The New Decisive Strike Changes

QuestionedTurkey Member Posts: 20
edited February 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I have a few gripes about the new DS, while I think it's a step in the right direction, I think the team was really eager to put some negative on it, it kind of shadows the entire point of the perk.

the point is that survivors have an edge. This perk feel weak now, and its so situational. It's on par with blood warden and unbreakable, where the chances of actually getting to use it are so slim.

I think having to get hooked to use it is good, I like that change, but say the killer hits you right off? you dont move more than a few meters? right back on the hook, no chance to use it. You've wasted a perk slot. Or lets say you manage to get away from the hook, you're out in the open and now can use it! Oh, oops, they have enduring. You make it 5 meters then you're down again. Or killers can soft tunnel you until they know your perk is gone. "How will they know you have it?" im a Laurie main, everyone assumes I bring it.

here's what I think they should do to fix it:

make the activation time 120 seconds.
Make enduring not affect DS anymore.

Making it two minutes keeps the essence that you have the edge. You actually have some time to get things done and be riskier so if the killer does find you quickly, you actually have time to use it. 60 seconds is so SHORT. especially when you're playing a game. it's a deep breath and it's gone. its so weak.

Making enduring not affect DS would make the perk so much for satisfying to use. Considering the perk is so situational, I think there should be more reward to actually hitting an already hard skill check in such unforgiving conditions, i feel like the survivor deserves the full stun time to have a chance to escape. I think having to be hooked, a hard skill check, and just happening to be away from any hooks so they dont dribble you is negative enough for just a single drop from the killer.

this is all just my opinion though, i dont know if many will agree with me, but this is just my feedback on the changes.

EDIT: just saw that you get the skill check when the killer is picking you up! that helps a little, but makes me nervous with all the animation-interrupting and mixed actions that a plethora of new bugs are going to arise


  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    Killers tunnel. This is a way to counter it. DS needs a weakspot and a niche instead of a get out of jail free card. This also motivates killers to not tunnel because then survivors will actually be able to use their DS if they do. It's a win win.

  • QuestionedTurkey
    QuestionedTurkey Member Posts: 20

    @DexyIV said:
    Killers tunnel. This is a way to counter it. DS needs a weakspot and a niche instead of a get out of jail free card. This also motivates killers to not tunnel because then survivors will actually be able to use their DS if they do. It's a win win.

    if you get instantly tunneled off hook and dont move you dont get to use it. even if you make it a little ways they'll just dribble you back :/ its a lose most of the time, win some perk.

  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    Because leaving you on ground is not bannable (if camp body) someone farm you/unhook you when camped and wait 60 sec to grab you. Good job

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    @QuestionedTurkey said:

    @DexyIV said:
    Killers tunnel. This is a way to counter it. DS needs a weakspot and a niche instead of a get out of jail free card. This also motivates killers to not tunnel because then survivors will actually be able to use their DS if they do. It's a win win.

    if you get instantly tunneled off hook and dont move you dont get to use it. even if you make it a little ways they'll just dribble you back :/ its a lose most of the time, win some perk.

    Not really. If you see the killer coming back, you shouldn't just stand on the hook. If you do, that's on you, not your perk being nerfed. If you're decent and you're getting tunneled, you will get a lot of use out of this perk. It's a counter to a scummy tactic.

  • Glyfos
    Glyfos Member Posts: 1

    This is a big nerf to DS, but I think they could use this to make a real no-tunel perk. Here it's juste a nerf, but if they have made an easier test for the DS it would be better I think to balance the nerf with a little up : then u can only use DS to anti-tunel, but it's easier to do it.

    But it's cool, they focus the frustration of killers... When something to kill survivor's frustration? Making something against leatherface and face camp?

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    @QuestionedTurkey said:

    @DexyIV said:
    Killers tunnel. This is a way to counter it. DS needs a weakspot and a niche instead of a get out of jail free card. This also motivates killers to not tunnel because then survivors will actually be able to use their DS if they do. It's a win win.

    if you get instantly tunneled off hook and dont move you dont get to use it. even if you make it a little ways they'll just dribble you back :/ its a lose most of the time, win some perk.

    They said they wanted to prevent dribbling, so I think the skillcheck happens as you are being picked up. That way you wont get put back on the hook so easily.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    The skill check is when the killer starts to pick you up and is thus before they can put you back down. So you can't dribble it anymore

  • QuestionedTurkey
    QuestionedTurkey Member Posts: 20

    @PigNRun said:

    @QuestionedTurkey said:

    @DexyIV said:
    Killers tunnel. This is a way to counter it. DS needs a weakspot and a niche instead of a get out of jail free card. This also motivates killers to not tunnel because then survivors will actually be able to use their DS if they do. It's a win win.

    if you get instantly tunneled off hook and dont move you dont get to use it. even if you make it a little ways they'll just dribble you back :/ its a lose most of the time, win some perk.

