Knight is fantastic. But only with common addon

I really didn't like the Knight on PTB. But after the release, I fell in love with him a lot. These small changes really made him better, but not perfect.
The problem is that it's ONLY good with this addon.
I watch a ton of dbd content while I'm working, and literally all streamers agree that without this addon, Knight feels much worse.
Another problem is that he has terrible addons below purple. And there are only two addons that somehow make his ability better. The aforementioned one and Dried Horsemeat.
Dowsey literally did his winstrike only on these two addons, because the difference with and without them is huge. Almost all good players on Knight play only with these two addons.
My suggestions to make Knight enjoyable and playable:
+3 meters Vision range of Guards on patrol
+2 seconds of Hunt duration
Addons change:
Map of the Realm: +3 meters to the Vision range of Guards on Patrol
Dried Horsemeat: +3 seconds to Guards' Hunt duration
Broken Hilt: Guards inflict the Haemorrhage and Mangled Status Effect when damaging a Survivor
Chain Mail Fragment: +5 seconds to Guards' Hunt duration
I really hope that you, BHVR, will bring the Knight to the ideal, and not abandon him, as it was with Sadako. This is really one of the best killers in the game. But he needs a some love <3
Other addons that work wonder for aggressive playstyle and not 3 gen playstle is the one which makes Carnifax appear twice and the brown one which reduces the Order time by 25%.
Carnifax will break pallet in almost 1 sec so you have absolutely no slowdown on pallets and can run through them and get survivor down.
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Mm. Although, to be fair, this isn't the only killer with a mandatory brown that should be basekit (cough Sadako).
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In many cases, it is much more profitable to put a guard in a loop than break a pallet. In addition, if the pallet was dropped in front of your nose, you will have to step back to use the ability, which already negates the "benefit" of carnifex. Therefore, I don't think this kind of gameplay is the most suitable for Knight.
I use Pillaged Mead sometimes, but I also didn't see any significant effect on the ability.
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Yeah, and Pig. And Legion... and Hag... and Doctor... and GF ... and Caleb... Many-many coughs
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Yeah, Map of the Realm and Dried Horsemeat are insanely vital.
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I have a bit more luck with the double assassin (as it's the only minion that seems...halfway good at offense) and horsemeat, but this killer - awesome visuals aside - feels like another case of 'could have been amazing but kinda sucks'.
With Pig it's a yellow. Legion...nah. Hag just has boring addons allround. GF - two vital browns.
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assassin definitely need a buff, 5 sec is a god damn joke and survivor still run faster than the assassin like lmao
i rather get carnifax all the time since he's the best one and last 24 seconds
knight would be better if u can choose who u can summon tbh
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Knight should get a rework. He is just a great camper and very boring killer in general.
The brown add-on for range should be base kit and green Orb invisible.
The Guards are so sluggish and only good for camping.
Guards should disapear when they come within 8m of hooked survivor.
Player should have an option to switch between Guards.
Carnifex and Jailer have at least 107% movement speed.
28sec should be default Hunt duration for all of them.
If Guards don't apply perks then make it worth kicking generator by Guard.
Allow Carnifex to deal 10%, Jailer 7%, Assasin 4% regression loss.
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Knight feels bad to play right now. Map of the realm +6->+4 really hurts his viability from the ptb. His guard placing patrol is still bugged and his units can barely enter chase with the add-on itself. He is also has exploit that some people are abusing which allows him to press the interact button to kick gens and grab potato bad survivors off generators.
He needs more love and more bug-fixing. sad killer to play at the moment.
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Knight feels great to play. But for every 10 Knights I came across, only 1 or 2 understood how to play him right. Even on Midwich or Gideon, where this killer is, without a doubt, S tier, people put guards terribly or ran m1 without the ability.
I'm surprised that so many people still consider him a bad killer and write it everywhere, instead of looking at good examples of his gameplay and going to try to get better at it.
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Lol. Guards are terrible campers. You'd know that if you'd ever played for him. The survivor ALWAYS succeeds in getting another survivor off the hook, so the guards do literally nothing. Maybe the opposite can happen only in extremely specific hook locations.
And always be able to take away 10% of the gen without any conditions and cooldowns? U good, bro?
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It isn’t as effective after they nerfed him, meaning you have to step back to use his power
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Well with carnifex it is a large cooldown since you have to go through jailer and assassin
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I use my guards offensively mid-chase and have definitely noticed that I get them to chase the fleeing survivor very consistently with that addon equipped. Unequipping makes them hugely unreliable, as those 4 additional meters are absolutely crucial for the detection radius to barely capture the fleeing survivor still before they are beyond its range.
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he is fine in indoor maps, but that is like every killer practically. his time to down just feels slow. he was better in ptb on outdoor maps and could use more wide add-on because map of realm was all he needed to get guards into chases. now the guards are easier to counter-play(avoid) with less detection. I had some ideas to make him more fun to play against for "survivors" while making him a lot stronger with much higher-skill cieling and skill-floor.
I agree with your opening post. perhaps they fix all his bug and slightly improve his base-kit with your requested change. It would greatly help his add-on variety.
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Nah, obviously Carnifex would have the biggest cooldown, then Jailer than Assasin.