have responsibility towards their players to balance everything

    I personally enjoy going against Blight his power is super interactive and fun to dodge but I also think it's bs how him and couple of other killers are miles above rest of the cast, for example I love playing Ghostie but what am I going to achieve on erye against 4 good loopers? While Blight can clear them at 3-4 gens

    Sadly at this point when you combine strong killers, weak killers,, 4 man swf and solo q maps perks items an add onns it becomes clear that balancing this game so everyone can be happy is maybe not even possible

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I think if you didn't start speaking about players been morally wrong etc. people may have taken this post a bit more seriously. If most killers are indeed 3k-4k-ing majority of the games then that's a great conversation starter, but unfortunately besides the killrate we don't have stats for how often Killers win (3k-4k) or where each player on this forum stands to see if they're performing belowe or above average.

    Like there are killers who are 4k-ing here and complaining about fun and that the game is still survivor sided 🤣

  • Member Posts: 8,600
    edited December 2022

    I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a moral issue by any means. The reality is, the matchmaking is so poor that achieving a mastery level on any killer and sweating your tail off will result in a 70%+ win rate. Obviously that number goes higher when you get into Nurse and Blight. It's not a player issue. BHVR has decided that players aren't ever going to wait for games. So the top 1% Nurse/Blight/whatever player will farm average players game after game, and the sweaty 4 stack will do the same to average killers. They'll never wait 2-5 minutes for a quality match.

    I've experienced it too. I had 3 straight games without a single gen completed on Nurse earlier in the week. I'm sure my opponents had a blast. I was bored out of my mind too and loaded up Overwatch instead.

  • Member Posts: 319
    edited December 2022

    So… HugTechLover… you evidently didn’t read what I said and I’m not spoon feeding it to you.

    And some of you may not want to elevate it to that level because you’re uncomfortable with it, but the way you behave IS a moral issue. If you cheat, that’s a moral decision. If you decide to take advantage of an unfair situation to your benefit, yeah… you’re making that moral decision.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    To be honest, most often than not the Blights I come across are usually decent or above and on top of that they run his strong add-ons (don't remember ever seeing one Blight without Alchemist Ring or Compound) and usually they also bring Eruption with other slowdown perks. In general I don't see Blight as often as I see Nurse or Ghostface, no doubt, but whenever I see one they are usually playing very seriously. I can only recall one or two Blights who were chill or bad, one was farming probably and the other was trying to do adept Blight which explains why he wasn't that good and we got 3 escape against him on Dead Dawg Saloon.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Sorry, but either he is a 15,000 hour god of DbD, he was shining you on or you're exaggerating.

    What exactly did he do that justifies you calling him literally evil IRL?

    Speaking in terms of 'corrupt and broken systems' in relation to a silly horror videogame is a little ridiculous.

    Yes, this game can be infuriating sometimes, and there are some things that should be tweaked balance wise, but a wall of hyperbole like this isn't feedback. It's just kvetching.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    The devs make changes based on data. Any changes to Blight will come from that. People who main particular killers, as in playing them consistently over long periods of time, will master that killer. Blight absolutely is one of the stronger killers, and I agree his adds on need looking at, but imo there should always be a range of killers with varying degrees of difficulties and varied learning curves. If someone puts in the time to master a killer - regardless of their 'moral compass' - then yeah they're gonna win a lot of matches.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I'm not sure why the OP is getting bites like this.

    95% is absurd, and from the rest of the post, the OP clearly has an axe to grind.

    The only killer I can name with a winrate around that is a guy who does nothing but play a completely stacked Nurse, game in game out and has been doing this for...I think about a year?

  • Member Posts: 1,104

    Not buying this at all.

    It's on the game developers to balance the game.

    If they choose not to and leave unbalanced things in the game, it doesn't become the player's fault for taking advantage.

    I don't see a philosophical issue here.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    It not unsportsmanlike to play Blight, especially one who, as you mentioned, is avoiding his strongest add ons.

    This is like saying it’s unsportsmanlike to run Dead Hard or loop the shack.

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    Friend, I'm going to be real with you; hate the game, not the player.

    If you enjoy Blight, play him. If you wanna play with your friends, all running medkits, DH, Map Offerings etc, then go ahead.

    Regardless of whether or not you believe these things are fair, they are in the game to be used if someone wants. It's ultimately up to the devs to balance the game.

