We have temporarily disabled The Houndmaster (Bone Chill Event queue) and Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater Cosmetic (all queues) due to issues affecting gameplay.

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Why is the horrible solo queue experience so largely ignored by the Devs?

Anyone with experience in this game, your own fogwhisperers, and top content creators of this community will all agree that the solo queue experience in this game is freaking awful.

the fix is deadass simple. Bridge the gap between solo queue and SWF, then buff killer to make up for it.

Information is useless to SWFs, they already have all the information they need through comms, so giving solo queue information on the UI and through basekit aura reading would help solo queue so freaking much.

You should never have more than 1 person running to an unhook, you should never have someone randomly running into you while you're running the killer cause they had no idea you were even in a chase in the first place.

But instead, BHVR focuses on buffing killers, which only made solo queue even worse than it already was. Then they sit around and focus on band-aid fixing stuff like basekit BT and potentially basekit unbreakable...things that SWFs as a whole benefit way more from than solo queue players do.

And despite the majority of the community all agreeing that the state of solo queue is God awful, we get zero aknowlegement from BHVR, zero effort being put in to fix it, zero fs at all about the whole issue....it's been a problem for so long, and ignored for so long, that it's just become something people don't even talk about because there is zero hope for BHVR to do anything about it.

The only thing that even remotely came close was the UI changes that were proposed. But then the community managers here confirm it's not even on the list for the devs to implement...wow thanks guys...I mean I'm sure "streamer mode" was soooooooo much more important, I mean look how many people are benefiting from that glorious achievement ....🙄



  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013
    edited December 2022

    Personally I think information perks at basekit would still buff SWFs. It's hard to make callouts in VC on dbd. Unless they are near an obvious feature like main building or killer shack. Aura reading would be a huge boon to SWFs that they really don't need.

    You are on the mark though. Solo q is god awful and needs a buff that will not benefit SWFs. My personal suggestion is add in game VC. It would helps SWFs a fair bit and go some of the way to helping them co-ordinate a little better.

    The arguments against it are pretty weak. People claim it will have a toxicity problem. (You know, like every game that has VC ever) well that is why there are mute block and avoid functions. And BHVR have said the game is not balanced around VC. Well SWFs get VC anyway, more so, now that discord is directly usable on the xbox and will be soon on the ps4. So it would be best to add it then adapt the balance for voice chat. The game can be a very fun social experience.

    But atm it sucks for solo q. Especially at low mmrs. Killer is so much easier to play and new killers will always shred new survivors.

    Edit: perhaps information basekits could be applied only to survivors that are not in a group. Should be easy enough to do.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    I don't think it's a weak argument when other games have much better ways to report toxic behavior. Dbd reporting system would need a complete overhaul imo if they did VC and even then I don't think alot of ppl would even use it bc a lot of us just dont want to talk to some random ppl and run the risk of being called names and ect. I mean look at the bubba face thing that happened last year. Something that was pretty harmless and kinda cool had to be completely removed from the game bc ppl started using it to hurt ppl of color. So adding in-game VC imo would just add more problems than solving them. I could easily see someone calling a David player homophobic slurs or a Claudette the n-word. I think a ping system and a command wheel with set commands would be a much better option.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    You just dont acknowledge the arguments against it. The biggest problem is that you have to buff killers for the information that can be relayed with vc, but in europe for example, voice chat does nothing, because you have lots of players from different countrys with no common language, and sometimes not even a common alphabet.

    VC would do nothing for them, but still they have to deal with buffed killers. Or you dont buff killers, that then have to deal with vc groups in every match instead of just half of it.

    I dont know where you are from, but i think most people in the us just try to ignore the language problem, because its not their problem.

  • rinnai
    rinnai Member Posts: 50

    Because they want more negative reviews

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,429

    Solo queue has issues. It's notably worse than SWF, and it can result in completely hopeless games.

    But it's not an absolute thing. The game is still perfectly playable as a solo survivor, just don't expect to escape most games like you would with a SWF.

    Full SWF on voice can expect a 50%-60% escape rate, while solos can expect about 40%. That's not that big a gap in the grand scheme of things, and it's still subject to player skill.

    Today I've played 7 solo survivor games and escaped 4 of them. 3 of those escaped games were 3/4 escapes, and 1 of the deaths was an endgame I could have survived, but I went back for a save and traded myself to be left behind. So really that was only 2/7 games I 'lost'. I know this isn't the average experience, this is a 'good' session for me, but it's still entirely possible.

