Gen Rushing & Solo Queue
So I've been playing mainly solo q for the last 3 weeks because I started to get a bit bored of playing killer.
I would consider myself pretty good on killer and average on survivor so this is solely based on playing at an average survivor MMR.
Having tried all sorts of fun builds on survivor I've came to the conclusion that if you play solo queue and try to bring a fun build to the game you're basically just a weak link to your team. The only way your team stands any chance at winning is by having gen related perks, information & healing perks. Everyone really needs to be sitting on a gen at any given free moment apart from saves/heals and then straight away back on gens. If you don't do this in solo queue there's a very good chance you will lose the game even if you deviate from this for a minute or so. If you have no info perks and 2 people go for a hook and one gets downed it's very easy to snowball from that point.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that I really don't think gen rushing is a thing in solo games anymore because doing gens and rescue/heal is literally all you can do to have the slightest bit of hope at escaping or winning. Fun builds & perks are really reserved for coordinated SWF teams, which is kinda sad because there's so many fun perks that really can't be utilised in solo queue without being detrimental to the rest of your team.
So as a killer main I would urge other killer mains who always claim that they tunnel, camp, run 4 regression perks etc due to gen rushing to take some time away from playing killer for a bit and really look at what solo queue is like now. This is literally all you can do as a solo survivor these days, unless You're some god tier looper that can consistently run killers for 5 gens every game.
I definitely think solo q has a much smaller margin of error for winning and losing these days, especially when 4 regression perks are stacked. It's not even uncommon these days as a killer to come back and 4k the match when you have 4 survivors left and only 1 gen. That used to be a fairly rare occurrence, but now it happens all the time.
Well said. I only play solo queue. Different killer every match, but basically the same perks. It is not fun playing survivor most games.
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Heck, even if you bring a sweaty build, you can easily lose due to inefficient teammates. People just don't get that every second spent doing totems and chests is a second of a gen not done. I'll run Bond or Kindred and just see people crouching around, booning when our team is dying, etc. It's so frustrating. No wonder Killer is more popular now - you don't have to deal with useless teammates.
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This is the problem with the current gen regression meta - you absolutely MUST be efficient and as Hens333 often says, efficient DBD is boring DBD.
I like matches where I can open a chest, cleanse a totem and generally piss around a bit but with the current meta you absolutely have to be sitting on gens every spare second you have. So I am forced into this very rigid playstyle to compensate and for this reason I often get hit with Eruption multiple times... so I am being punished for the essential duty of being efficient.
Did anyone see Otz trying to do his RPD escape challenge in solo queue yesterday? It really was a great example of current solo queue and in the end he gave up and got his own SWF together so he could actually do his achievement
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it always surprises me how many survivors with more than 1000 hours of play time don't hit their skillchecks.
my advice for soloQ is: learn how to force dead hard to extend chases and bring whatever other 3 perks you like. as an example i like to play:
- circle of healing / shadowstep / kindred
- borrowed time / circle of healing / feather light
- bond / open handed / kindred
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It amazes me that 90% of the people who have 1k hours can't even be considered a threat to me, It seems the average player who picks up dbd is not adept at video games.
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Well, about a year ago or so BHVR said that they will bring new hud icons for knowing what are the other survivors doing for helping soloQ but we don't have any news, they even posted this image they picked from Reddit to give an idea about what they are planning to do more or less. I'm looking forward for it, because I play mostly solo. This thing will also benefit the killers, because the win rate will decrease and the weaker ones can be buffed without the fear of making them too strong against soloQ.
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A bit sad that you can't do side objectives anymore like totems or chests without being detrimental to the team.
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But you see the game was originally designed for the 4 solo uncoordinated people experience...
The problem is the game gets too frustrating when that happens because killer is wanting to win and survivors are just trying to play, wether they wanna win or have a more laid back aproach.
So the answer was SWF, solves coordination issue but then inverts the roles and now killer is pressured against organized survivors.
Then killers do all they can do, stack slowdown. And now welcome to DbD as we know it, killer steam rolls SoloQ against the majority of survivors and SWF's steam rolls killer.
This is DbD. And nothing from the base game has been touched to fix this.
So you'd think SBMM would fix this right? Make better players play with other good players and leave the lower skillled players to play with themselves, that way good killers know what to expect and worse survivors don't feel so pressured.
The issue is the Margin Values for MMR are too low and there's only 1 cap meaning anyone can reach that cap because it's a low value cap and we're back at square 0 because again everyone is mixed and skill is irrelevant. I don't doubt the better killers face better survivors most of the time compared to the majority of killers but even then very often due to queue times less skilled killers are simply thrown at the wolves. And then there's no less skilled killers for the less skilled survivors to face thus Solo Q Survivors get hurt aswell. And then even matching just the 4 survivors is a nightmare because there's no skill gap, everyone can reach the low MMR cap and be treated as a High MMR player...
