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General Discussions

Survivor Main Hypocrisy Once Again

As the title says Survivor mains are once again at it with their hypocrisy on how "killers should play" to make their game fun. All I'm seeing on the forums and FB groups is "OMG Killers try harding every game during an event?!?!???? Boring Killers ruin this game".

I've played up to 10 games now bringing BPS in every one of them, no perks, no addons, just messing around with the snowman's attempt to jumpscare in them. It's completely obvious that I am not even attempting to get downs but Survivors that I happen to be put against are just mashing out gens every game as quickly as possible then complain in the chat that "I didnt chase them enough so they depipped" Killers can't really go for multiple chases if you just mash out gens instantly and escape.

So I need to ask. What do you actually want?

Killers play the game: You complain

Killers bring X perk: You complain

Killers play the way they want: You complain

Killers giving you a free win: You complain

Killers messing around: You complain

KIllers sit AFK allowing you to do free gens, blinds: You complain

There simply is just no pleasing this side of the playerbase at all so I just want to get an understanding. What do you people actually want if you are someone with a mindset I have mentioned above?

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  • Member Posts: 201

    Were you by any chance bringing moris before you switched to bps? 😶

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    what do you want changed? if it bothers you that people complain, just stop reading the forum and facebook. this forum exists for the reason that people have a central point to complain.

  • Member Posts: 503

    The answer lies somewhere between "I must win every game at all costs" and "I'm not even going to try"

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    It all depends on the Survivor mindset as soon as they enter the pre-match lobby

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Ignore them

    I don't know why people have such a struggle with this. Ignore them. You could play the most friendly killer way and there will STILL be complaints because not every survivor even wants you to hamstring yourself and/or farm games.

    You play how you want to play. If the survivors complain, you do not concern yourself with their complaints.

  • Member Posts: 228

    I dont use mori offerings. I have hundreds of Sacrificial Cakes on all my Killers (who could obtain them) so for the most part I keep those on.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    From what you write, messing around with the Snowmen, not even attempting to go for Downs, does sound more like you dont want to actually play the game.

    And at this point, if the Killer does not want to play the game, I will also just rush Gens to get to the next game, which will hopefully be an actual game.

  • Member Posts: 228

    "Didn't BHVR out right say they favor killers and want a higher win rate for them?"

    Do you have any evidence to support that BHVR "Favours Killers"? And yes Survivors complain over absolutely everything and majority of the time yes BHVR do in fact nerf it, hence why we never see the likes of Ruin, Tinkerer, Pop, Thana in our matches because they were nerfed to the point of killing them entirely. Eruption is the current trend of complained about Perk so no doubt that will be on the nerf train soon.

    "Without Survivors, they'd have no game to play" this exact statement can be said for Killers as well. Just look at DBD Streamers and Content Creators, a lot of them who were Killer mains have resorted to just maining Survivor now because they realise just how chill and easy Survivor is.

    "When a Killer DC's everyone does too" Well what would you suggest be put in place? An AI?

    "When a killer stands and camps someone without having to move, they get a 4k" How does camping 1 person 100% secure a 4k? This just tells me the survivors are not doing gens.

    When a killer goes AFK, nothing happens to them. But then you say "They don't get birds or kicked from the game, they just stand there" Didn't you mention earlier it's unfair if a killer DC's?

  • Member Posts: 228

    "leads to nowhere"

    So we can't have a rational discussion? Ignorance like this is WHY this is still an issue with the community. I asked a genuine question and you feel it's an "Us vs Them" topic. I'm genuinely asking those who cry as Survivor every game over something a Killer does what do they want? As you cannot deny at all that Survivor mains have the biggest self entitlement problem seen in a video game. Other video game communities mock just how whiney this community is over the smallest stuff. It was hilarious seeing XQC stream this game and just taking the absolute piss out of bad takes Survivor mains had.

  • Member Posts: 228

    Wait!!!I thought killers were ruining the event by tryharding!!!!Now your saying survivors are not wanting to just have fun in the event.They want killers to just play the game.Ok no more fun time it’s slug camp tunnel kill time,bust all the snowmen and just roll like it’s any other time.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Almost like they're different people saying different things.

    Some people like farming, some people want to go next asap for a "real game". One person's good exciting match is another person's sweatfest. One person's fave killer (playing as or against) is another person's nightmare.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
  • Member Posts: 228

    There is no middle ground with survivors ,they say they want fun,give them fun they complain your not playing.Play and they say your tryharding,try hard your toxic.survivors would rather not have killers at all .