    By all means complain and criticise about changes that need to happen, but calm the hyperbole and don't catastrophise. It's not that bad, and if it was, y'all wouldn't be playing it.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Because BHVR is really, really slow at making anything new from scratch. They've probably been working on it behind the scenes for a while but it's gonna take months or possibly over a year for them to actually finish it because... I don't know, they're just really slow.

  • PrincessCalla
    PrincessCalla Member Posts: 139

    I'd love to know too because I play solo q as well and a lot of times it's painful. I've got to run aura perks for info (bond, etc) and sometimes when I'm on VC with my friends yeah, it makes the game a joke.

    Basekit kindred would be a start. Problem is how can they tell the difference if someone is on VC or if they are solo q? :(

    Something needs to be done, I'm getting tired of dying on first hook in solo q haha.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,522

    Everyone having those obsession things would help soloQ survivors a lot and basekit kindred without killer aura eould be good too. Sure even bad swf can call out who goes for save and who is doing gen.

  • Toaster427
    Toaster427 Member Posts: 120

    that's the funny part...they already have one of the systems in the freaking game! of obsessions' entity icon rattles when they are in chase....you and 1000% implement that into the other 3 survivors and that would be a hell of a start. IT'S ALREADY THERE JUST COPY AND PASTE THE FREAKING CODE.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,781

    Something tells me you are absolutely delighted to post this.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,264

    Thank god, I was just about to scream this at them. 😂😂😂

  • JohnnyB87
    JohnnyB87 Member Posts: 96

    They definitely are NOT buffing soloQ...might wanna see what they're plans are before you speak. Won't change the game at all.

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 458

    might wanna actually think about how that information helps people who play a team game in match. maybe you dont play with altruism or comradery in mind and thats why you see no benefit. to everyone else it is one.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,557

    if you believe that that Action Icons are neither a buff to solo Queue nor an absolute gamechanger, no amount of buffs would help you.

    I'm sorry to say...

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,073

    They read these discussions and it is pretty clear solo queue and issues like the Eruption gen control meta are a problem. Just don't expect to see much progress until Christmas/NY is done and they are back to work (which is fair enough too) I would guess.

    The latest update on statuses for survivors is a good sign, information is critical in a game like DBD and solo queue survs are currently severely lacking it

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,552

    Because you can't really fix other players which is the main issue with solo queue. Doesn't matter how good you are, if your teammates don't do anything.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329
    edited December 2022

    information-icons are NOT a buff ! great, now I know that my mates are useless that will definitely help the solo q so much that it's no longer cruel

    I mean that no gens are concerned and dull totems are cleansed and chests are open are no indication that they are currently useless no now I only have the confirmation that either the solo q gets a real buff (more gen speed, heal speed, etc.) or the matchmaking measures the actual skill (e.g. chase duration) with the information together it would be much more pleasant and bearable solo

    Post edited by DudelPuma on
  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,344

    I think the proposed changes which are shown in the tweet are a direct buff to solo survivors, and definitely a healthy quality of life change. Seeing what actions your team mates are doing, is definitely bringing solo survivors more in line with SWF groups.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,533
    edited December 2022

    And with the introduction of action icons that let you see what your teammates are doing a million Claudette and Dwight mains screamed in unison (even though the locker muffled the scream).

    Glad to see it's close; this is a great buff for solo queue.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    That is a buff.

    between Team A without knowing someone is in chase, teammates are scared to do Gen because theyre injured and last hoom.

    and Team B knowing someone is in chase and put that 20sec chase into 40sec Gen. Result lasst Gen done and possibly 2 escape. Because they got a buff.

    what buff would you like?

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I would not want it to show Dull, Boon or Chest though.

    Sometimes killer has 3 hooks and 1 Gen left. I want to ease out, do Dull, get an item. And somehow team makes a huge mistake and lose in the end. Then I get blamed for not doing Gen.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,430
    edited December 2022

    The status icons are an awesome addition. As an aside, solo queue is awful industry-wide. Every developer is struggling with it. I think developers are trained to favor queue times a bit too much in matchmaking and solo queue feels the strain of wide matchmaking ranges the most.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    thats right! the only one information that are well is (who is now in a chase) but that's a drop in the bucket not more not less

    but hey, who is being pessimistic here? (ironic) but I clearly don't see such added value as people want to put it down and above all it's really ridiculous. Any other development team would have done something like that in weeks and implemented it in the game, but how slow bhvr is is another story

  • Toaster427
    Toaster427 Member Posts: 120

    THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH FOR POSTING THIS UPDATE!!!!!! I'm sorry for the Karen post, I've been so frustrated with solo queue lately and had given up hope for the UI changes they talked about way back.

    This is absolutely fantastic news mandy, thank you thank you thank you thank you!!


