(More) Knight Suggestions

So a few changes I would suggest, whether some or all make it are as followed:

  • Guards should damage all objects in their patrol path, whether this means kicking a generator, a pallet, or a wall, guards should still be able to be ordered on one object, however
  • The Carnifex and Jailer should have a movement speed between 4.2-4.4 m/s and at a minimum tying them with the slowest killers, and the Assassin should be increased to 4.4-4.6 m/s, at the maximum making him the speed of the Knight himself
  • Picking up the standard could still carry it's current effects, however, each time a survivor picks up the standard of the particular guard, they receive a unique buff each time, upon being maxed out, that guard will no longer drop standards; those buffs being the carnifex gains increased hunt times, the Assassin picks up more speed gradually through his hunt, and the jailer gains increased vision angles (Default being 180°)
  • By allowing the Knight to pick which guard is being sent out, this would allow three reworked addons which could be as follows (Carnifex addon assumes my first addition is also added), these of course can receive your input, these were just my ideas that matched the style of each guard


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Why on earth would knight need these admittedly insane buffs? These are just significant buffs on top of his playstyle of "drop guard, get hit". They don't mitigate the uninteractive and uninteresting aspects of his kit. He doesn't need these kinds of changes.

  • MrKrabsArgArgArg
    MrKrabsArgArgArg Member Posts: 75

    I don't think all of the changes should be added, however I think the first and last, with some changes to the add-ons as needed would be nice. It's kind of lame to have 3 add-ons that all do the exact same thing don't you think?

    I also don't really see a single way that the standard system in it's current form can really be justified without a downside. There is no downside to picking up the standard, only upsides. I think the actual buffs applied could be changed, however in it's current form, the standard should not be a free getaway

    The speed changes, while a bit ambitious, you can't tell me they aren't a joke, I mean at a minimum they should go 4.2 and at least tie to the slowest killers in the game

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited December 2022

    The standard is irrelevant. Either knight gets the hit or the guard gets the hit by the time it comes out. Otherwise it's used to curtail a patrol....which is absolutely fine. If you're in a loop where it spawns simply pressure the survivor away from it where they will inevitably be hit by the guard. Survivors have no other way of interacting with the power.

    110% move speed is still faster than survivors and is incredibly oppressive for an ability the knight can just poot out at will. Again this just makes his boring bits worse.

    I'm not sure your realize the incredible action compression kicking everything automatically gives just for brushing an orb by it. While I'd love to break all the walls and kick the gen in the dead dawg main building with no effort on my part, I'm also certain it's terribly imbalanced.

  • TheMruczek
    TheMruczek Member Posts: 193

    The "breaking everything on their patrol path" seems a bit broken.

    I would rather have his green Orb invisible and Hunt duration as well as patrol range of Guards increased instend of your first point.

    Further more i believe all Guards should have diffrent regression loss % (Carnifex 10%, Jailer 7%, Assasin 4%).

    This way it ties ti your third point and makes Guards usefull.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    The standard is irrelevant. Either knight gets the hit or the guard gets the hit by the time it comes out. Otherwise it's used to curtail a patrol....which is absolutely fine.

    How is that fine? its literally erasing an entire element of knight's power for free.

    The flag is also especially bad because it forces the knight to "camp" the flag and restricts his movement when using his power. If you follow the survivor and ignore the flag, I have seen some very clever survivors attempt to pick up the flag. If they pick up flag,

    you gain following buffs for 3 seconds

    -50% haste effect

    -3 second endurance effect.

    ---This is not good way to design drawbacks on killer powers for having two killers out. The only reason why this is not being complained about is because how easy it is to neutralize the flag's effectiveness(flag camping) but these buffs are immensely strong.