why can so many killers bypass survivors only method of defense?

whycantheydothat Member Posts: 5
edited December 2022 in General Discussions

So I started playing in octo 2022 and there's a few things that are ridiculous to me about this game.

1) addons. Some are game changing and the way you find out about them is on your way to a hook.

2) killer perks are extremely predatory. The starter killers and the general killer perks are terrible compared to unlockable perks while survivors perks don't have this issue. (edit) I've lost so much interest in playing killer because of the lack of good perks that are available to me atm (mostly gen defense...) (/edit)

3) why can so many killers bypass survivors only method of defense? Survivors have windows and pallets but there are killers that couldn't care less about this such as nemesis, huntress, artist, dredge, and knight. I don't understand how you're suppose to loop characters that have uncounterable antiloop mechanics.

Executioner has a slow startup and a camera lock so he seems more fair. Nurse base speed is slow and there are actual mind games (as oppose to the previously mentioned killers) so she seems more fair (even if she's too strong rn).

Huntress sees you drop a pallet or jump a window and you're getting hit. You don't jump the window or drop the pallet and you're still getting hit. Nemesis, same thing.

Artist, dredge, and knight all force you to leave the loop the second you try to use it.

Post edited by whycantheydothat on


  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

    Nurse is fairer than huntress? Ehhhhh idk pal. Hitbox is pretty bad but definitely not as bad as nurse noclipping onto you with no counterplay.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,899

    To answer the title, it's because the survivors are supposed to out whit the killer. You become predictable prey your gonna go down pretty fast.

    As for the points:

    1. Add ons are ment to help the killer. They're supposed to shake up expectations (despite most running the same thing each time)
    2. Not entirely sure what you mean by predatory but different perks for different play styles. Agitation, a trapper perk, is used alot and can combine with others to hideous effect.
    3. This answer is above.
  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,740

    1 - Addons drive me crazy and I'm surprised they don't upset more players. In addition to being a lot more things for a new player to learn, they basically let the killer (and to some degree survivors) set the difficulty level of the game.

    3 - As survivor a big thing is learning the killers which is quite a cliff. Example: huntress is running in unpredictable patterns and looking for solid walls. Make it so the killer has to come after you for a melee hit, then try to get a pallet. It's a mind game, just like it might be against say a Wesker, but a different one.

  • 1. The concept of addons are fine. The issue is that some are too strong and in addition the way survivors find out about them is by dying. In solo queue it involves multiple people falling into the same trap.

    2. Jolt is absolutely not suitable alone. I consider myself better than your average player in any game and dbd is no exception. The better the survivors get the more important gen defense becomes. The way I have to play to accomidate for the lack of gen defense, most players would consider toxic and unhealthy while I myself find unfun.

    3. By this logic any killer I didnt mention is bad.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    1) Addons can be game changing the same way that survivor items can be. Don’t talk about addons unless you talk about 4 medkits, 4 TB’s, etc.

    2) I’m really not sure what you mean by this. Killers have tons of awesome base perks.

    3)All of the killers you listed have strong counterplay that wastes so much time for them.

    Nemeis: bait pallets, DO NOT JUST DROP THEM. Get them to pull their whip up, and run the loop again. Repeat until they are not going to respect the pallet and then get the stun. For windows, you can bait the window and dodge his whip. Or if you make it through the window, crouch and on most maps, the whip can’t hit you.

    Huntress: Same thing. Bait the pallet, and make them pull the hatchet up, get another loop in, repeat. I played a huntress last night that pulled hatchet up every time and we ended sitting at the same tile for like a minute and a half.