  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,514

    A little buff that absolutely won't help swiffers is showing survivor load-outs to other survivors. Let other solo queue folks know that I'm running a healing build with Desperate Measures, Botany, and that Yoichi perk that makes my aura show up to injured survivors, so that they know what that info means and what they need to do if they're injured.

    It'd at least -help-, somewhat.

  • SluggedSurvivor
    SluggedSurvivor Member Posts: 51

    Yeah I dont get why they dont find a way to improve solo when probably most players are solo players. This seems like a no brainer to do something about solo.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    They're never gonna give solo queue arbitrary gen-speed buffs that's ridiculous. It's a completely unrealistic expectation.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited December 2022

    And yes I do think survivors should be able to see each other's perks. Even if it's only in certain situations.

    If someone is on first hook and has Deliverance, show the perk icon next to their name. If someone has Unbreakable and they're on the ground, show the perk icon next to their name. If someone has recently been unhooked, show DS or OTR next to their name.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,533

    They did that on Mobile when I tried it out (probably still do) and it was great. It would also help non-meta builds like Prove Thyself, Deja Vu and Situational Awareness. I do that occasionally and I only get a second person working with me on the three gen maybe once every 5 games. In a SWF ideally the looper would be running the Killer while another survivor or two would be on the gens with me ensuring a wide space out for the last couple of gens instead of my other random teammates getting us three genned.

    It would also be such a huge help with Kinship, Deliverance, etc.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Any type of info is a buff for soloQ is great. So this is a small step in the right direction to make soloQ feel better. Yes, these buffs are not going to make it where you get better teammates but no buff is going to do that. As for the stuff you listed faster gens and heals would just buff solo and swf to the point where the killer will start feeling worst to play. You already can heal really fast by yourself with the best medkit+addon with coh. Hyperforce builds with a green toolbox+BNP can already make gens go really fast. They do not need to buff those things at all.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I'm from the u.k. so i have had to play on euro servers a lot. Particularly on tera where i was locked to euro servers. And a lot of europeans speak enough basic english for vc to still be a useful function.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Idk why everybody assumes that dbd would be adding VC and not changing anything else. There are always people who will be hateful little goblins. But people dropping homophobic/racist/sexist slurs etc, will get banned extremely quickly. As long as the report function is robust.

    And the idea that dbd wouldn't overhaul their reporting/monitering system alongside adding VC is insane. Idk what PC is like but on xbox you have a report function and the ability to capture clips including audio to report to microsoft and they are pretty quick with the banhammer. I'd imagine Playstation is the same or similar.

    PC I have no idea as there is no central body to report offenders to.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658
    edited December 2022

    Even streamers like Otz share my opinion on build in VC plus as it was already said but VC wouldn't help those who leave in EU since not everyone speaks the same language as they do in NA. Yes, there are always going to be toxic ppl but I much rather see BHVR force on another method that helps everyone like a ping system rather than a VC and new report system. As I said before there are ppl like myself who would never use VC bc they don't want to interact with randoms in a voice call for a few reasons(mine is Im really shy and just an introvert who doesn't like talking to ppl unless I know them). So a VC wouldn't do anything for me or others who are like myself. A ping system tho would help everyone and this new info thing they adding will also help everyone. I just don't think VC is a good fix to soloQ and will only lead to more problems rather than solving the ones we have now.

    Also BHVR is super slow when it comes to major changes and I can tell you if they did add VC we wouldnt see a renew report system months or years after it was added. They just now adding small icons to survivor huds and that been asked for a while ago. They have thier hands full with making new killers every 3 months, balancing, map design and etc. So things come in pieces so I dont think its a far fetch idea that we would get a VC system before a repost system changes.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I would say many perks need QoL. I want my Head on locker show Yellow aura to teammate if theyre 12m range. I want my teammates know I have Deliverance and I decide to stay on hook with Kindred waiting for the best moment to self unhook without my teammates leave Gen

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Like i said, a lot of ppl who live in EU speak enough english to make themselves understood in game. And sure it'd take time to add report/mute functions, so why would BHVR add vc before they were ready?

    They could just wait until they have all the necessary work done before they release it. And even if you personally didn't talk, which is fair enough a lot of people don't, you could still hear other players and act on useful information they give. Even just one player in a team of survs talking could be very valuable in coordinating the team. And if it is just a 12 year old spewing rubbish? Muting someone takes a couple of seconds on an in game UI.

    All they would need to do is take the time to sort out a report function and put something in place so they can access audio logs of the game. And not release VC until that was ready. As long as they put that in place VC would have little to no detriment as toxic people get muted and banned very rapidly. But it would be amazingly useful, especially for newer players. To learn from more experienced ones.

