Nope, I Still Have No Idea How To Knight.

Not sure if it's me or the killer, but it's just not gelling. Have been at it a week now and while I can win against weaker teams, that's true of pretty much any killer I play.
If I'm up against potatoes who will run into guards or something, that's one thing. But against a 4man who sends me to Eyrie or Badham, I'd...honestly do better on literally any other killer. Including Trapper.
Just getting pounded today, now that his MMR is assumedly getting to the point where 1k hours 3-4mans aren't uncommon.
Using the 'good' addons (Horse Meat and Map), and here's how the game plays out.
- I try to use guards preemptively, people just run away. Even the assassin will never, once, get a hit (that daily is probably the worst one in the game right now).
- If I try to use them smartly, at a loop, by the time my guard activates they have already left the loop, finished a gen and are teabagging me from shack. They've got so much time. I guess on more desolate maps it's one thing, but on about half the maps, there is enough safety for them to go from loop to loop without any issue.
- Occasionally, I can get a hit or a down by pincering in with my summons, but this relies on the survivor making a serious misplay.
- About the literal only use I can find for guards is faster pallet breaks, but unless I use the addons and completely pigeonhole myself in, it's something you can do maybe once or twice a match.
- Aside from this, it feels like he may as well not have a power.
Honestly, regretting buying this guy more than Sadako.
You basically just want to drop his guards to push survivors away from loops. The guard doesn't need to trigger a hunt, as long as the survivor moves away from the loop. You really don't have time to make complex paths.
The other use for his guards I found is to place them down before picking someone up against flashlights or sabo since they can't flashlight save or sabo without consquences due to the guards.
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Yeah I poop them down - the second they see the animation start, they're off. It's not like Artist where I can tag them to try for a follow up as they leave, or Hag where that trap might catch someone later.
I drop when I pick up, but I think folks have gotten wise to this now.
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Just do what everyone else is doing… play him like a camping bubba. All anyone does with Knight is hook, then face camp the hook with a guard buddy as backup. It’s ridiculously stupid and cheap but killers don’t seem to have a problem with that if it gets them a 3-4k.
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I don't camp or tunnel. Why do you want more camping and tunneling?
Also - not trying to be nasty here - but literally everything you post seems to be relentlessly negative and sarcastic. If you're not having fun with DbD, why not look for another hobby?
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I have had moderate success with him by playing as an m1 killer and treating his power as an utility skill rather than a conventional active ability.
I send them to scout or disrupt progress while I'm otherwise occupied chasing or defending a different objective. I hook, send a guard on one direction and go the other way, making survivors waste more time to get to the hook.
Also I switch a lot between just chasing and mindgaming the loops and using my guard.
Skilled survivors often will immediately abandon a loop expecting me to try to use my guard, only for me to follow them and hit them in the deadzone. Next time I'll use the guard after entering the loop. A good trick here is to move through the loop until leaving it forces the survivor back where he came from, to an already spent loop.
Also learn which pallets to leave down. Some become dead traps.
RPD front desk pallet for instance becomes impossible to escape from and very easy to get a double tap on.
Heavy hex or heavy chase loadouts work well for me. I do prefer hex build.
He is still not quite as strong as other killers, but I feel I can mostly do well with him in most situations.
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Pick a 3 gen and hug it down. That's about all he's good for and honestly there's even quite a few killers that do that better.
He's got a lot of issues and needs serious changes.
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I wish his ability were able to be set a guard like Pinhead's ability but you are slowed charging/placing
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i bought him literally just for his perks. I p1 him but never played a single match. but based on what ive seen, he is probably best just to send a guard to a gen you know is being worked on to disrupt it while you do something else
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He's got a point though, you know? The devs literally made a campy killer and you are asking them not to use it for that?
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You can't camp with knight's power. Anyone unhooking during a hunt will make the guard dissapeared
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I love the knight but I can see why some people don't know how to use it. For the longest time I waited to have a killer that would make me abandon huntress and I think I finally got mine.
I have gone against some very experienced players from my region and I don't think he's that weak. He surely has a very territorial playstyle sometimes, but even vs really good survivors he doesnt seem that underwhelming. I think the more you play him and understand his power, the more you see that he's not that simple. He is the strongest on the edges of the map and the weakest in the middle (sometimes you need 2-3 guards to down someone), you have sometimes to commit to people doing gens on the outskirts of the map which can lead to tunneling. He's a bottom A or top B for me.
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same bad way to play Twins is on Knight as well, rip
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Hold w makes his power obsolete in chases. People just run from tile to tile and you are wasting time not even getting rid of pallets. You are not doing anything basically while gens pop.
I play him as m1 killer and use guards to push survs away from certain areas in most cases. I also try not to spend too much time setting a route.
He is effective at camping tho and 3 gen scenarios are unwinable against him since you can just spam his power.
And I don't like how those feel like his biggest strengths. I love how he looks and sounds like but I feel like I have to play dirty more often than with other killers I play if I don't want to be sh on.
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wow you really weren't kidding, literally all he does is rage
at what point did the devs tell you to use the knight for camping?
he is objectively worse at camping than bubba anyway, lol
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Honestly that was what I thought. But shift+w is far too easy against this and as long as the survivor is not a potato you will not get them with this.
This is the better way to go.
You want to use information perks like his own "Nowhere to hide", "A Nurses Calling" or other stuff like that to interrupt survivors. Sloppy Butcher helps tons because you get good value from interrupting a healing with your guard even if they are not caught. Try to cut them off from the next strong loop and then sandwich them with your guard. You need to plan ahead with the Knight and use the ability to hold two places at once.
Do not expect the Guard to do things on their own. If you get a hit in the distance that's fine but never to be expected. However note that chasing survivors off generators can wast plenty of their time not just the guard hunt but also the time it takes to get back to the gen...