  • Member Posts: 493

    Dude, you are way too butthurt about this. If seeing someone be good at Blight makes you so angry you have to go around crucifying people for having any amount of fun if it's not personally approved by you, and you have to basically say "if you don't play the killers I want you to you're EVIL", then you need to either get some help or take a break.

  • Member Posts: 263

    Being handed out free wins every match as a killer isn't fun. Playing solo survivor is hell and I still prefer that over just playing killer repeatedly because of how braindead easy it is right now.

    Also limiting yourself on purpose to not win as easily just feels artificial and doesn't fix the problem.

  • Member Posts: 2,440

    Not only did you not respond to my initial post, but you calling out people on moral issues in a video game is so dumb. Again was a 4 man swf running IW DH a moral issue pre patch? Should you condemn the 10s of thousands of players for that? You are so biased and unaware of the game and almost 0 logic goes into your Reponses and posts :). You just say what you want, which is usually half non-sense and then don't respond to anything after that and even if you do it's not a direct response with any real argument behind it. At this point I assume you are sluzzy just baiting people without thinking just as before. I doubt you are even good at survivor, probably mid at best like the other 90% of the survivor player base, talking like you know anything. You have probably never played blight and if you have you have idea how to play him or the counter play related to him. Some characters have so much depth you can't just learn them from playing against them, this is a common thing in video games. Blight is not like nurse who's power is so straight forward you never have to play her, blight requires you to learn him.

    Is blight strong? Yes, he counters the strongest most brain dead thing in the game shift w. Is there nothing you can do about him? No. C33 is the only add-on that leaves no options, iri tag has lots of counter play but is super strong and alch-ring is strong but depending on the map I would not call it op, it ranges from op to strong depending on that. Blight players who are amazing at survivor probably run all but the few amazing blights for a long time.

    So… HugTechLover… you evidently didn’t read what I said and I’m not spoon feeding it to you.

    And some of you may not want to elevate it to that level because you’re uncomfortable with it, but the way you behave IS a moral issue. If you cheat, that’s a moral decision. If you decide to take advantage of an unfair situation to your benefit, yeah… you’re making that moral decision.

    Like what did you derive from HugTechLovers first 2 posts to say this? I have no idea how you could possibly say this to him with the only knowledge you have about him is that he plays blight. You are actually delusional for thinking there is anything morally wrong for someone trying their hardest in a video game. I take it that it's morally wrong to run a meta build and a green med-kit with the best add-ons right? Or does it only apply to killers?

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    How is playing Blight unfair or unsportsmanlike? Blight is a killer everyone is allowed to play in DBD. There is no rule against it. Its pretty harsh assuming someone that plays Blight has no moral compass. Is it more fair for survivors to finish the gens and escape in under 3 minutes? This happened to me just the other day and while I wasn't happy about it I couldn't pretend they were doing something forbidden.

    I am currently experimenting with a variety of killers, addons and builds that are anything but meta even going to the point where I nerf myself to the ground just to see what reactions I get. The survivors in my lobbies don't care about that too much. This is pretty much the same situation you described with the roles reversed.

    I'm not going to argue about what is balanced and what is not but balancing has nothing to do with how unfair or unsportsmanlike something is.

  • Member Posts: 133

    There is no point in discussing with Blight mains since :

    1. They exploit bugs
    2. They use the most busted addons Crow, Ring, etc.
    3. They will tell you the 2 above are balanced.
  • Member Posts: 2,211

    Unfortunately, a lot of DBD is self-policing. If a killer has you clearly outmatched the game has elements for the survivors to ruin it. Jump on a gen, when grabbed, try to escape from the hook.

    People might complain about it, but those are design features the developers put in, same as over-powered add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 1,061

    I see plenty Blights and Nurses bringing 4 slowdowns, busted add-ons, map offerings, and camping/tunnelling at 5 gens, against random solo lobbies. I will never understand the concentrated power of being a clown it takes to do that, let alone after thousands of hours. Same for 4-SWFs on comms with map offerings, toolboxes, instaheals and whatnot. Live a little, don't get so caught up in trying to "win" that you forget or forgo to actually play the game.

    Of course, the real issue is BHVR never addressing or taking years and years to address even the most blatant and egregious of balance issues. You can blame the players all you want, it won't change much, if anything you'll get them to do these things out of spite. I have seen enough people that play like that even after 4000+ hours, apparently not bored of it all despite facing and destroying mediocre randoms most of the time. They won't change.

