SQ experience

lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

I'm spilling my own experience here, not trying to establish a discussion or argue in an objective manner why perk/addon/build/item XYZ is or isn't healthy to the game and its community.For context, I have been playing on east NA for a few years now, mostly SQ. I play killer for challenges mostly, and SWF matches were few and far between.

TL/DR: In the last months, playing SQ has become a huge struggle.

There has not been a single factor to that but a multitude of chronic and acute issues that have made the experience really difficult to enjoy. It was a slow descent into our current state and I know these forums and the community reverberate that sentiment.

Streamers I used to watch have slowly shifted their SQ time to Killer and/or SWF, either playing duo with other streamers or in group with their community. Don't get me wrong, they are free to do so, but there is something inherently enjoyable about SQ that cannot be replicated elsewhere.

There are several Chronic Issues that will take a long time or never be solved and Recent Changes that made SQ worse.

  1. As Scott Jund said in his video https://youtu.be/QieBzx_wSu8 00:38-02:20, DBD doesn't provide a way to fight back or adapt in a match. If you didn't bring the correct counter to the other side's strategy, there is little you can do. No Reassurance for the killer camping? No Unbreakable while the killer is slugging? One regression perk against that team that switched to toolboxes last second? tough luck. Creating a build shouldn't feel like "What do I want to counter on the other side".
  2. Leaving a match is way too easy. The Attempt To Escape mechanic has been a trap for new players since forever and an easy way out for anyone willing to leave a match. This mechanic needs to change to give the team enough time to perform a rescue and keep that player in the match. Make it so that each unsuccessful attempt will NOT consume the timer on the first hook, but rather one of 3 attempt tokens and each consumed token depletes the timer on the struggle hook by 20 seconds, if no rescues happen.
  3. Besides perks and hatch, there are no real comeback mechanics for survivors. Killers can camp, slug and tunnel strategically, but once the match derails for survivors, there is little that can be done. This is also true for other games, but unlike other games, derailing in DBD SQ means you're now playing with one less player. Comebacks are really difficult if not impossible to pull-off and I have no idea how this can be fixed.
  4. The Eruption buff has highlighted the chasm between SQ and SWF comms. The way it stands, there is no in-game signifier that a teammate is in chase, besides the obsession. The fact that you are incapacitated for 25 seconds just makes it worse. Eruption needs counterplay and SQ needs in-game communication. Suggestions given by the community include icons to display other teammates actions, chase status, even proximity chat, base info perks (kindred or bond) while playing SQ.
  5. With the recent meta changes, killers got the better end of the deal. Kill rates went up, mostly at the cost of SQ players. That means the majority of the player-base is experiencing more adverse outcomes, more frustrations, more DCs, and suicides on hooks. The hellish match may be over, but the frustration remains. It's hard to keep a positive attitude after being stomped in a match when someone DCs when at the first Nurse screech.

Despite my love for DBD playing SQ feels like a chore. I can say I've been playing it less and less and don't feel attached to the game anymore to the point where I stopped purchasing DLCs packs since Sadako's Rising. I don't feel secure enough to invest money seeing as it is in not a healthy spot for the majority of the player base. I hope for the best though.


  • acharliet
    acharliet Member Posts: 155
    edited December 2022

    I did take break from DBD lately 2 times, each time by 1 month. I brought to game perk Kindred, I cant see killer aura using this perk :( Also I m having very bad games as Solo-q player :(

    Here I tried to find out if Kindred is bugged : https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/357950/is-perk-kindred-considered-as-bug#latest , not successful yet, its not best perk but might help in games playing Solo-Q

  • Cassiopeiae
    Cassiopeiae Member Posts: 263

    Truer words have never been spoken. Thanks for posting this.

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067

    So if you don’t want to watch Scott Jund video, he is basically saying Killers should not try to win, especially if survivors are bad because of the broken matchmaking. Tunneling and any form of camping is making the community worse. Please follow the survivor rulebook, thanks. Btw, you don’t have skill if you do that.

    Very enlightening, never heard this before. Thanks Scott Jund.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Same as before for me, except the solo queue whining grows exponentially by the day.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,243
    edited December 2022

    2: I don't like the change to escape attempts. You can't force people to stay in the game. They'll just disconnect or go AFK if escape attempts are reworked. And they'll stop playing the game altogether if punishments are severe enough. These things are ultimately symptoms of unfun mechanics.

    3: The lack of comebacks are symptoms of bad matchmaking to me. This can be cleaned up a bit if they would actually match 4 survivors of similar skill together instead of going for queue times above all else. There can be a slight difference in skill. But right now the difference between teammates in the same game is often "softcap survivor" and "doesn't seem to have monitor turned on, possibly has headphones on backwards as well". When the acceptable MMR gap is that wide, you often end up with the weak players being tunneled out extremely early with too many gens remaining, or the strong players dying while the weak players did absolutely nothing.

    4: Eruption needs a complete rework. It is the worst designed perk since Mettle of Man on release. Terrible. I'll never understand how this passed playtesting.

    5: Otz talked a bit about the meta change on twitter. We're closer to balance now than we've ever been, but things are a bit overtuned on killer right now as far as gen kick regression goes. And it feels bad when a lot of the regression perks have such big effects for not a ton success requirement.

  • jwill1197
    jwill1197 Member Posts: 15

    Good post. It's unbearable right now. I've never been more bored or miserable. Playing killer is awesome! I'm not running slowdowns and manage to 2-hook everybody then I can just get to goof around. Survivor? My escape rate has to be below 20%... Every game is a slaughter or a slow-burn 3-gen campfest. I'm playing with really good teammates too. Something is wrong here.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Couldn't agree more. I only play solo when my friends are offline. It's gotten to the point where it's just unbearable in my opinion. Tunneling, camping and stacked slowdown perks are making this game miserable to play.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    we need voice chat or some sort of message system in solo queues like in iDentity v

  • Unimatrix00
    Unimatrix00 Member Posts: 459

    Kindred is bugged. You should be able to find it under the Bugs forum section.