Oh how I wish my teammates would get that...most survivors I play with just hide until the hunt is over only for the Knight to spot them during that time...
Overall you should use the Knights power for interrupts and the Carnifex to smash pallets. Only go for the "loop-drop" when you are at a very bad tile (shack) to pressure the survivor into a better tile. I also had good success by baiting with this: Run into the loop, the survivor holds shift+w, I send my guard to a nearby gen with other survivors, switch target and force the new survivor to run into my guard for an easy first hit.
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If you are purposely not taking opportunities in a match using the games basic tools, then I understand why you are having a hard time. You could be doing a twirl before trying to land any hit and then complain on forum why its so hard to hit Survivors.
Its your own doing.
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Here's the thing though.
'Camping' is not a basic tool. You're actively penalized for it.
I do pretty decently on Wraith, Slinger, Hag, Artist, Trapper, Cenobite, Demo, Wesker, Nemesis, Trickster, Pig and the other killers I play. Knight is the only one I'm really struggling on right now.
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face Camping? Sure, proxy camping no.
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Proxy camping is one of those terms that everyone uses but nobody can really define.
Like...if I see someone coming to unhook, I'll generally defend unless I'm already well in the lead, but I'm not going to set up and camp.
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cant define proxy camping? Its staying in the general area or close by.
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And thanks for proving my point ^_^. See - staying close by, to me, is just camping.
My best understanding of proxy camping is using a mobility or area denial power to shut down routes to the hook while not being close by. Something like Hag's traps.
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Yeah, this is exactly my experience. Tried him out this morning again, got sent to Garden of Joy against a full 4man.
Got 3 hooks and he was basically an M1 killer with a quick pallet break on a long cd.
His summoning is so telegraphed that if they just run away the second you use your power, you may as well not have bothered.
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Putting a qualifying word infront of the Word 'Camping' isnt rocket science tho and ye, they are both camping.
Just a specific type of camping. it isnt hard to understand.
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Try dropping Horse Meat and using Call to Arms. It makes path drawing 25% faster and IMO it should be either partially or fully basekit for how much better he feels when using it, especially like how you're trying to use him. Don't listen to people saying to only camp with him. He's got a high skill ceiling despite his skill floor being fairly low. I've been in love with that add-on since the PTB and I'd rather not take it off.
I second Gwinty's advice and I'd like to add that you can try to follow a survivor in your spirit form to drop the guard on top of them. You can see pools of blood and hear breathing so perks like Sloppy, Stridor, and Bloodhound help with this sort of tracking. You may need to aim slightly ahead of them due to the detection radius taking a second to expand. It's not universally applicable, but it's a good tactic to sandwich/cut off a survivor and secure a hit earlier than you otherwise would using your power.
FYI Horsemeat is pretty overrated and mostly serves a camp/patrol-heavy playstyle where the hunted survivor can't necessarily reach the standard. It's not bad and helps during prolonged chases, but it's not his best.
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Hmm. I tried something like this when I started out on him, and what I generally see is survivors immediately turn and run away at right angles to the orb. Sometimes I'll get a chase, but more often they head for main building or somewhere they can run me indefinitely and I'll just lose ground.
The only time my summons ever get a hit is when a survivor is a bit overconfident and tries for a save when I've got a guard up.
Shrug. We're splitting hairs at this point. You differentiated the two, and I explained why this was a bit tricky.
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Shrug. We're splitting hairs at this point. You differentiated the two, and I explained why this was a bit tricky.
A bit tricky? I'm sorry you are confused by the concept of sticking around. but you refusal to do so does not make it tricky.
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You literally proved my point though.
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Protect three close gens with Eruption, Call of brine and never leave that area..heard that is very hard to play against. Have not tried it myself.
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As it stands he's only really good defending a 3-gen with the usual kicking build. Even camping he's not great because a survivor can insta-cancel a Hunt by starting an unhook.
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It's not so much that this style is hard to play against, it's that this style is basically holding the game hostage. You won't 'win' unless survivors give up and DC, or you hit the match end timer.
It's the killer version of 2 survivors playing hide and seek while avoiding crows to try and get the killer to DC.
Not going to play like that.
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I noticed you didn't mention Spirit on the list of Killers you play. It helps if you can hear the breathing and guess position by footsteps so you can cut the survivors off but, if you haven't played a decent amount of Spirit, there's a learning curve. Knight is nowhere near as effective as Spirit but there's a skill cross transfer there.
I also use the power to sandwich and as a utility measure. I find him fun and stronger than, say, Clown but weaker than Huntress.
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Yep which is why I don't use his power in chase most of the time.
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I still don’t understand how this killer works, I’ve been watching people play him and he’s so different.
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Really? Wow. You should tell that to everyone camping with him. I guess the memo didn’t get to you….
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Camping or trying to camp?
Because he's mechanically not capable of it - unhooking immediately despawns the guard.
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Yeah. Proxi camping means basically..... uh... If you dare to go back to an area you previously were at (which means if you dare to return to a gen and not let them work in peace) you are guilty of proxy camping. I mean there is no shortage of new words people can come up with.
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It's a complete waste of time to use the Guards to camp unless the Knight is facecamping. Run to hook, let Guard notice you, unhook while Guard is setting standard, Guard despawns. It only works on survivors who can't be bothered to learn the basics of a Killer's power.
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He's a bad killer. Imagine doing a tome dedicated to him having to play challenges for him. Needs buffs and I don't know how to do that without making him overpowered.
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if the survivors are good players and smart like you say, you cannot do anything because he was actually designed to lose against people who know how to use his billion counters.
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Don't give them ideas. I still have nightmares about that Twins tome.