  • Member Posts: 949

    Okay no let's dissect this.

    1. Blight isn't broken at his core. He's only problematic with a few of his add-ons (alchemist ring) like Nurse.

    2. Playing a killer isn't unsportsmanlike. I have no clue how you came to that conclusion. Also don't even try to whine about matchmaking since that's always been a thing. Not a new topic.

    3. We are not about to gaslight a community for playing the game they PAID for and want to have fun. This is interchangeable.

    4. Stop trying to use political discussion structures for a video game. Corrupt and broken systems isn't applicable to a video game.

    5. No killer is broken. You're facing good players and you're whining about it.

    6. Stop using the fair argument in an asymmetrical game. One side is always going to be at a disadvantage. You can nerf everything and it still won't ever be equal.

    Anything else?

  • Member Posts: 319

    Yeah I don’t respond a lot in my own threads because no one posts a legit argument. Most responses just ignore key components of my point and/or use logical fallacies. Case in point, the many many of you who continue to try to compare OP killer play with 4 man swfs, totally ignoring the % of each. It totally destroys your point. There’s no equivalence. But that doesn’t stop you from making the same irrelevant posts over and over again.

    • The game is very imbalanced for killers vs solos (and logically, even worse for OP killers and OP builds vs solos)
    • The vast majority of games are vs solos (90% are solo or 2 man swf)
    • Matchmaking is awful

    So ignoring low level play, average + solo players are constantly teamed with weak teammates already creating an unfair game. People who play OP killers and builds (again, excluding noob and low level play), knowing full well that they are mostly playing solo teams, are just taking advantage of a broken system to go out and play games that they win all the time to make themselves feel good and have fun at the expense of solo survivors. You know you’re doing this. You just don’t care because you CAN do it. You all hide behind the “that’s the game I’m allowed to play” part and wash your hands of it. I think you all live in this half-fantasy where… maybe I’m winning so much because I am so damn good at this game… so you act like it’s fair and ok and matchmaking isn’t that bad, and it’s all balanced… as you win 80%+ of your games and completely ignore the other side constantly losing.

    Well, no. Plenty of us have noticed and complained but nothing gets done so whatever. I play for the few games I can escape or make fun plays and sometimes when I get fed up I post here to try to improve things for me and all my fellow solo survivors. So yeah… I’m sorry if you’re a low level killer and you still get beat up by solo teams. Trust me, that changes with time. Once you get good at a killer, especially an OP one, you will rarely lose.

  • Member Posts: 80

    My dude, I actually love you, I chuckled so hard, best response by far!

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    I just gotta say... ######### is this whole post. "It's unsportsmanlike because they play a killer they like and they have fun with". Last I checked I didn't see any survivor try less and not stick near the strongest stuff to make sure I have fun so why should I? Either way its a player vs player game, you arent gonna have fun when you're on the losing end because both goals are to win and even irl in some sports teams dont have fun because of different factors even if they won.

  • Member Posts: 399

    Smartest DBD complainer when one single person agrees with their opinion.

    mfw when good players are good at playing, clearly means their character is OP.

    Anyways so about Ryuga getting a 150+ Win streak on pre-buffed Legion while running meme addons. Legion is so insanely busted and OP, please nerf!!11!1!1!

  • Member Posts: 178

    The Blight thing is not the issue here. Play Blight, Nurse whatever you want.

    But if for example I see that I can easily end the game within 4 minutes...why would I? Why is everyone so desperate to make it miserable for the other side? If I see survivors are struggling I will chill, I'll let them reset, do couple of gens, hook everyone twice...

    It's literally beneficial for both sides in terms of BPs. As a killer you can often dictate how the match goes. You can either be a dbag and waste everyone's time or be a decent human being, have fun while other people don't go away with nothing and have a decent experience as well.

    It's really not that hard.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Literally this. I’ve had games that I could have effectively ended it 3-4 minutes in. But then I don’t earn ######### for bloodpoints. I bring a pudding every match, and I’m damn sure gonna get my use out of it.

  • Member Posts: 133

    No, it isn't and it will never be. Stop spreading lies. Well I guess a mod stopped you already.

  • Member Posts: 2,482
    edited January 2023

    I wouldn’t go that far. I don’t see it being fixed. Survivor spinning is technically an exploit, now it’s a feature.

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