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92
    edited December 2022

    I don't agree with nerfing killer, I solo q a lot and it's pretty balanced.

    Yes there are a ton of morons in this game, multiple people will run into you or run around and do nothing and it's not enjoyable, solo q's should have the option to just quit games if such morons are making the game unenjoyable.

    Easy fix is to just make friends with decent players. On Xbox there is an option to find groups of good players, i found a level 75 guy doing this and it was fun playing on a team.

    I'm actually finding it less enjoyable to play as killer these days since all I run into is high level teams (due to my mmr/sbmm), I rarely play killer anymore due to that, what can you do if all 4 players are running gen rush perks and there are a thousand pallets around the map like on that new map they made. It's a really bad experience. Forced me to learn nurse just to balance it out and some maps it's pretty bad being nurse on like the midwich elementary map where if I look down on second floor to hit someone behind a pallet, it takes me to first floor, but still much more balanced in taking on full squads and punishing them with nurse than running around the whole map with Myers and breaking all the pallets.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Solo queue is bad because some players are trash at the game and lack basic game sense, like running around the hook while the killer camps instead of doing gens or sometimes very dumb decisions

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    If it was any other dev I would agree with you but we talking about BHVR here and they have a track record of adding things into the game when they are not fully ready. Just look at this chapter for exp it was released with a bunch of bugs that broke the new map and other maps among a bunch of other stuff. I know they doing their best but at the same time, they have their plate filled with a long list of other things they doing and have to release a new killer every 3 months. Adding a VA system and a new reporting system to me would just end up being half-assed and rushed with bugs. I just think adding a ping system is much easier and does the same thing and is more time efficient than adding two whole new systems. Plus everyone would be able to use it no matter what. At the end of the day, this is how I feel, and tbh you not going to change my mind on it just like it seems I'm not going to change yours. Hope you have a blessed day

  • JudithMorel
    JudithMorel Member Posts: 562

    They aren't slow at releasing new cosmetics for Feng Min though.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Tbh think a ping system is a little to OP because it gives a degree of accuracy for finding stuff like totems and gens that you'd not really get with VC. And sure there would always be bugs. But they are usually fixed with the subsequent update and the long term benefits to the game would be pretty decent.

    But yh I'm not going to be convinced the other way either really so just got to agree to disagree. Have a good one.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    well, i am from germany, and i got lots of french and russian guys that dont talk any english at all, along with some italians(or maby spanish, i am not sure).

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,163

    Well the language barrier hadn't been as much of a problem in Rainbow six siege back in the day when i still played. And the toxicity there was also quite limited plus every last game with VC has the option to mute individual Teamplayers.

    It's more problematic when the people in the different European countries refuse to learn proper English.

    (I'm German btw, so also a non native English speaker)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,253

    While i agree that the solo swf gap needs adressing to a degree, you cant just expect to buff a character because some people just dont wanna learn to play that char.

    Because if you do, can we buff nurse too because 70% of her playerbase sucks but wants to perform like pro nurses too? But make sure to add tools the pros can also use. Thats how certain survivors sound yelking at clouds for "solo" buffs.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,452

    God no, in-game VC would be terrible. Most people wouldn't use it, and those that did would quickly learn not to. Seriously. I used to know a model who played Call of Duty, but she only played it in party chat with friends, and you had to BUY her PSN name which helped to keep her safe from trolls. Because the second she entered normal chat lobby, the misogyny was let loose.

    Now, with how the Dead by Daylight community is just in the end-game lobby? No, no way in Hell I would ever use an in-game voice feature unless it was with a SWF.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227

    Then it comes out 6-12 months later because the dev team works disgustingly slow.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    You're talking about a wider problem with social gaming. CoD has a much bigger toxicity problem than dbd, and yet it still has voice chat. Even games as toxic as league of legends have chat functions for pity's sake.

    Sorry to hear about the lengths your friend has to go to because of trolls. It's a problem I've seen a lot and I'll always call out people who act like that.

    The tools are there to mitigate how unpleasant some people will be. And in all honesty I don't believe it'll be as bigger problem as people make out. Most of my dbd interactions are positive. Yeah the end game chat is often toxic af but that's usually because killer is talking to survs. If the VC is just mid match then most survs who do use it will be trying to work together. And the few outliers who are properly toxic will be muted and (provided they add a decent report/monitoring system) will be banned pretty rapidly. Even without reporting and banning, mute functions are easy to use. If I'm ever being verbally abused in a game I simply mute the offender, problem solved.