Uh...What? 1/3 Of Badham Unhookable.

StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

Okay, no idea what's going on here. I took some screenshots but none came out especially good for demonstrating what I'm talking about. I'll link them if people want to see.

Pretty scary 3man SWF with around 7k hours between them (early mornings man) send me to Badham with an offering to spawn basement in main building.

'Okay then', I say to myself. 'Let's go in hard and teach them a lesson' - fortunately I'm on a killer I'm very comfortable on. And I manage to do okay, but wow is it a fight to get any of them down (this map man) - just so safe.

First survivor goes in the basement, but as the match progresses - I'm getting downs, but I'm also having a metric ton of dropped hooks, as there was simply no way to hook people - maybe half of the map had nothing aside from basement, which - on Badham - is in a very awkward place. Then I realize what's going on.

There was literally one hook in that entire area of the map. The second I'd get into chase with Vic, Mikaela or Zarina, they'd immediately run to one specific corner of the map and go down. Another survivor would sabo that hook, and I'd have to either slug camp or try to dribble to the basement with them bodyblocking all the way.

I did manage to win (eventually - I hate bleeding people out) but...this had to be deliberate.

Anyone else seen anything like this?
