The Hillbilly is the most fun and interactive killer in dead by daylight

What makes DBD fun is the chase, both chasing survs and being chased by the killer are the most fun things in the game. Thus, a fun to vs and play killer is one that is:
1. Skillful to utilize and master; so that there's plenty of room to improve on the killers end and you can respect the time they put in from the survs end
2. Reliable counterplay and ability to punish survs mistakes; so that survs have something reliable to work with to outplay them and the killer has the ability to punish wrong read from the survs.
Billy has both of these.
Takes thousands of hours to not only master the mechanical skill of curving and feathering accurately but also to build the game knowledge and map knowledge to know how to zone efficiently and utilize your map mobility to it's max potential.
He also has extremely reliable counterplay such as; going wide on tiles when Billy is going for a curve, crouching next to corners Billy is about to curve causing him to glide off of you (crouch tech), getting in corners of tiles that Billy is about to curve so that he goes around you, and of course dropping pallets early. And almost all of these pieces of counterplay if read by the Billy will result in a down punishing the surv.
I plead my case, may be a tad biased cause I'm a billy main but come-on. Show Billy players more love. They play a difficult to learn and average strength killer that's fun to vs and most even play without slowdowns. Spread the love
Everyone loves billy players. But I disagree he has too much counterplay, too many loops he can't play the game at. Blight without his top add-ons is the most skillful killer for both sides by far, there is many many different things a survivor player can do to deal with a blight. On the other hand billy is only b tier because the survivors have so much power over his ability especially depending on the map. When someone abuses collision vs Billy there is really nothing he can do, when someone abuses collision vs blight it's actually skillful and something I see so rarely it's impressive. 95% of survivors have barely scratched the surface on how to play vs blight or even what he does because he has that much depth, compare that to Billy who is only hard because of how mechanically challenging his curves are and is pretty easy to deal with. Pretty much anything Billy can do Blight can do better, anything bad for Billy isn't as bad for blight. But Blight has many more counter play options that are harder to pull off. You know how many times I have been intentionally pluto'd as blight? Maybe 5 times, when there are countless pluto spots and shack everyone should know. It's just survivor's don't care to learn blight and all is mastery in order to deal with him.
Billy is great and by far the most mechanically hard killer in the game but his kit is outdated and abusable.
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I can agree for sure.
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Decent Billy's tend to play honourably too, I never see a true skill Billy tunnel or camp even on the most awful map. I have been trying to learn Billy but so far he is by far the hardest and most frustrating killer to play
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BHVR once had the exact same opinion, calling him their most balanced and well-made killer... then patch 4.1 happened and Billy became an endangered species in DBD.
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As a Billy main and a person who talks to fellow Billy players its always sad when you see how much the rework hit him. I really do encourage people to read his addons and as yourselves is this actually fair? We LOVE going for chases with survivors but the addons (not to mention overheat) has crippled him to the point a majority of Billy mains have started to quit the game as it's clear 0 thought was put into his "re-work" (it was a Nerf, say it as it is.)
Template:Add-ons: Chainsaw (Hillbilly) - Official Dead by Daylight Wiki (
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I mean you are right Billy is great but you very fist sentence is not necessarily true.
I enjoy a good chase but what gives me much more joy is legions hit and run style. Running around stabbing left and right and trying to get that sweet sweet fifth stab. On the same level of enjoyment is super stealth Ghostface. Come as near as possible get the stalk and hit then before they can react no chases at all.
Both types don't have don't involve the classic chase but again I also enjoy a good chase and Billy is a good fun killer bhvr should take as an example for there other classic chase killers
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Where did they say that?
I only know the players calling him like that. Since 2017... Quite clear that he is not the "most balanced Killer" anymore a few years after that, if Killer became so much easier over time.
Yeah, this is true. Billy is really fun to play and play against, if they are decent. Would still be nice to not have to use Shadowborn on him to have an enjoyable experience tho..
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You need a really good billy to verse weaker survivors to even be able to down people with your ability so if the billy matches with good players I can imagine it's not very fun.
Probably why the last billy I versed new exactly how to curve on all loops and only got 2 downs, me being the second one and then proceeded to be mad at me because every escaped.
A good killer should be one that on an equal level their power is useful and helpful consistently. It's not fun not being able to use your power, it's the whole point of different killers.... and if you have to verse way weaker opponents it's not a good sign
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Billy is a fun killer to play against.
