Preventing tunneling

I'm sick and tired of tunnelling and it makes me not want to play, easiest way to fix tunnelling is literally make it so you cant hook the same person twice in a row, wouldn't be something that's hard to implement , still allowing the survivor to go down but not allowing them to be picked up until someone else has been hooked first
TuNnElLiNg Is a VaLiD StRaTeGy
But more seriously, the more I think about it, I can't see any other solution than baseline 5 seconds DS.
Fixking an error in design can not be done with a perk (hello, shattered hope).
The tunnelers won't be happy about needing to actually learn the game and actually have to win the game in order to win the game but they'll eventually adapt.
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Tunneling is a valid strategy.
You should ask why Survivors unhook you but wont take a hit for you lol.
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As long as the killer is another player and the goal is for killers to kill survivors, tunneling is always going to exist.
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But many killers wouldn't know what to do without tunnel/camp, just like survivors wouldn't survive without old DH...but wait xD
You can't force ppl to learn other strategies :^)
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yeah no, what's great with DS is that it has a clear timer and really after 60 seconds there is no way to call it tunneling. And even if the killer waits the whole 60 seconds, why bother, you can juste chase someone else.
I'd treat camping the same way. Rather than a game mechanic preventing it, I want a game mechanic making it easier for the survivors to escape if i'm camping. (I usually suggest a gen repair speed buff in any camp situation, with a few obvious restrictions like chasing around a hook isn't camping, obviously)
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that's fair if you remove SWF from the game. let's make it happen.
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There are so many issues with this I don't even know where to start
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I still think the bad boy timeout box is the only definitive solution for filthy no good tunnelers and campers
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I don't think you're thinking of serious tunnelling, where you have the whole team taking hits, even going down, but they refuse to look at all the downs they just had and just go for that one person. I think in that situation that person should have some sort of way to escape honestly
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Honestly, the best way to help prevent tunneling is to reduce the amount of information.
For example, the Killer shouldn't know when someone gets unhooked, nor should they know where the hook is when they leave it. I think that the loud notif when a Killer unhooks should be removed and the Aura of the hook should be hidden when a survivor is on it and last for 5 more seconds after the unhook action is complete. A hooked status icon shouldn't be visible as well. It should only show them as injured or in the dying state, injure when on hook, dying state on the ground. This will promote face camping though. Cause hardcore tunnelers will just change the strategy.
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Excuse me? O_o
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So whats preventing a player from using no mither and constantly body blocking a killer after getting unhooked?
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And that one can be bandaid fixed by making reassurence 12m distance and 45s. Now the biggest problems in game are fixed to at least satisfactory degree.
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Ah, so that means the once-hooked Survivor can now bodyblock every chase I have because they are literally immune to being picked up, and any perks that pertain to being hooked again.
Edit: And if I down someone new, the hook-immune player bodyblocks to prevent pickup, or stands there with a flashy.
And when I down THEM to prevent a blocking/save, they crawl over the body of their friend while I am in weapon wipe animation, and now I can't pick up either of them because the pickup-immune is blocking the targeting so I can't get the pickup prompt on the proper person. 🙃
Bad idea. Just accept that Killers will, and can, use any tactic that's not cheating or abusing bugs, and stop asking for the game to literally tie your opponent's hands behind their back for you.
Post edited by Stabby_Widdershins on1 -
Lately, I've been tunneled first out of every single match for the past week.
I don't play toxic, I just start on a gen and then just get tunneled out. My team mates try to take hits, flash light saves, you name it. Doesn't matter.
It's getting very, very old. I play Lisaand Claire mostly. I don't get why this keeps happening. They ignore everyone else and just go after me.
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Yeah good idea no survivor ever would you that to take a hit knowing nothing can happen to them except the killer throwing the game and camp there body. What could go wrong?
Did you even tryed to think about it or are you just ugabuga killers bad
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To prevent something you may want to find the problem with it. Find and define. Without that, you might just break it more.
Not allowing the hookage of a survivor twice in a row is not a solution. This would cause more slugging for people who were just on the hook. People would complain.
Killers wouldn't need to worry about hooking them since they can't. Leave em and find someone else. Doesn't seem half bad for the killer in some situations. With this, there isn't a reason to have BT basekit. Killer can't hook AND you have endurance? That couldn't stay. Easier slugging and downs and BT comes back into people's kits.