Super "boring" killers during the event?

After the event has been released i just cant play survivor... Im playing with a friend who is new and obv he gets tunneled out every single match first i mean even when im bodyblocking or other teammates they just ignore them. ALL killers slug for the 4k too. I mean i've had games with 2 insta dcs and the killer still slugs xd.
Now i dont really care everyone can play how they want but i am a little curious if anyone else is seeing this trend? I mean i havent been slugged for a while in literally months (slugged as last survivor) ive had it twice today where they slug me for 4mins and i had one yesterday so something is up :D
this is a bad time for an event to happen at the end of a month cycle. killers are trying to rank up to iri 1 or close to it so they are going for wins.
Try and play some killer matches and be the fun killer.
For whatever reason both sides are playing more competitive and less fun or funny ways.
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It has been unusually sweaty, even for an event. Not ALL killers are super sweatlords, tho. There aren't many, but we do exist lol I'm almost always a nice killer unless ppl are playin scummy....then they get the turtlefang
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Yea didnt think about the date and i mean that might be true. Its just that they are toxic i mean slugging the 3rd survivor and just to get me then slugging me for 3 - 4 at the end :D that havent happened in months. One more thing yes i do play killer and mess around during the event ^^ dont worry!
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I do exactly that; try to be the fun killer.
I NEVER run full slowdown builds, I never run NOED or annoying stuff like Franklin's or Eruption and I NEVER tunnel off hook or camp yet I win almost every match.
I try to play for fun more so than 'wins' as I no longer care to sweat to win and I wish more people did this as the game would be a lot more fun for both sides.
That being said, there are just some lobbies you are never going to have a fun game with and I try to just move on and not take it out on the next lot therefore perpetually repeating the cycle of toxicity
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Yea i had one game with bubba onm eyrie. I hid in a snowman let them do 3 gens ambushed one from above in main building and downed her. managed to get 8 hooks with lightborn, shadoowborn, unrelenting (to get out of the snowman faster ^^) and enduring. Literally a complete meme build with a bottom / mid tier killer on a map thats really sh*t for bubba. Either way they were a 4man swf with a 3 gen head start all pallets left at the end they trashtalked me so hard wrote death threats and #########:p The toxicity is insane survivors cry at endgame & killers slug you for 4 minutes :D
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Yeah there are those players who will complain no matter how chilled you are. I still get that even though I play incredibly fair to the point I am probably a bit silly for being so nice...
But there are those players who are so wholesome and appreciate the fun and we all leave the match smiling and wishing each other well - good vibes all round. I aim for more of that and try to brush off the toxic cry baby morons
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Because I am already Iri 1, I play super nice with Non-Meta-Perks only.
Things like Grim Embrace, the Wolf-Perks (Territorial whatever thing) from Huntress, Zenshin Tactics or Blood Warden XD.
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It’s both sides buddy. Survivor SWF’s were full blast last night.
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survivors would t bag me at gates even after i play really fair and nice, purposefully avoiding a survivor on death hook and stuff. it's either they are completely oblivious to what's going on or how killer is playing, or they just want more toxicity in game from both sides idk but annoying for sure.
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Super boring survivors,gen rushing from the start,flashlight blinding killer in snowman trying to hi5,hiding all match.Way to make the event fun survivors!!!
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yea i got death threats playing bubba xd
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Yea I feel that. I stream every night and I get some pretty hateful people come in if I beat them.
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The problem is not that killers are boring, but the game allows them to be boring, for example: a while ago I recommended that when a survivor was saved from the hook, the killer would take about 5 seconds to know that that survivor was saved, to give him a chance to hide and not be tunneled by the killer
At the time I was very criticized for having this idea, but killers like Nurse, blight, Hag, and demogorgon for example, are killers that can use tunnel even when far from the hook, just hear the signal of someone being saved and he simply goes back to tunnel the surv
Another problem is in relation to the DS, in addition to being nerfed, the skillcheck is very small, since the killers complained so much about the DS, the skillchecks could be bigger, they won't make a difference, also these perks should have other means of acquiring them. las, this game is too "pay to win"
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That's not the problem, but the game allows the killers to be too oppressive, I'm personally the type that thinks that in all games, players have to give their best to win, but in DBD that doesn't generate fair matches, being due to the asymmetric issue, or the bad planning of the perks, this is the fault of the devs and not the players, either survs or killers
to give you an idea, DBD is strong for survs as long as there are 4 survs alive, after one dies, it seems that the game totally favors the killer depending on the level of the players, the killers have tools to find generators, camp and tunnel without need training or perks,
while survs need training or perks to be able to deal with strong killers or slow gens, I still don't think players should limit their gameplay, as it gives the impression that the game is killer sided, but the game itself needs it create constraints to balance matches
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I feel they need to punish tunnelling more somehow, as this is a dirty tactic that was rarely used years ago but is quite common now. Reducing DS stun to 3 seconds has effectively rendered that perk useless which does not help.
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Yea thats the thing... Its fun too because when i do meme bbuilds with meme killers and like secure the 2nd hook stage on someone they cry about camping... But deep down i know that i could play pain res nurse with double recharge and tunnel the crap out of a survivor and win 99% of the matches :D
It is kind of like you said the game allows them to be boring and it favors them so obviously they are gonna do it. At the end of the day everyone can play how they want...