Playing him feels like a lot of work and skill to make anything happen - he's not like Artist or PH where, if you get good, you can do some insane things. He's the worst of both worlds - high skill floor, without much reward until ridiculously high skill levels.
I'd say 'Artist' fits the bill better. Tons of interactivity, lots of character, but isn't tooth grindingly frustrating to learn.
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I’m gonna have to say Blight takes that cake. He has tons of counterplay to his power if done right, and is extremely punishing if you make a mistake. And out of all the killers, blight has a near endless skill ceiling. I’ve got 1,000 hours in blight and there are still things I learn here and there. New techs and trick spots. Blight is by far the most fun killer to play as and against. It’s crazy how many survivors don’t know how to loop blight. Guess cause there are not many super skilled blights runnin around.
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I agree for the most part regarding Billy. One of my favorite killers to play and verse. Blight almost fits the bill but he has some absolutely ridiculous add ons, and it's rare to run into a Blight that isn't running Alch Ring/Crow, Compound 33, etc.
It's odd, because I imagine most players would greatly prefer to play against interactive skilled chase killers like Billy, but BHVR keeps cranking out the exact opposite chapter after chapter. I never understand their decision-making anymore.
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Of course in one of their old dev streams. It's long gone from twitch. Might have been during a Q&A segment with McLean and either Cote or the bald guy with the glasses (McLean still had hair back then ;) ), can't remember exactly.
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"bald guy with glasses" You mean Ash. Everyone missed him when he left DbD for another BHVR project.
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Yeah, I thought his name was Ash but was not sure because of Evil Dead ;) And yes, he was a very good dev for DBD
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That’s why Billies are the best boys.
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He's fun to play against, but playing as him feels like crap.
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I knew it was only a matter of time until someone shared the crouch tech.
I'm a fellow Billy main but I'll admit playing him is tough. Even if you do everything correctly you can still get screwed over by survivors simply walking a single step to the side, weird collisions or the survivor crouching. It's just too much. Also it feels awful to play Billy without Shadowborn.
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Artist is one of the least interactive killers in the game by far. She put survivors in a position where they only have one option and that's hold W away from the tile. Killers that only give one option for survivors and killer to make are by design boring and uninteractive. Look at knight for instance, The gameplay loop is ; walk to pallet drop guard, surv holds W, repeat till in deadzone or edge map, surv gets hi
t. It's the exact same thing with artist
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Maybe like 6 months ago? People have gotten really good at the sort of minimal movement needed to dodge a birb without running too far.
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Blight is extremely punished? By what? 2.5 second fatigue or only 10 or 7 seconds to recharge his whole power?
Please what kind of punishment is that for a 4.6 killer.
If we don't count his exploit that he currently still has for some reason, where is the endless skill ceiling compared to billy? 😂
How is it fun for a survivor to play against blight when he literally has the most busted addons in the entire game.
- Adrenaline Vial <- No matter how good you dodge the blight he has 7 goddamn tokens or if you throw a pallet his tokens recharge extremely fast. Do you call this extreme punishment?
- Blighted tag <- Survivor has a counter play of going into locker, however with Blights low cooldown they'll end up with hit anyway? Once again lose to lose situation for the survivor.
- C33 <- Press M2 to break pallet in 1.5 seconds and get 3% hindered status. How is any of this still fun? And ofcourse power recharges while you destroy pallet.
- Alchemist ring <- so the blight hits you and gets ALL of his tokens back and goes into small cooldown and he can rush again, this one is always paired with crow, how is that balanced?
- Blighted Crow and Rat, makes Blight one of the fastest killers in the game, once again you get NO punishment for using it and it's the best combo to use in loops.
- Lets be real, Blight has never been the harder killer than Billy nor more enjoyable than Billy in any of his past states that he has been.
- It is not hard to flick a survivor, it is not hard to use bump logic properly.
- So lets look at Billy he has to charge his chainsaw with his best addon for 2.8 seconds, in those 2.8 seconds you are slower than survivor which gives plenty of time for survivor to counter billy by going inside a tile or trying to dodge it.
- I don't even want to start what Billy has to deal with in his current state compared to Blight and I don't know why am I explaining all of this to a person that loves to abuse bugs for advantage very comparable to cheating.
- And no, not any person can hop on Billy or Blight and be good, even blight with his most busted addons. But most certainly they can do much better because 1. He has a better power with less punishment, 2. has better addons and low punishment for missing his rush.
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Grr, i was looking everywhere for this but the reason all billy mains are frustrated and are started to leave with the new map designs not accommodating his traversal/Nerfs.
