We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

So when is the killer meta changing??



  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    That is a meta change... you wouldn't see 2 or more of those perks before the change so it definitely did change.

    You're on about a wider group of perks being used in general (which can be asked of both sides) but fact is alot of those perks suck...

    Killer meta has changed more than the survivor one has in my experience, and that's with survivor getting base BT.

    Not saying versing the same perks over and over is the most fun but you cant expect people to run bad perks over good ones and gen defense is always to be expected against any good survivors that do gens as they want longer games.

    But I never seen overcharge, eruption etc. Before the patch so it was a meta change, you're just confusing it with a less focused meta

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,872
    edited December 2022

    Sorry double post it for some reason changed to a draft so I thought I had not replied... I cant delete it either...

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482
    edited December 2022

    You know, the meta will change when devs fix the game in a way to prevent both tunneling and genrush. I run 4 slowdown perks because it's a must on top mmr, you know when you find every match at least 2 prove and hyperfocus it's quite impossible winning without slowdowns. So, you ask when killer meta will change, and when surv meta will change? All matches the same perks: prove thyself, hyperfocus, dead hard, off the records, maybe circle of healing, maybe ds but it's rare now because it isn't a shield anymore.

    The meta will change when Devs understand that tunneling/camping is boring for both parts, but are necessary because being genrushed is even more boring. So, you know, remove gen speed perks would be very healthy for the game, or nerf them to the ground because devs doesn't understand that surv perks can be brought up to 4 times per match, and this break the game. Also, if they remove gen speed perks, slowdown perks can remain but you can bring only 1 slowdown per match (maybe Devs put "perk categories" for killer and you can bring only one slowdown per match, and maybe rework perks in a way that can create synergy between each perks). I say that gen slowdown must remain because toolboxes will never be removed, so you need to have at least a counter to strong toolboxes, bnp and so on.

    After preventing genrush, you need to fix tunneling so maybe put a bbq basekit, to see the position of a random survivor so you have an idea where is the next objective, a reassurance base kit that work only if the killer is camping and doesn't work if the killer is defending the hook/chasing someone near the hook. If the killer is camping, a free deliverance that can combo with the base kit borrowed time. You know, things base kit that prevent tunneling/camping and at the same time incentives mixed hooks in an healthy way.

    Maybe also some new mechanic, such us maybe a "panic" mechanic when survivors do gen faster when someone is dead but, at the same time, there are more skill checks and are smaller than normal. For example, one survivor is dead, the other survivors are 2.5% faster with gens (I say random numbers) but, at the same time, skill checks are 5% smaller and, if you miss the skill check, the gen loose like 2.5% more of progression, like they think "No, somebody's dead, let's get moving". This is an idea I just thought now, so I don't know really if it will be good or bad, but with gen regression perks nerfed/removed I think this will be good. Also, maybe put more perks for chase and stealth, so the game will not be a gen repair simulator but it would be more an "hide, seek and ######### run".

    This is my opinion, hope to be clear and sorry for my English, I'm Italian.

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I actually think way more builds for killer are viable than people think it's just a lot of people would go with the most proven build rather than risk losing even once due to experimenting.

    Personally I've been running full hex builds the past week and have been doing amazing. So Hexes are definitely not dead the way people think.

    If you have a fast or ranged killer aura builds are still fine too.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I have something like this.

    A Gen takes 80sec. Has 3 check points (20sec - 40sec - 60sec). If the Gen has 59sec progression, it will be regressed to 40sec then stop regressing further. The idea is to make it less punish if a survivors leave that Gen for too long and have its 70% progression regressed to 0. In exchange Gen regression is 300%.

    Gens required to complete = number of alive survivor + 2. 4 survivors will need to complete 6/8 Gens to complete. 3 need to complete 5. 2 need to complete 4. If a survivor is on last hook at 5 Gens complete, killer can either last hook and power the Gates, or slug them and keep pressure. The idea is increase the Gen time while also giving choice for killer not to make a kill early.

    Hook a survivor will respawn them to somewhere else like PH's cage. Killer also see aura of the least hooked survivor, or the survivor that didnt get hooked for the longest time. The idea is to give Killer info to instantly hunt another survivor and not able to camp.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    The Killer meta was Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer and that combo was blasted into oblivion.

    So yes, the Killer meta changed.

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    I disagree. Most survivors bring the same set of perks. dead hard, sprint burst, off the record, healing perks. Its literally the same thing as before, just different perks

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Didn't realize you guys speak for the entirety of 1 side in this game but ok

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    That's 1 game in your lobbies compared to the many people that play this game. Anecdotal evidence isn't that strong

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    How is that a lie? The kick perks are the same concept of gen slowdown as ruin pop undying. And if you actually were paying attention, you'd know op said the PERKS changed but the idea of slowdown as a meta did not change.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,703

    The Meta did change - 4 Slowdown/Gen Defense perks are now the Top 4 played perks with BBQ coming in at a paltry #5!