  • Member Posts: 949

    Hmmm interesting you say you want to have an actual conversation while bashing many people you don't know to fit a narrative. You act as if killer players are somehow not involved in the crying that I see daily on all sorts of social media. If you want an ACTUAL conversation, cut out your personal bias and address both sides who play this game.

  • Member Posts: 331

    Killers. Survivors. People will always complain.

  • Member Posts: 248

    Everyone has something to moan about, but there are plenty of chill survivors and killers playing the game.

    Play however you like, as long as you're playing by the rules. If anyone has a problem with it then that's their problem, but they're entitled to play however they like as well.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    And now Poe's Law rears its ugly head, because I've seen people who do genuinely believe this and I can't completely rule it out.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    "Both sides have players who are entitled, whiny, and refuse to listen to players on the other side. They are the loud, vocal minority who care enough to actively go onto socials to complain."

    I stand by my point.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    If you wanted actual answers, you'd have to completely redo the original post to sound more inviting to suggestions. You attract more flies with honey than vinegar.

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    Remove end game chat, full on anonymous mode as default. There you go, you can't see who's who and you can't complain and accuse anyone of anything. You ######### about it in the comfort of your own voice or you let it go.

    The single worst thing about today's society is that anyone can voice their "opinion" before they even think about it.

    It's no opression just limitting people's ability to spout nonsense. When there isn't a filter to keep things running in order, only chaos can reign. And chaos is so impredictable that todays truth is tomorrow's lie.

    There's one other thing i'd push for with DbD, the option to say wether you enjoyed a match or not should be mandatory. You should not skip end game screen until you rated the match. This would allow the devs to have direct numbers on wether or not people are enjoying their matches.

    If matches are being enjoyed by the majority then carry on, however, if majority is not enjoying them then there's work to be done.

    Personally i believe right now the vast majority would always vote 1 or 2 stars in their matches, the meta is actually more unfun than it was.Killing an already dead Ruin was pointless, gutting Pop was a terrible choice. I'm pretty sure every killer only wanted E for Distance gone and the general recovery buffs and they'd be happy.

    BHVR made too manny changes at once and only a few actually were helpful...

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Many complaints are absurd for sure and labels like tunnelling and camping are used spuriously as well.

    But one thing I think many people playing killer appear to forget is that playing this game is voluntary. The people playing survivor are not bound to you and are not obligated to continue humouring you if you are not going to consider their fun as well as your own.

    I don't think any killer can complain when they tunnel off hook/camp/slug at 5 gens with multiple hooks (for example) when they find people don't want to play with them and just go next. Why would people want to play games with you if you are going to treat them like that?

    This is NOT condoning DCing either but lately the conduct of some people playing killer is pretty appalling. But if someone decides they are going to run unfun builds and use unfun tactics then people are going to not only complain about it, you will also not get normal matches as people wont be your plaything.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    No these are the DBD forums your not allowed to have a point because that would be logical and understanding......where do you think we are here...some discussion forums where we should be discussing our differences and try to make a understanding of each role and how we can better the game for all.....pffffft silly.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Of course, of couse and i agree with you.

    I just found it hilarious, that there are 7 times as many threads/comments about camping than there are about gen rushing.

    If there were 4 times as many, i´d say perfectly balanced. Since the 4 to 1 ratio. But almost twice that ratio?

    Lets just say, i´m sometimes happy that the devs don´t listen to the loudest part of the community.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Can you provide official evidence that BHVR out right said they favor killers?

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    I guess they mean the 60% kill rate the devs are shooting for.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    To be fair, we could keep this going for a while

    (that was me searching "swf")

    I'm sure if we looked for tunneling, too, we'd get a very similar amount.

    Honestly I'm just glad we agree on the major point.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh i also agree. We would probably never run out of "ammo".

    Agreeing on the major point is what really matters.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    A normal game? One where both sides play relaxed. The killer doesn't camp/tunnel out the first survivor. The survivors aren't forced to hard focus gens because the killer has made a safe rescue impossible.

    You say survivor entitlement but both sides bear responsibility for bad games. There's an arms race between survivors and killers making fun back and forth games difficult to find. If everyone chilled things would be alot more fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    Your post and your general response , have nothing close to anything rational.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I mean at this point we should just ban all survivor players. Imagine how great the game would be then.

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