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yes as survivor I have loads of fun against Billy but the thing is, he is probably not, I agree with people above, the effort is not worth the result when people who play Nurse and Bliight and put 50% less effort against average team can still 4k at 5 gens
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I still don't understand why people put billy in the b tier. He can be stop by a few trees in a deadzone...
bottom 3 overall just slightly above freddy
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Read my post near the beginning of the thread. Hilbilly is bad but few survivors have even cracked the surface on counter play to blight. And in total the combined total of mechanics and the largest needed knowledge in the game makes blight the most skilled thing in this game by far, do you really think the mechanical skill needed for curves is even close to that? Billy's kit is simply not complex enough, if you think other wise you are beyond biased. Again read my post near the beginning.
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Probably because they face him so little that they forgot his weaknesses all so easy to exploit now. 🤣
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There's a HUGE skill difference between Blight and Billy. Billy is not versatile in the way Blight is, allowing you to flick turn whenever you please does not take skill. With Billy you've to pre-flick/curve and rev 10 feet away from a survivor while taking into account there might be a pallet there before you even see it. That's JUST the flicking, I could go on about the unholy addons Blight has at his disposal including a Brown addon which allows you to fricken auto-aim when you bonk your head of something. There's a LOT of training wheels with Blight before it becomes a challenge for the higher end that want speed/turning.
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YOU DID NOT JUST BRING UP C7 LMAO. You have lost all credibility. Why take part in a conversation you know nothing about?
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Enlighten me then. Please, explain to all of us how Blight a killer who gets to go in any direction he likes is more difficult to Billy.
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As I said before, billy's curves make him the most mechanical killer in the game. But all he needs to know about collision is, the few things that have much large collision than the actual model to avoid and things like rad car that have no collision but is very rare.
No one says blights flicks are hard, they really aren't. The hardest thing you will see is an s-flick imo. But let's think about the immense amount of things that you should learn on blight to be good and literally every blight player is still learning and getting better, it doesn't matter who it is. Also the fact that any of his add-ons exist do not make the killer have a lower skill cap. Also how does billy needing to go for flicks make so much harder than blight, what does that have to do with anything? Nothing in this game could be worse for learning a killer than c7 btw, It's gotta be the worst add-on in the game.
Blight needs to know-
- 90's 180's and s-flicks and shoulder flicks
- He has to know the collision of literally everything in the game, this short sentence is really down playing the incredible amount of collision to learn in this game for blight
- Understanding both types of collision blight has
- How to use collision to his advantage, such as most shacks having almost no collision or even plutoing intentionally as a bait. Using a lack of collision vs unknowing survivors
- How to zone a survivor while in power
- How to fake red stain in slam duration
- That capable survivors will pluto him in the right situation
- Hug techs and the many many things you can do with them
- How to run tiles in a completely unique way as the blight
- How to read survivors at tiles such as primitively moving where they are going to go as they start or when they will hold w
- Understanding and utilizing slam duration
- Understanding and utilizing how long each rush goes for
- How to bait out dh with your power
- Deciding asap what you have at your disposal around a tile for bump logic
- How to counter wiggles and spins during lethal rush
How does billy compare to that? Just because he isn't good doesn't mean he's harder.
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Billy is simply too easy to face, if you remember how intense it was to be constantly harassed by a Billy who was speeding around loops and corner slowly making ground on you, then you'd realize how lame it is to face him now, not really as scary as it was before.
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Him being weaker does in fact make him harder. Blight is an S tier with busted add-ons and though there is some prediction in his power usage Billy is almost all predictions. When you play Billy you have to learn the survivors you're playing against and adapt your playstyle accordingly. Blight has five bumps. If a survivor does something you don't expect you have bumps to correct for it. And if not once they recharge you have 10 times the traversal power of Billy and can easily cut off other tiles and catch up.
You have to deal with survivors being able to W key anytime you put up your saw unless you predict it. You have to deal with survivors being able to abuse their smaller hitbox while crouching to avoid getting curved entirely (something blight doesn't have to deal with thanks to shoulder tech). You have to deal with the unique pathing of survivors that can completely negate your power. You have to either hold your saw or curve wide to predict survivor's peeling out on you. You have to manage your overheat and know when to drop your saw and M1 a survivor. You have to know all his mechanics including but not limited to, s curves, 90 curves, 180 curves, round the back curves, and 360 curves. And know how to pull all of them off consistently to catch aware survivor's off guard. Because he is so weak you have to know very intrinsically when to leave Chase with a survivor, for instance when a survivor is pre-dropping pallets or running to a tile that will take too much time to deal with. Going back to predictions You have to predict survivor pathing almost perfectly as once you curve you can only barely correct yourself.