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772

    When the devs fix busted maps and gen speed. That's when the killer meta will change. So long as one 1 minute chase can result in 3 gens being done enjoy the brine, eruption junk.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    I love how whenever someone on this forum wants to defend something they often say "anecdotal evidence" as if that completely nullifies whatever point the person was trying to make.

    Well guess what? It doesn't.

    Dead Hard is still picked 28% of the time according to one aggregate site (you'd probably call this meaningless anecdotal evidence as well, I've been down this road before) and has the highest pick rate of all survivor perks.

    Even on this forum there is consensus that Dead Hard is still the strongest exhaustion perk in the game. Only a few argue that Sprint Burst is stronger and literally no one is here saying that Balanced Landing, Head On, Lithe, Overcome or Smash Hit are stronger than Dead Hard.

    Dead Hard is still top of the survivor meta. Period.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,917

    I feel like the killer meta has changed a fair bit actually. I mean we're still seeing SH:PR and CoB a lot, but I am seeing a lot more Eruption, and a ton more aura perks. The slight buff to Lethal Pursuer has also led to more of Darkness Revealed, Nerfed BBQ, Floods of Rage (and now Nowhere to Hide), etc.

    I run Distortion constantly now (not a coincidence), and it is popping off more often than not (heck, against Huntresses, it's not uncommon to lose all three tokens in the first minute or two of a match) because we're seeing stacked aura perks like never before.

    Sure, generally speaking it's still a slowdown meta, but until they balance maps (ha!) that is always going to be the case, since for most killers, not slowing the game down is essentially throwing. And the specific perks have changed a bit. It's boring for sure, but until broader issues are addressed, slowdown is gonna be a huge part of the game.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,992

    Pain Res still gets used every other games

    Pop, is used less but still I see it every 3-4 games.

    DMS is still in every 2-3 games.

    So I don't know what you're talking about pretending these perks aren't still being used

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,917

    I'll give you the others, but I can't even remember the last time I saw Pop.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    There were changes in meta, perkwise. Pain Res became less prominent, Eruption was a dead perk before, now is kinda meta.

    There are no changes in meta, purposewise. And same on survivor side tbh. Killers still run slowdown and regression meta, survivors are still using second chance meta. There is almost no survivor playing without exhaustion perk, there is just less DH (although I noticed that there is more DH during the last weeks again). Also Unbreakable is like same pickrate, instead of DS there is now Off the Record. The only thing on survivor side that was not that common before is that now almost every team has 1-2 Prove or hyperfocus equipped.

    There will never be a shakeup in meta, regarding playstyle, as long as the objectives and hook distribution keeps the same as is. It will always be slowdown vs second chance.

    tbh your Huntress build IS kinda meta on her ^^ having good aura reading allows fast chases and crossmap downs which is equally good as slowdown like bringing slowdown perks.

    I dont think that this would change a lot. If you talk about balance, then there is this vanilla game, without perks and items/addons, that needs to be the base. And NO additional equipment should artificially increase gen time nor chase time, because that is where the imbalance happens. bring better perks to pull time to your favor and that is what switches the outcome. Every perk would have to be a niche perk, not giving value in every game but in certain situations, that you probably need to setup by a certain playstyle. but in a balanced game there should be no meta perks like that, because these increase your chances of winning, no matter what. that's why they are meta.

    Disagree a bit here, survivors are on a time crunch as well. If you don't have the first gen finished after the first hook and eat the Scourge hook + DMS, then you know already that this match might be pretty rough for survivors. Vs good killers I often notice that the first chase is the most important. If you get 2 gens done first chase, you have a chance. Otherwise it is most likely stalling at 2-3 gens left when you are more busy getting the unhooks/heals rather than working on gens, while eating all the slowdown

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Was already posted in here several times. You can talk about specific perks of course, but the "meta" kinda is "gen slowdown". And this is the same as before. Different perks picked to acuire the same result: gens taking longer. And also said that on survivor side, survivor meta is second chances. DS replaced by OTR for example. Same thing, different perks for the same result

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    edited December 2022

    Official stats say something different.

    Key word: Official

  • Dionysus42
    Dionysus42 Member Posts: 427

    The hierarchy of power in the meta is changing.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    Would you mind showing me this site? Forgive me but knowing how this forum operates, I'm not going to just believe someone without proof, which is why I said Anecdotal evidence. If you have any source of proof, I'll believe you.