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BHVR allows survivors to do toxic and boring stuff too.And they do a lot of both.
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yes, but that is not part of the subject, if you want to complain about it, create a topic for it, and I will be happy to exchange ideas with you
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for sure, see an example: we know that there are many killers that let the survs bleed to death on the ground without hooking precisely because the game allows this, however, the devs wanted to put the unbreakable as a base kit to try to end this and many killer player complained,
Now comes the question: are they complaining why they think this can minimize their strategy by reducing the cooperative part of the survs, or why they can no longer spend their time watching a surv die on the ground, that's the problem
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This DS nerf was a mistake, they made the perk unusable, but they didn't solve the killer tunneling problem, I had an idea that would be interesting to make the DS fair:
-he would have 5 seconds of stun
-would work in the end game
-Ds would not trigger on match if you go from injured to healed state
my idea would be that the ds would be useful when the killer was putting pressure to the point of surv not being able to heal, currently the ds is seen as an extra healing slot, I find it ridiculous for a player to surv several times in the boon totem for example and still have Ds, but it would still be useful against those killers who focus on wanting to take a player out of the game early on
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It is part of the subject!The post complaining that killers play a certain way and use certain perks and strategy that survivors think is bad or toxic and behavior allows it,I just said killers can say the exact same thing!
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A few things:
- Games with multiple DCs...yeah. Get them done ASAP - although it's a lose/lose for killers. Wipe everyone out ASAP? 'omG swEAtLord gieV us a ccHance'. Give everyone chance to recover? 'OMg TROLL just END'.
- Focusing one person out of the game ASAP is, sadly, how killer works. Try to 2 hook everyone? You're going to get destroyed and teabagged all the way to the gate.
That all said - yes, there are still campers, sluggers and the rest. But slugging is going to be changed soon, and it's never been less rewarding to tunnel or camp than it is now.
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You'll laugh, these types of killers have already complained that 'no one on dbd wants to have fun with the event' when they bring in a slug-at-5-gens-and-still-tunnel-and-noed-ebony-mori-Devour-build....
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Anyone who wants tunneling removed from the game needs to ask for it to happen for BOTH sides. Killers tunnel out survivors and survivors tunnel out generators.
A quick note to solidify this idea: if the gens are never completed the killer won the game .
It's not fun as killer to lose 2-3 gens by your first hook. That is 2/5 or 3/5 of the survivor objective. How does the killer catch up? He needs ideally two hook states on the same survivor. That means camp the last 15 seconds or so because the survivors chose gens before friends. And then when they hit stage two you tunnel them out of the game.
That makes it 3/12 to 3/5 in terms of score. If the killer still has a three gen then he can possibly win.
Deadlock or corrupt (pick one) needs to become a base kit perk. Deadlock is the better choice because the perk could be kept exactly as it is and it just extends the duration for +30 seconds (meaning gens get locked for 60 seconds). With this change Deadlock would need to be given "rollback protection" so that if two gens are 99% completed then it is not possible for both to finish. One will be rolled back to 99% to prevent SWF coordination. We had this for hits at pallets so this could be done for gen completion.
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I would be happy if they returned the stun back to 5 seconds and leave everything the way it was before that. 3 seconds is not enough to make any real distance
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Bubba always gets his one kill. When you fix that, then I believe the camping issue is fixed.
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Only time I slug is for challenges, but other killers probably want that 4k. Nothing inherently wrong with that, but I can see how it can suck, on the receiving end.
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This. I stopped to play nice and care about there fun long ago because of that. I tryed to not tunnel and I still to this day don't proxy around just to tunnel but if I see you and a healthy survivor I will hunt you cause you are easier down and you already have a hook state. It doesn't matter how good I got with playing killer since there are atleast two gens done after first chase most of the time three. That's half the survivors objective. If there where two survivors dead by the time one Gen is done survivor would say the killer is eqay way to strong but somehow its Okey for them to make half there objektiv and put a ton of pressure on the killer and then demand he should play as fair as possible and entertain them
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........... Killers actually are using the snowmen? Interesting. Any game I play, it's an Esports. Try to have a little fun with the killer in a snowman (especially in a game with 2 dcs at 4 gens) and what do I get? Slugged. Yeah, real fun from the killers.
Goes both ways, bud.
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Maybe it’s the two SURVIVOR dcs ruining it.
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The biggest problem with UB basekit is if survivors choose to, they can make hooking literally impossible with it. Slugging is the only real defense killers have against certain situations and an unlimited UB destroys that. I'm all for a solution to killers that abuse slugging, but not at the cost of simply shifting the problem to the other side. There has to be a solution in the middle somewhere.
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Why would this "event" cause anyone to play differently? Snowmen are worthless outside of hiding, and hiding in them rarely ever works.
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The DBD has several problems to be solved, and your opinion is not helping to solve the problem of the topic, it doesn't help at all that you want to say that the killers abuse the camping, tunnel and slug (which on top of that are things that they don't even need training to use) while a lot of the things you mention about survs being toxic need training, like looping and flashlight save, by the way, the devs nerfed locker safe which was something hard to learn, why can't they nerf the tunnel that just press W to do? you didn't think about that, did you?