    Artist, Dredge, knight: Hold W, easy. Dredge’s remnant can be baited easily. It can also be destroyed by running through it. But if they drop a remnant, just run to the next loop. Artists birds can be destroyed with a flashlight. If she starts dropping crows, run to the next loop. With knight, just hold W when you hear him placing a guard.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    The fact that you think looping is the only way of defense for survivors shows how little you know. I know that a lot of players prefer looping, but not being found in the first place or let the killer waste time trying to find you is also a defense.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,293

    While killers having fundamentally different mechanics that require survivors to run tiles in completely different ways is super alright (you just don't vault a pallet against a Huntress or Nemo and absolutely don't greed against Doctor or Clown, hardly ever throw a pallet against Nurse etc. pp.). Vaults and pallets are, at the end of the day, not always/against all killers the most efficient defense a survivor has. (Against Nurse you need neither pallets nor vaults - you need line of sight breakers, areas that have several pathing options and that are collision-box dense to make it more likely she can't blink precisely; that's why the only-trees-and-stones areas that are dead zones against most killers are pretty decent against Nurse.)

    I do agree to the add-on argument though. There are many add-ons that are perfectly alright and while learning they are in play can be rough, once you know you can play around it. - However, there are also add-ons that pretty much break the game (a certain add-on combo on Blight, Spirit and Nurse e.g. --- but there's more out there that effectively makes it a 'gg next' if you and your team don't happen to be highly coordinated, efficient and having just the right perks to counter) --- and these add-ons do need a rework. Putting on two add-ons should not translate into a near guaranteed win so long as you don't play like a mashed potato.

  • proxy_taxfraud
    proxy_taxfraud Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 153

    Back in my day, kids actually learned how to play their games. Nowadays they just ######### and moan about everything and before the very end they will just abandon it for the next best thing they can cry about.

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 415
    edited December 2022

    1 some are too strong and some are too weak. addons themselves arent the issue, its just that some here and there could use a tweak.

    2 hard disagree. Jolt is very suitable by itself. Requires no gen kicking and can easly trigger regression on 2-3 gens at once and will trigger almost every single down. It is my favorite regression perk as its passive and is just fine. It does not require stacking with any other gen perk. I use it by itself with 3 other perks i enjoy and have no problems performing and winning my 50-70% of games.

    3 general perception is almost every killer without anti loop is placed low on the tier list. hence "M1 killer" being referenced as far as itss chase weaknesses in many instances. Sounds like you may just not enjoy being able to have a guaranteed 60-120 second chase if you are a competent looper due to the ridiculous ratio of 80/20 loops in survivors favor vs 50/50 loops that m1 killers have a chance to actually play on.

  • Ah yes hide, so that another survivor has to deal with all the issues that are still present despite the fact that you avoid them.

  • TreMonkeys
    TreMonkeys Member Posts: 33

    You haven't been playing for long enough to completely understand the game.

    Either that, or you're a super genius and everyone who has been playing for longer than you is just garbage.

  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464
    edited December 2022

    Most of these killers are underwhelming snd can be dealt with well if the players dont suck, even on solo q, YES. Survivors still have it way more easy than killers.

    No, Pyramid Head deserve a buff, he is too clunky and slow.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    I'm not sure I would 100% die on this hill, but

    Nurse is the only killer who completely ignores all of a survivors method of defence. (Pallets & Windows)

    Any other killer you can name, does have to deal with at least something with regards to pallets or windows. Huntress and Nemesis can deal with pallets very easily but that doesn't mean you can't loop them with pallets. Some tiles are impossible sure, but that's the exception and not the rule I would say

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,157

    Just to address point 3 here, welcome to DBD, that game where any killer without built in chase potential like nurse or blight and without any hard antiloop, is bad. You hit the nail on the head there.

    There IS a glaring rift in "potential for success" between all ~30 killer. Meanwhile the devs gave us a small MMR window for all killer to fit in (not even mentioning them softening the matchmaking so much that it's basically nonexistent often times).

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    Just keep playing, you'll start to get it. Watching videos on looping and basic fundamentals can do wanders for your gameplay. I know it seems frustrating at first, but don't let it get to you. A good player can go in without perks/addons on either side and do just fine. Try not to get in the habit of crutching on any particular setup. It will only hold you back in the long run. Also, don't be afraid to lose. Racking up too many wins early on will push you into brackets you're not ready for and that can make the game absolutely miserable.

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    There is a cold, dark place in the entity's realm for you lol