Honestly my opinion is that first and foremost we should look at the most basic aspects of how a match is played and see where the issues reside.
For me killers have 1 big issues that is Map design. Most killers lack mobility and chase tools for the Maps we have. So that means either most killers are badly design or the Map design philosophy is bad because it's not in line with most killer abilities. Personally i think it's the Map Design that's the big culprit and also the easiest to fix because it offers better reward for the game vs the risk it poses in Balancing things out.
Maps are often too big in area for killers to be able to check things and not feel immediatly pressured about simply looking for survivors. Killers need to find a Survivor As Soon As Possible because there's 12 Hooks as an objective. This is what every killer should be aspiring to, 12 Hooks. Wether that's alot or not is a bit irrelevant right now because 12 Hooks might not be alot after the game is corrected in the way that i think it should.
So killers get big Maps but if the Map is mostly empty then the size isn't really an issue because there's nothing to use against the killer right? So the only thing a Survivor can do is Shift W.
And this has been DbD since forever. Bad Map Design, simple Chase mechanics.
This is what i want to change. I want the game to require a higher level of skill to be played well so that we can justify having an MMR system, because SBMM won't go away from MP games. It's here to say wether it works or not and we got to deal with so what we can do is design the game around the concept of SBMM.
I want smaller Maps so killers can pressure things faster and better but this also benefits survivors. Why? Because big maps also mean empty spots or spots where RNG won't favor you. So instead of having a Big Map with RNG which hurts both sides equally. I want Smaller and Fixed Design Maps that make sense for the basic aspects of killers, mobility and chase, and makes sense for survivors in terms of looping. So this means, smaller area for killers and generally less loops to deal with, so chainning won't be as much of an issue and Shift W gets reduced value but to Balance this out you can increase the value a survivor can get out of each loop.
So what exactly happens in this scenario? What happens is killers now have to use MindGames well to get hits because any single loop is slightly stronger but the counter is that there's less Map and less loops to deal with. So killers are always closer to everything because the maps are smaller and they now don't have to worry about chain looping as much because the focus is now more on getting value from 1 single loop instead of abusing Shift W through multiple tiles.
What Survivors get, is a fixed looping path, they know if i go here i can loop and help my chances of surviving and if i get caught then my teammates won't have to travel so long to get to me, so survivors have stronger individual loops, they're closer to each other, which helps with rescues and objective progression because they'll find each other sooner.
This also helps killer, finding 1 survivor means finding 2 or 3 is more likely aswell which means you're pressuring more people faster. This Balances how fast matches progress and naturally avoids the "need" for Camping and tunnelling.
These are the fundamentals of the game that should definetly be looked at and BHVR can simply create a small Map in their Internal Build and analyze this. If they have or not we don't know because they don't share that with anyone. If they haven't all i can say is call them lazy and if they have then we should know how that went because it makes no logical sense that promoting more interaction and fixing serious design flaws would be bad for the game...
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I don't believe you because most killers that run these legendary 4 regression perks are in the red grades it's the only stuff like that belongs in higher grades,you said average which means you're somewhere between the gold and ash ranks.Which means those dudes only play with killers you buy with shards and bunch of ghostfaces.You are asking for buffs in a pleading way.
Also anyone who has been playing this game knows you need to climb out of the lower ranks fast to have better games and casual players don't even want to be in the red ranks so they purposely kill them selves and buffing solo que want make somebody from DCing,it want make them from not going down,it want make them come save you,it will still be the same and swf will only have another tool.
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But you know that Grades have nothing to do with Skill? Grades just show how much someone is playing, not how well they are doing.
So there is no thing that people with Red Grades are the best while people with Gold Grades and below are really worse.
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I've mentioned something along this line a few times. People talk about gen rushing, but as a solo player the game is literally in a place where I feel I've let my team down if I'm not sitting on a gen. I actually feel a bit of guilt and embarrassment if a team mate runs past me while I'm cleansing a totem or looking through chests. I don't bring toolboxes or gen perks, but every killer runs regression builds, so if I want to be useful member of the team then I can't stray far from my gen because chances are it'll regress completely if I let myself get distracted elsewhere. I can't just come back to it later.
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Has it been awhile since you played? Grades don't determine your game difficulty. They're purely just the amount of time you put into the game. The game uses skillbased matchmaking to determine the players you get matched with. I can play every night for the next month and get to red rank, or I can play a handful of times and stay in ash rank, and I'll still get matched with the same pool of players.
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It's like this pretty much every solo queue game. Look at the 'meta' survivor perks, and then the killer. He set up a 3 gen, with portals and just whittled us down.
Unless you bring gen rush stuff and have a coordinated team (aka not a typical solo queue) you die.
