Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Power Moves Steam Achievement in solo queue

MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,221
edited December 2022 in General Discussions

I am trying to complete all Steam achievements and am attempting the Power Moves achievement where you have to complete a single gen and escape without equipping any perks.

In about 5 hours I have not escaped once, not even a single time when playing solo queue. (Edit, when attempting this achievement, I have escaped with perks)

Every match is a one of, or a combination of, being tunnelled off hook, camped, team mates being tunnelled and therefore DCing and oppressive Eruption based gen control builds where we have the laughable meta of killers literally breaking chase to kick a gen as Eruption gives them more value

Beyond bringing a good medkit I don't know what else to do for this achievement. I am pipping up as still doing a lot in every match but this is meaningless really


  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,221

    Thank you and yeah I think that is pretty solid advice, I probably need to take a break as this is starting to get depressing

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    I wish you the best of luck!

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,221

    Thank you, I think I need more than luck at this point! My God this is frustrating...

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I challenged a streamer friend to do this until he escaped once, for a charity event. He's usually quite skittish and a very poor looper.

    By insane luck, he was matched against a Michael that didn't manage to kill anyone. Got it first try !

    Best 20 bucks spent I guess ! =D

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    There are 3 basic options for this achievement IMO.

    1. Just keep playing perkless, Items and offerings can help a bit, eventually you will get it.

    2. You can cheese it a bit and play it super safe, you dont need to complete a gen you need to repair the equivalent of 1 full gen, so bring a key and hatch offering get 50% progress on 2 different gens and teammates be damned to get it done fast.

    3. Set up/find a SWF of people who want to get the achievement and take turns getting progress with 3 competent people running meta builds and 1perkless and you all know if the mach starts going south everyone knows to get killed away from where hatch spawns and die on hook as fast as possible so the perkless one can get hatch

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I only told him to survive one game with no perks (and he chose no item) to count towards the achievement. I wasn't about to ask him to do the whole achievement in a few hours during the event ! X)

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,221

    Yeah I probably need to be selfish and bring a key at this point... I can't be bothered with a SWF so this is probably my only real option. I got 1 escape a few minutes ago, though only through hatch but still counts so I will take it

    This challenge is not easy in the current meta

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    If you are struggling in soloqueue, and you dont have anyone to play with, are you in the DBD official server? That may help having some other people play with you to help that way its better coordinated. If not, get a hold of me somehow Id be willing to queu up and help you out. i completely understand the pain of that achievement, I went through one time and got all of the achivement. It was horrible

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,212

    We wish you luck mate don't burn out.

    All we can offer is that aside from the tips above, bringing a hatch offering (key or not) can work in your favor if your willing to go the selfish route. The killer will most likely either slug and guard the hatch area or hook and book it there meaning if your at a door you got a nice head start (or if keys in play, you have confusion in your favor)

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2022

    I got this achievement sometime this year in solo q. I kind of brute forced it, just played until I survived - took me maybe a week. But this was shortly before the gen kick meta.

    To be honest I think a nice toolbox is your best bet, not a medkit, - maybe a commodious with double charges, or some toolbox with bnp and charges. The most annoying part of this was actually finishing the equivalent of 1 whole generator.

    I tried never to take the first chase/be hooked first and played stealthy (which is my personal hell because stealth is boring) then started doing gens. If you notice your team is just dropping like flies - just play super safe - play around bbq or other aura perks as if any killer has them unless you can 100% tell the build otherwise.

    As a general rule, splitting up on gens is just solid advice anyways to split pressure - so try to never go on a gen with others.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,221

    Thank you and yeah I have been playing selfish as I tend to be too altruistic but it kept costing me my escapes. Ended up getting two but had to be a bit of a dick team mate lol but have to do it

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,221

    I have managed to get a couple of escapes being selfish and playing it safe.

    I tend to try to split pressure anyway as this is always the best strategy

  • usesPython
    usesPython Member Posts: 121

    As someone who regularly plays like this

    there's three main skills I've found that need to be up to par with people running perks in order to have a normal escape rate:

    • Your looping skills need to be on the same level as someone bringing exhaustion perks, Windows of Opportunity, Resilience, Self Aware, and other such chase perks
    • Your awareness skills need to be on the same level as someone bringing Kindred, Bond, Empathy, and other such aura reading perks
    • Your gen rush skills need to be on the same level as someone running Prove Thyself and no toolbox, so learn to hit great skill checks

    Therefore if you're bringing an item for this challenge I'd argue that the strongest one you can bring is a Skeleton Key (30 charges) with Blood Amber (Shows killers aura within 32 meters, key uses 2 charges/second) and Prayer Beads (+15 charges). The reason for this is that it makes lots of unsafe loops that you'd normally just predrop (e.g. pallet gyms) or get hit at (LT walls) playable with the aura reading.