Billy is the hardest to master killer in the game by a long shot. Even an average blight can 4k most games with just bump logic. In order to be that consistent with Billy you have to have mastered him. This is exactly why nobody plays him and the ones who do are either hot garbage or some of the best in the game. There's also a reason a lot of Billy players who have mastered Billy are some of the best killers in the game. A lot of us also play only and blight because they are very similar. Both of which are way stronger
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You are mistaking how hard it is to 4k for his skill cap. His op add-ons can make him easier but it doesn't reduce his max skill potential unless you run them, even then though iri tag is the highest skill add-on in the game. People have mastered billy and no one has mastered blight. I gave you a large list of things to learn on blight, you said reading and curves. Massive knowledge diff between these killers.
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Idk bout balanced anymore but they did say they were "happy with the state that the hillbilly was in" or roughly that before gutting his addons and making most maps a nightmare to play on.
Also I found the statement
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i don't
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Billy is dead and it doesn´t look like he´s coming back. The update killed him and there are no plans on reversing them.
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Yeah, I know this one sentence. This one sentence was the only thing people brought up why he should not be nerfed.
"But they said they were happy with his performance!!!!1111"
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This content has been removed.
I mean they really shouldnt have touched him other than insta saw or crack billy.
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Billy is "fun" because he's rare. Back when he wasn't survivors did nothing but complain about him.
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I've played both and from experience blight is easy asf as soon as you get familiar with bump logic. A blight with good bump logic shuts down most tiles and guarantees hits. Takes maybe 100 hours to get it down max. And with that and A decent build with maybe 2 slowdowns you'll 4k most pub matches.
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I remember playing him so much before his nerf and almost never touching him afterwards.
Has anyone ever figured out how the Buckle addons works on Hillbilly?
8m less TR after you´ve overheated your chainsaw on purpose seems kinda lackluster
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Last time I will converse with you on this. Blight has a higher skill ceiling. Billy has slightly higher mechanical skill but blight requires infinitely more knowledge than billy. Him being more powerful doesn't lower his skill ceiling.
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Killers you can loop for a long time.
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Here Ladies and Gentleman you have a Blight main that thinks, that anything that he listed below is harder than utilizing Billys power.
You literally think that Hug bug an exploit that is used for advantage is part of his skill ceiling. So you are right you should not take part of conversations about who is harder tbf.
But hey, I've seen already one person that said " Removing hug tech will buff blight " you literally sound like his fan.
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Bro you think hug tech exploit is part of his skill ceiling 💀
But I get it, you are a blight main you can't stand that there is a harder killer than yours.. :)
Keep using Blights busted addons and his exploit and thinking that he is harder. :D
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Continue to ignore everything I said, it's definitely my biased that has taken over my thinking. His add-ons don't affect his skill ceiling. You can learn every way to play every single tile and blight will have a indefinite amount more because of map rng, look at the giant list of things I could think of off the top of my head to be good at blight. While the guy I argued with just said "curves" good jobs guys you got muscle memory!!! I also said billy was mechanically harder and blights techs were relatively easy to learn, but blight requires infinitely more knowledge and decision making than billy does. But yeah blight being a better killer than billy definitely affects his skill ceiling, I guess doctor is hard these days xd! Give me real actually thought out explanations that compare to what I said, I'll wait.
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Yep you are right I will ignore everything you said because you literally said that a " Blight player needs to know how to exploit a bug ".
For me you are done. Typical delusional Blight player, I know another player that once said, removing hug tech will buff blight, I bet you´re a fan.
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I guess it depends in what way. Playing most tiles in the game, it's less efficient. It does genuinely save rushes in other places that lead to hits though. The hug tech is simply not fast enough to get a hit on a survivor that is paying attention, although small flat tiles like the tank treads on MacMillan its the only way to play them. I don't know what the point making your first comment if you weren't prepared to actually converse was. Was it just to provoke me on the dbd forums lol. Tell me why hasn't the hug tech been removed yet? It's been 8 months since Mandy made the comment and no dev has commented on it, it probably won't get removed. Like I get it, your stuck in the past playing your clunky abusable character when blight just allows for more skill expression.