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Is perk Kindred considered as bug ?


Hello Guys !

Couple months ago I reported Kindred bug (black bubbles), still not sure if it was considered as bug, since that time I did take break from DBD 2 times, each time by month, but its not fixed and not sure if its even planned to be fixed (is it bug or not?).

I m Solo-Q player, many times not being unhooked in time so I did use perk Kindred as usefull perk, You know Solo-Q, many killers just camping too much etc. Also it was usefull perk for me to help my Solo-Q teamates.

Today I played couple games, for examper game against Huntress, killer did 8 hooks while playing perks to reach adept, but I havent seen killer aura once :(


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,485

    In the most recent patch notes (6.4.2) this is listed as a known issue, therefore they are already working on a fix I would assume:

    • The Killer’s Aura does not properly appear while Kindred is active if the Hooked Survivor did not equip the Perk. 

  • poinepp
    poinepp Member Posts: 122

    it's not the perk kindred that is bugged it's just the bubble that blocks any aura in the game. So bubbles just cause this issue