    They said they wanted to prevent dribbling, so I think the skillcheck happens as you are being picked up. That way you wont get put back on the hook so easily.

    oh I didnt see that part! okay that actually helps quite a bit if you do manage to make it away

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464

    @QuestionedTurkey said:

    @PigNRun said:

    @QuestionedTurkey said:

    @DexyIV said:
    Killers tunnel. This is a way to counter it. DS needs a weakspot and a niche instead of a get out of jail free card. This also motivates killers to not tunnel because then survivors will actually be able to use their DS if they do. It's a win win.

    if you get instantly tunneled off hook and dont move you dont get to use it. even if you make it a little ways they'll just dribble you back :/ its a lose most of the time, win some perk.

    They said they wanted to prevent dribbling, so I think the skillcheck happens as you are being picked up. That way you wont get put back on the hook so easily.

    oh I didnt see that part! okay that actually helps quite a bit if you do manage to make it away

    Yea the SC will appear as he picks you up.

    So if you have the skill you will get away but if you miss the tunnel remains.

    I like it, punishes the killer for tunnel but the survivors also have pressure on them to hit that SC or they get re-hooked right off.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Sandbaggers are the real weakness here and that's on the team not killer. Enduring is the same as before so I'm not seeing the issue. As for the timer I feel its good, long enough that a gen can be done and not so long that it blows the whole game as a security blanket. Being situational like killer perks doesn't make it weak just more acceptable as the opposition, as killer you failed to maneuver around it and move on. Gaureented safety sucks the fun out of the game.
  • ThottieLottieLyn
    ThottieLottieLyn Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2019

    I think it's kind of alright as in the direction they were trying to go for.

    Although the fact that killers can just bring a mori making the perk entirely useless or say you get hooked and you end up in struggle will also make it entirely useless sucks pretty badly.

    If anything it feels like a slightly worse borrowed time that they're trying to bring in.

    it would be more worth to bring the reworked DS if it had multiple uses. you wouldn't be sure if the killer has a mori or not, or if your teammates weren't entirely jerks and left you on hook to struggle the entire time from first hook, which this would probably prompt them to start bringing one more often.

    sure the fact you get to basically use it instantly now and it can now slightly deter tunnelling is great, but to make it a little better it should at least still be in use if you fail the check (so the perk goes into a cooldown of sorts if you wiggle off their shoulder, resetting once on hook) or make the stun last a smidgen longer.
    Or as the OP said, make the timer for its effect to last longer.

    Though I'm just looking at this at a neutral point on the nerf it brings to people who take it... I personally dont run it because I prefer to run away and not get caught.

  • e8Lattice
    e8Lattice Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2019

    I don't actually use DS but for the people who do this is going to detract from its practical use and more importantly FUN (because the goal of a game is to have fun right behaviour? RIGHT?) lol.

    DS is a one off, single use through away perk. Because of that it SHOULD be powerful. It doesn't need a nerf / re-work. If this goes live it'll just be another somewhat useful perk Survivors wont take because there's far better stuff out there. Stuff which Killers will inevitably /cry about and get nerfed as well (because that's what Killers do)

    Bring it on, more easy-mode, hand-held, babied pandering for our special snowflake Killer community. lawl. so predictable.

    What I want to know is when obviously OP crap that clearly needs a nerf like BBQ Cheese getting nerfed? Oh wait that would go against the Killer hand-holding business model behaviour has. Never mind then.

  • ArthurFiNCHr
    ArthurFiNCHr Member Posts: 78

    Let's be honest, is there anyone who REALLY thinks that this perk will be used when those changes will be introduced to the game?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @DexyIV said:
    Killers tunnel. This is a way to counter it. DS needs a weakspot and a niche instead of a get out of jail free card. This also motivates killers to not tunnel because then survivors will actually be able to use their DS if they do. It's a win win.

    Thats debatable.
    I can only speak for myself, but I will slugg a lot more if the DS change goes life in its current form

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ArthurFiNCHr said:
    Let's be honest, is there anyone who REALLY thinks that this perk will be used when those changes will be introduced to the game?

    Why wouldnt it be used? Survivors complain about being tunneled all the time

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    @Master said:

    @DexyIV said:
    Killers tunnel. This is a way to counter it. DS needs a weakspot and a niche instead of a get out of jail free card. This also motivates killers to not tunnel because then survivors will actually be able to use their DS if they do. It's a win win.

    Thats debatable.
    I can only speak for myself, but I will slugg a lot more if the DS change goes life in its current form

    It's still designed to counter tunneling even if you do slug. Slugging is a counter to this change. The fact it forces you to slug under the assumption that someone has it just emphasizes my point that it's meant to combat tunneling.