This absolute most boring way to play…

I’m a hard killer main… but man the onryo condemnation build is soooooo boring to play against. Slug slug slug…. Slug slug slug….
It's not that bad when your competent at looping.
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that's true, but the looping possibilities depend on the map and the rng.
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And you can only extend chases so long when the game is taking 5ever. The type of player to do the Onryo condemned strat is also going to do the gen kick bot routine and not commit to anyone who is competent in chase.
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I’m an extremely competent looper.
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This is exactly what they did. Game lasted way too long for the resources available. Eventually I ran out of stuff to use.
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Yea well this is not the way Im playing Sadako. I am playing her regulary for hooks, with spooky builds XD.
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This was the first time I’ve played a sadako using this method. They didn’t hook at all. Just slugged, kicked gens with CoB, then teleported over and over. It was not a fun game. 😂
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They learned from One Pump Willie.
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Unfortunately, the OPW style is the only way to make this killer viable at decent MMRs.
Post edited by BoxGhost on3 -
I am sorry if the killer player is not being your puppet and your not getting your 3-5 generator chases looping m1 killers.
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Survivors: "Camping and tunneling is boring. What happened to killers that chase?"
Also Survivors: "OMG this game is so long, why won't he just hook us?"
Pick a lane, dude. You finally have a strat that doesn't send you to oblivion in the first 30 seconds, doesn't camp you, and doesn't go AFK.
Some people are never happy.
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Boy I sure do love sitting on the ground waiting to get picked up and put right back down on the ground.
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I will never understand this way of thinking. It has nothing to do with the killer player being a puppet or not. If most people wanted that they would play in a 4-man SWF sweat squad on comms and bring the best stuff and map offerings every game.
The reason this game is popular and still relevant is its chases. Most people want chases that are fun and interactive for both sides. It has nothing to do, at all, with what you said.
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I don't understand why you can say you laugh at the idea of a Survivor's Rulebook for Killers when every day another thread like this is made crying about YET ANOTHER THING killers shouldn't be allowed to do.
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Must have lost to this boring build.
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Game done too fast "OMG survivors are Gen rushing"
Game last forever with 5 Gens left and 2 survivors that hiding "OMG survivors are taking hostage"
Its your turn to pick a lane. You like the game to last long or not?
Survivors want to interact in a match longer (which is not tunneled) doesnt mean hard slugging giving them an interacting match.
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I will never understand your line of thinking because every match you load into as survivor will have at least 1 chase. The more survivor you play, the more chases you get over-time.
Survivor's want to speed-run escape every single match. They want to win every match and T-bag the killer at exit gates. These type of posts are basically: "Why is Sadako not a free instant-win? BVHR, I am not escaping. This is not fun".
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I respect the point you are trying to make, but your comparison is deeply flawed.
Immersion and refusing to do gens is literally holding the game hostage as per the developers own words. Those games can go 20, 30, 50 minutes or more.
Slugging is not holding the game hostage as per the developers own words. Those scenarios can last a maximum of four minutes for that person and then they die.
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We shouldn't encourage things that are unfun.
Wouldn't it be be far better if Onryo received buffs to the rest of her kit?
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Lol you’re taking it way too serious. I play killer 85% of the time. I’m just pointing out that I did not enjoy going against the slugging onryo play style. Let me add, WITH teammates that could not loop for their life. I love playing against blights and nurses. I don’t even mind tunneling or camping. But a slugging onryo is absolutely boring. I’m not mad or upset lol.. it was just a boring game. 😂
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I mean yes, her kit is pretty atrocious. And I say that as someone that got her to P3 and every single perk (the HARD way) right after she launched. I was super excited and then let down all at the same time.
But "unfun" is kinda relative. Survivors do all sorts of things that I find incredibly unfun. I simply don't understand how people can continue to uphold this double standard that nothing a Survivor does falls under this "unfun" category, but there's a VERY long list of finger-waggles for killer players.
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Can I ask for the list of "unfun" things survivors do? The only thing I can think of is BM acts toward killers
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Tebagging at the gates.
Head-On stuns (especially when coordinated)
Flashlight blinds.
Refusing to leave/go through the hatch.
Bodyblock swarms.
Now you might say "Well, that is all part of the game!" to which I will reply "I agree", but that doesn't make them FUN.
Sadako's mori playstyle, camping, tunneling, and slugging are also all part of the game. But for some reason those are human rights violations and anything a Survivor does is "just get over it, bro".
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Tbag yes
Head on in Swf yes, in Solo not, it feel great when save a random teammate with it.
Flash blind not, Im pressed if they flash save me for their teammate than mad at them (if no BM)
This is only if they tbag
Body block to save a teammate from hook not. Should teammate just leave them to die especially hard tunneling?
Especially, none of them rob you the ability to play the game.
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I don't mind that they're not being a puppet, but a perk carry is a perk carry. Overtuned slowdown synergy is the only thing making that strat viable. Just like how Freddy was suddenly bad once Undying was nerfed and the Undying/Ruin/Tink build was gone.
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None of those really bother me when I’m playing killer. 🤷🏻♂️ Then again I do main blight and am on a win streak right now. 🥸 I usually make survivors mad rather than vice versa.
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My point is that fun is subjective.
As for "robbing" you of the ability to play the game, the Killer's job is literally to take you out of the game so you can't play anymore. That's his literal, actual objective. So when people say things like "When I get camped or tunneled I can't play!"
That is the idea.
Just like I don't cry when I get out in laser tag or dodgeball.
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As a Sadako main, I commit to every chase and still get downs quick, I never slug specifically while using the Condemned playstyle because I think it's more fun and challenging.
Condemned is not a boring strat, you're just playing against boring Sadakos.
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I love Condemned build Sadako, but I intentionally avoid slugging too. So it's a lot more challenging and I think more fun.
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Onryo has been my main killer lately but I can honestly say I have never played this strategy and never would.
It is what makes the Twins so awfully unfun to play against - slugging and camping slugs with Victor is the best strategy but very unfun to verse. Being slugged is probably the most boring and frustrating thing for me personally as you cant play the game at all (my biggest issue with Eruption too).
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Better don't get used to slug builds.
When mini Unbreakable basekit hits the live version, this strat won't work anymore.
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I have to agree. I mean, I don't mind when it happens - especially bodyblocking, as I understand, but it's so frustrating nonetheless. It's efficient, but not "fun". Then again what's fun for the killer isn't for the survivor. Hence you can't balance around fun.
Point taken. But how long 'til it happens I wonder?
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Of course no one's going to cry at a game in public, we're all behind the screen, complaining about other side not playing how we want in DBD.
Just let you know 4K every match is not what the Devs aim for. Same for 100% escape rate. Try hard is pointless.
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Okay? That doesn't change the fact that Side A is not accountable to side B's personal Fun Police.
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i agree. I don’t mind sadako at all. The slugging part is extremely boring.
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It's literally a killer main voicing an opinion on something. How is that a survivor rulebook and how is that even relevant to his post?
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They have never said unbreakable is definitely going to be made basekit.
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Issue is solo
You get ppl on your team who dont get it and it's over