Do you also have a "pet hater"?

Every now and then we get this one player who just can't help throwing the salt after losing, which I guess "happens". As annoying as it is, I always just ignore them and move on, but recently I got this one Yun Jin who just keeps harassing me on my profile with the same generic racist crap of always 2 days after said match, so I felt like picturing us together.
Feel free to dump any case of salt you'd like to share in this post, or just enjoy this silly picture of us.
Never had the desire to send any hateful dum dum stuff to my opponents, let alone spent days doing so. Some people desperately need to touch grass...
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Nah. Just a normal pet.
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the best kind!!!
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Ikr, I find it almost cute how dedicated he is tho
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If they are harassing you on your profile with racist comments, please report them accordingly on that platform. Even though you might not feel the need for you personally, chances are they do this with others as well and those might not be in the mental condition to endure that kind of harassment.
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as a Yun Jin main who is rocking that same skin atm I promise we are not all salty :( I was tunneled and camped most of my matches the day I bought that skin (which is honestly one of my favorite survivor skins ever), it looks like the killers HATE IT lmao
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Sorry you have to go through that harassment. Best you can do is report their steam profile / comment if they are leaving hateful comments on your profile. At least take pride in the fact that you're living rent free in their head. Granted I feel sorry for them as that sounds like an awful daily routine to have.
Back when the game didn't have a report feature and was P2P I'd often get death threats or people telling me to neck myself because they faced no possible punishment. Yeah I played Nurse but that still gives no right for that type of language. If someone wants to talk smack about the game itself okay sure I can game. Making it personal like that is never cool.
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Man i wish i did,it sounds fun.I deserve a personal hater,I don't really beat the really "good team" you know the ones who do all the gens three minutes flat pssh