ik bhvr you like the spanish language, but why you dislike german ? (ironic)

But now really try to write German in the end game chat without censoring 90% of the words, btw this is a normal conversation between 3 people who know each other and write in German together, I know bhvr you love the Spanish language celebrate it with us code, but that's no reason to censor the German ones so much xD
the bad "insult" i'm doing is "i know almost 90% of the words in german are censored" and of that i, almost and 90% are not censored :))) please give me the option to turn this off it's really annoying...
Works the same in english as well, the censor is just really broken in general and you cannot be asked to report any single word this garbage thing censors because then you'd be doing nothing else...
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It's just that the postgame censor is weird.
I've had the word 'or' censored.
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Nah I can promise that German gets hit 30x harder than every other language.
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You sure? I had problems with both, since german is my first language I usually write in german when people have german names or profiles...
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Yes I can confirm most of my English sentences go through unscathed but "ich" is too much for the chat filter, let alone trying to tell someone it was a fun game (Spaß could mean anything you know, and don't even get me started on Glück)
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Have you tried Erfolg instead of Glück? ^^ I don't know how to use something else for Ich... besides maybe using dialect?
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"Ick bin ein Berliner" 😜
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Do you mean the snack or the citizen of Berlin? ^^ Btw. many people don't know the cricumstances of that Kennedy quote, and I find that even more interesting, than the quote itself.
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I am german as well and I have problems in german and english. There is no language that seems to get better through the filter , at least for me.
Me trying to say (in english) : " I wish you good luck in your next matches"
looks like that in the PGC " I ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ---- matches"
and the other player probably thinks I am swearing at them like crazy. xD
I hardly write anything anymore except GG in the chat , because it´s just not worth it due to the censoring.
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Both. 😋
And yeah, i find it funny that Kennedy was so close to the native dialect with his accidental pronunciation.
That's at least what i think, maybe he did say it intentionally to imitate the native "Icke" that's used for Ich/I or it developed from his quote? I wouldn't know since i am not from around there and mostly dialect free.
But to the topic, i normally don't use my native language online (German) even when the serve i am playing on is marked for it, like in WoW.
And the chat filter in DBD has already make me look like i wanted to insult people with all it's censoring in english, so don't want to imagine what it would look like it.
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Everything German is heavily censored, no matter how positive it may be. on the other hand, all russian insults seem to go through without problems.
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I just think that the ch like we use it in german words does not appear with that pronounciation in english and that's why it sounded like that in his speech.
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Because german is so "hard" :-)
At least everybody says so...
So beautiful words like: Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
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i mean... when you look at der, die and das then it is harder than english by far ^^ no need to learn if words masculin or feminen or neutral ^^
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I don´t mean how it is to learn - they say the sound of german is "hard"
I guess because of our words with T or P or son in it.
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Yeah that's true.
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Es ist wirklich schade, dass die gute alte deutsche Sprache so zensiert wird.
Its really a shame that the good old german language is cencored this way.
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you cannot write this sentence in chat without being censored
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Sad story bro.
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You know, spanish words are also heavily censored. Maybe not as much as german's but still, words like 'negocio'(business) or 'pensa'(think) are banned.
And the celebration code was not even spanish, it was portuguese🤨