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No,I didn't know that.I know we are in skill base match making but nothing has changed for solo q ,I do play survivor for adepts and the other trophies but,I get the same type of teammates If, I see my matches going bad ,I stop helping everyone and try to escape and try to beat the killer sometimes, I'm successful other times no.
My point is nothing will change in solo q, unless the players them selves change.Your only making coordinated teams stronger basically invincible at this point.
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I'm not pleading for buffs. Im stating that I think gen rushing, which gets thrown around a lot isn't really a thing in solo queue anymore. It's used as an excuse to tunnel, camp & run meta perks all the time.
I'll normally cap IR1 on killer in like the first week after reset using meta perks because it's so easy. After that I'll just mess about with random killers and random non meta perks and builds because I find it more enjoyable playing weird builds as killer & after hitting IR1 I really don't care if I win or lose.
I'll normally finish up with my survivor rank at like gold 1 because I don't invest that much time in it. Yeah I class myself as average, but I still know how to play the game and can do most survivor related tasks to a reasonable level.
The fact is that if I mess about with perks not related to either gen speed, information or healing I'm basically just a hindrance and weak link to my team. I can't really say the same for killer. I can run builds with no regression and still dominate & snowball games.
As others have stated ranks are just a time investment. Yet getting IR1 is significantly harder in solo q survivor than killer. Killers regardless of ranks & even at average MMR will run multiple regression perks, tunnel & camp all the time.
I just think more killers & survivors should spend time playing the other side just to get a true reflection of what's going on in the game. Maybe people would have a better understanding and more respect for each other.
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This is one of the most intelligent posts I've seen on this forum in a while.
I used to predominantly play solo queue but find I mostly play killer now because survivor just isn't fun. Like you said, there's a much smaller margin of error and even if I have a challenge to do a chest or a totem I feel like I'm being a detriment to my team.
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"I actually feel a bit of guilt and embarrassment if a team mate runs past me while I'm cleansing a totem or looking through chests."
This is how I feel exactly. If I'm doing a challenge I usually 'reward' myself with a totem or a chest once I've done a gen. Same goes for cleansing against Plague or waking up against Freddy.
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Yep. If you are not in chase, you should be on gens majority of the time.
Whenever I get teammates who run from gens at first sign of tr or I see them not doing anything I know the game is over already if the killer is decent.
There is no time to eff around now, you have to be efficient and unfortunately people are usually not.
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Grades don't reflect skill. They are not a rank. You're not really making a good impression atm.
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Minor quibble:
"because there's 12 Hooks as an objective. This is what every killer should be aspiring to, 12 Hooks."
4 kills is the objective, that doesn't necessarily require 12 hooks. Get someone to stage 2 on their first hook as a trivial example.
If you're saying that all killers should aspire to going for 12 hooks every game? Good luck.
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Idk, once you're past 1.5k hours or so you've come to a place of "been there done that" (or at least tried) --- and from what I see, people who mainly play survivor do one of three things after 1.5k hours - give or take: a) stop playing b) go comp / sweat / seal team six, whatever you wanna call it c) give zero Fs about what the game is technically about (escaping) and just use the time in the match to do whatever they feel like doing.
I sometimes play with super sweaty friends (clock call outs and all ^^) - but I get tired of it real quickly. I play dbd to have fun, not to focus and sweat harder than I did for my thesis. I'm definitely in the zero Fs given camp and I usually do that in SoloQ (cause that's in turn sth the comp people can't do for long) and it actually is fun - so long as you don't want to escape or pip or want to be efficient in any way. Do I escape often? Hell no. Do i get camped/tunneled/slugged for *PreSsUrE* ? Hell yeah - and if it isn't me it's someone else. It happens in the vast majority of matches. -- Do people bring BNP? Nope - with the exception of me being the rando in a sweaty 3ppl swf. Same for toxic flashlight teams, never-hook sabo teams and what else makes killer life very difficult. Actually. The best way to tell if I'm a solo among solos is that I'm in a lobby where no more than one person brings an item😂
Yes, the margin of error if you want to win in SoloQ is much smaller - but therein already lies the error: people in SoloQ rarely try to "win". If they are, they probably won't play for too long before either quitting or finding themselves a swf.
That being said, I urge people who main survivor and rarely play killer to play one killer from Ash to Iri using only one regression perk (or none) and not-top-tier add-ons. It is quite the enlightening experience as well.
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Yes i am cause that's the most fun, challenging and rewarding outcome. If killers can't get to that then winning means doing everything that isn't fun or challenging to win which then won't be as rewarding.
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That's always been the case, like if the killer brings a fun/meme build and then survivors just win easily.
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Well, that's a personal preference - what you find the most fun, challenging and rewarding may not match other people's experience.
To each their own.