Is there a way to ever balance items?

All perks being equal between two teams, there's obviously a massive gulf between everyone having items and nobody having items, and then there's the absurd qualitative difference between a brown medkit and a purple one with addons.


  • TheMruczek
    TheMruczek Member Posts: 193

    Yes but it won't be easy for sure.

    Like take MDR. How can you effectivly nerf this add-on and then keep it's ridiculous speed.

    And medkits as well. The game could die if Devs would nerf them too hard

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    The obvious nerf is to make the downside a cost elsewhere in the ability, rather than relying on blinding the Spirit a little bit more as a tradeoff. It's not really a complicated thing.

    And I don't think 'yes' really addresses the issue. What would it look like, if no items and pimped-out items were in a somewhat balanced state?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,215

    I think it would have to be a multi-step process.

    You'd have to reign in some of the more egregious add-ons and items. Blood Amber, Syringes, super boxes etc etc.

    Then I think you'd have to expand on the chest searching mechanic. Make it more feasible to get items in a match, then start to balance around new nerfed items/add-ons being easier to obtain.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,272
    edited December 2022

    Well, we could simply remove the option of NOT having items in a round. Removing brown items from the bloodweb and giving all survivors a infinitely useable version in the inventory basekit. Technically we could go a step further and remove all different versions of an item and move the lost power into addons: 1 "power/items", multiple addon rarities. This would turn survivor item balancing somewhat similiar to killer addons, except survivors having multiple "powers" which would need to be shown to newbs so they dont get confused at the start.

    When survivors have to bring an item into the trial, the trial can be balanced around survivors having items. Obviously, the addon gap would still exist but thats the same on the killer side.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    to be fair, the gap between 'brown item' and 'purple item with two addons', multiplied through four times, does (provided it's not the incompetent flashlight squad) work out to considerably more significant than the effects of two killer addons. BHVR has been really insistent about trying to make newer iri ones more gameplay-changing and less "here is a massive numerical buff" (MDR really needs looking at from that perspective); but then you still have BNP going around, and the syringe wanders into the same camp. Or ye old gap between 'brown toolbox, no addons' and 'engineer's toolbox, double charge increase'.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,699

    It's going to be super hard, but we can start by deleting BNPs.