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There is absolutely no way your saying survivor takes more skill than killer lmao!!!!Knowing when to camp and tunnel or slug to make it work takes training if you do any of it without thought none of it is any good.90% of survivors gameplay is hold w.You have to be trained to click a flashlight over and over?Flashlight saves are easier now than they have ever been,devs just fixed something that wasn’t supposed to happen with flashlights locker saves.Looping takes skills yes but if the killer is putting you down in a camp or slug position then obviously he’s good enough to get the hits.Did you think about any of your post?
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slugging is going to be changed soon? ooh yea by the unbreakable basekit which is a dumb idea... I mean they could fix it by just ending the match instantly without the basekit UB... Or well let the last survivor just have a bleedout button you hold...
the "focusing one person out" isnt really needed... however its much easier. But good thing the devs nerfed DS and made the stun 3 sec so now everyone runs off the record which allows you to just hit someone straight off the hook and now off the record is useless ;)
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Yea i dont know... Havent seen a single survivor or killer use the snowman the killers tunnel and slug more frequently i mean i havent been slugged in months (slugged as in left to bleed out*) I had it 3 times in 5 matches when the event came out. Coincidence? I think not!
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Really? I see a fair few people on both sides playing around with them.
The idea needs work, yeah. But it's definitely a move in the right direction.
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Tunneling happens at least 8/10 of my matches and it sucks big time. It's making the game incredibly boring.
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Yea and everyone saying there is no reason to tunnel and its never been less rewarding blah blah... If someone gets unhooked and you hit them instantly off the record doesn't really matter and almost no one uses DS anymore it's literally risk free and in worst case scenario DS is only 3 sec so you can't really get anywhere unless you're close to a loop already... I see way more tunnelers now than i did with old DS people were literally scared of DS now well... one cares anymore
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? I said everyone can play how they want. The devs obviously don't want camping and tunneling as they said so themselves... My last point is thst killer isn't fun anymore you win EVERY SINGLE MATCH I play shadowborn bubba(shadow born only sometimes i run agi madgrit and irongrasp too) and the matches are still not even close to being near a loss. Have you even played nurse lately they just DC you can't even play the "good" killers nurse = DC, Twins = DC etc.
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I've just been playing turbo Santa Clown, using just yellow bottles and zooming around. I don't go for kills, just my 8 hooks. Pretty fun, ngl. I try to get high fives in the snowman near end game, and its about 50/50. Overall 5/7 good times.
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Ok said and said but they took drastic changes to prevent it in the big rework patch whatever it was 6.4.0. I still odnr get what you're arguing about "ItS a VaLiD sTrAt" i never said it wasnt i also said everyone can play how they want. But they said the would adress tunneling and camping on the 6.4.0 patch that didn't happen now killers tunnel every match because it's never been a better time to tunnel... Did you play dbd back in 2017 2018 2019 2020? If you tunneled you had a guaranteed DS basically.
I just dont get what you mean with tunneling has never been as unrewarding as it is now or whatever you said. Could you perhaps elaborate?
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So you think the devs want kilers to camp? thats their main goal understandable...
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Well im not gonna argue with you since you apperantly take everything i say seriously. When i asy you i dont mean everyone in the whole world. When i said devs said so themselves i didnt mean SAY physically but they dedicated a whole patch to revamp everything and said they would adress tunneling and camping therefore i dont think its something they want. If your dad say take anything you want when youre lets say buying candy do you take that as him saying "buy the entire store"? ^^
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Yes i get that and i also said that i believe everyone can play how they want... You're still not answering the question DO YOU think the DEVS WANTS CAMPING? do you think the strive for camping? its a yes or no question
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Devs have stated multiple times over the years that camping and tunnelling are valid strategies to use. They are staring to address it now because every survivor pretends that every game is camping and tunneling when it occurs in less than 10% of my matches as survivor and i play quite a bit. And i dont think im being placed in special "no camping ques"
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i dont care about that you're still ignoring my question... I think its a valid strat my question was do you think they STRIVE FOR CAMPING? My whole steam profile is dedicated to bubba camping LMAO.
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this is a stupid question and utterly irrelevant to the above discussion.
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What i asked was if anyone else had much slugging. I didnt even talk about camping initially and everything im asking is do you think the devs wants camping? becuase i get what @VillainousTurtles is saying but that doesnt have to do with my question i simply asked do you think the devs want camping in the game? yes or no? not if they care about camping...
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You're not answering my question they did a patch to try and prevent tunneling and camping do you think they want camping? yes or no Why do you think DS exists? off the record? why do you think devour hope, make your choice requires you to stay AWAY FROM THE HOOK? monstrous shrine?
You're the one talking none sense. You're arguing about a differnet topic not related to the initial post or any of my comments i simply asked do you think the devs want camping yes or no not if the devs care about camping. I know they let everyone play how they want (besides survivors hiding all game (or holding the game hostage) which is bannable and body blocking as killer (holding the game hostage))