    Your awareness of what your team is doing will come from two (sometimes three) sources:

    • Seeing or hearing your teammates or signs of their presence (e.g. blood, generator sounds, injured noises, etc.)
    • Auras when you or your teammates go down
    • Your team running aura perks such as Kindred, Aftercare, Blood Pact, Wiretap, etc.

    At the start of the game you will most likely have no idea what your team is doing unless you all spawn together (very bad, advice stays the same in that case). Therefore, your main priority should be to immediately run towards a center gen to decrease the chances of a 3 gen and start doing it. While you're going there pay attention to the sounds of generators being done close by and to pistons moving on far gens, this is where your teammates are and where you should stay away from if you get chased first.

    If by some miracle someone is giving a juicer of a chase you should be soloing gens until there's 2 or less gens, then go group up on gens to get them done faster.

    Before 10 second Borrowed Time became basekit I would pretty much never unhook, but now if someone is hooked then follow the following checklist:

    • If no one else can go for the save and you can (e.g. 3v1, other survivor is getting chased), go unhook
    • If you are healthy and the rest of your team is injured, go unhook
    • If you are right next to them and your team isn't, go unhook
    • If they're about to die on hook and you're not dead on hook, go unhook
    • Otherwise, stay on your gen

    If the person getting chased runs near your gen and doesn't make it to any loop while they're injured and you're not, go bodyblock for them until they either make it somewhere or you get hit (IMPORTANT: when you get hit you should be using your speed boost to run towards a usable loop but away from your teammate). Afterwards go back to doing gens.

    Every time you're not in chase you should be looking around you for usable loops with the following checklist:

    • What pallets, windows, and line of sight blockers are near me?
    • What areas of the map should I avoid bringing the killer to? (e.g. gens being worked on, people healing under the hook, etc.)
    • What areas of the map should I encourage the killer to go to? (e.g. places where all the gens are done, strong structures such as Garden of Joy main building, etc.)
    • Which approximate direction is the killer likely to be coming from? (Generally from the last place you saw them, but teleport killers such as Demogorgon or Onryo might be coming from any direction and stealth killers such as Wraith or Ghostface might sneak up behind you)
    • Are there any killer perks in play that would make specific loops unusable? (e.g. Bamboozle, Spirit Fury + Enduring, etc.)
    • How at risk am I of dying compared to the rest of my team? (If you're healthy at 0 hooks you probably don't want to be dropping god pallets, if you're injured on death hook you should probably be going for the strongest loops and playing safe)
    • Knowing all this, towards which loop should I be running to, and which loop should I be chaining after?
    • If I get hit in the first loop, is there a better loop I can run to with the speedboost or should I stay in the same loop? (e.g. you'd want to leave an LT but stay in Garden of Joy's main building if you know how to run the loops, you should almost always stay away from tiles you don't know how to run)

    Once you're in chase there's also a few things you can change compared to normal looping:

    • Accept you will probably go down faster than usual and use this to your advantage
    • If you go down, comp corner yourself
    • If you know you're getting injured in the next second, immediately start running in a straight line towards either a strong loop if there's no time critical situation your team needs to get done or towards the exact opposite side of the map of the thing that needs to be done (e.g. 3 gen being broken, basement rescues against trapper/hag, etc.)
  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,221

    Bruh... that is quite the detailed response!

    Well thankfully I am up to 5 escapes now so at this rate I should have the final 3 done soon.

    I found the best tactic so far to be playing very passive and very selfish at end game, so no going back for team mates or hook trading. I will be glad when this is done though as I really don't like playing in this selfish way

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,221

    I finally got it!

    Took about 10 hours which is pretty good going and I think I just got a really rough start too. But I have been pretty fortunate today as map RNG has been quite survivor sided and team mates have been really decent for a change.

    I do recommend playing very passively and selfish though, for anyone stuck on this achievement