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BHVR Teasing Survivor Active Action Icons



  • Member Posts: 4,115

    I honestly don’t understand why BHVR thinks it’s ok to make changes, like survivor icons, to make the survivor experience feel better….. but killers can’t even get an FoV slider to make their experience feel better?

    This would be the perfect opportunity for both sides to get an experience improvement at the same time. Killers could still stay in first person view, and get an FoV slider to bridge the gap between killer FoV and survivor FoV.

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    What does the one thing even have to do with the other?

    FoV slider has been requested for a long time and isn’t deconfirmed to ever come with this survivor change. We are just talking about basic information for soloq survivors that won’t affect 4man swf for example.

    also with the Mori changes they have tested some FoV mechanic where they have got Feedback on FoV and how the community wants a slider for accessibility reasons on e more. BHVR is taking their time to evaluate feedback and incorporating it into the game for basically everything (see colorblind mode and this soloq info)

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Mandy strongly hinted it will be.

  • Member Posts: 862

    Finally. Solo q will be more bearable and i dont have to suffer more.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Because the game was balanced around the smaller killer fov.

  • Member Posts: 4,115

    They are related because if survivors are allowed to have experience improvements, that sets a precedent that killers should also be allowed to have experience improvements.

    A long time ago we were told about survivor icons as an idea that maybe, might possibly, be maybe considered as an idea….. but we can’t ever have news that BHVR might consider killer experience improvements? We can’t even get a “maybe we might possibly consider an FoV slider”? It always has to be complete silence for killer experience improvements?

  • Member Posts: 4,115

    The game was also balanced around survivors not knowing what their teammates were doing….. but it’s ok for that to be changed.

  • Member Posts: 14

    Another thing I haven't seen mentioned here is that Eyrie is different in this image than it is currently in game. The breakable wall and window locations have been swapped, which will be much nicer as killer.

  • Member Posts: 358

    Thank you for updating us on this! I was scared it was going to be scrapped but I'm glad I was proven wrong. Solo q has needed this change for a while and I'm glad the devs actually plan on going through with it.

  • Member Posts: 658

    I wouldn't say that right after the knight release XD The knight is by far the worst killer design wise imo. I think sakaro is a better design killer than the knight. He is only good at camping 3 gens which isn't fun to do and outside that he is trash. I do hope we get a small rework or buff to him in the next ptb but I'm not holding my breath. Knight being added imo wasn't an improvement XD

  • Member Posts: 319

    Thank you for adding this!

    Are those all the icons or will there be more? (If u guys can share some more info, just a little bit 🤏😶)

    Good job nonetheless :)

  • Member Posts: 7

    Terrible change from killers perspective. Why do solo survivors need such a buff?

    The whole point is for nobody to have all this info when they solo queue so killers can have a chance and a break from highly coordinated toxic swf's.

  • Member Posts: 1,405

    Gosh, as someone who has been playing SoloQ for 2 years, I look SO forward to this 😄

  • Member Posts: 7,525
  • Member Posts: 7

    A killer queues in solo. There is no killer swf.

    Besides having to deal with swf as a killer now we also need to deal with solo queuers having swf like features.

    Good luck with queue times when people don't play killer as much.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    And that's the role they chose to play? If you want to play with friends, message your buddies and queue for survivor.

    SWF has never really been that difficult, sure there are some teams that will decimate but they're usually incredibly good players with 8K+ hours each, sorry but I do not care about SWF complaints as it's never stopped me enjoying killer.

    "Good luck with queue times" - I'm sure I'll be fine, Killers have been the one with sluggish queues as of late, it's the reason 100% BP is 95% on survivors, because they need more, killers meta is more stale right now than survivors ever has been.

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    there have been a lot killer improvements already as well as survivor improvements. It’s an asymmetrical game, meaning not everything needs to be done on both sides the same way.

  • Member Posts: 3,081

    Killer got a much needed bump in the 6.1.0 update, and since then solo has been more difficult. I don't feel that is really a debatable point.

    The real problem is the huge imbalance between SWF and solo queue, and this addresses that to some extent (nothing will ever full approximate voice comms).

    I feel like this will bring the game as close to overall balance as it ever has been.

    The solo surv side of me is glad to see this, and the killer side of me will be glad that the "solo queue is worse than being waterboarded" hyperbole crowd will have less of a leg to stand on. Yeah, it'll make things a tad more challenging for killer, but let's be honest, the people who will benefit the most from this are the ones who were getting steamrolled before.

    For most players (casuals), this will be amazing. For really good players this will only move the needle a bit. For really good teams, it won't move the needle much at all.

    Not sure what the full array of icons are going to be (forgive me if I missed it somewhere), but I wonder if there is going to be a "going for the save" indicator, because I feel like that would be the most impactful one. Not sure how that would trigger, though.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited December 2022

    Hopefully this makes people do gens more often and be useful.

    I can also know who I'm not gonna bother saving if match goes downhill.

  • Member Posts: 7

    You don't need 8K+ hours to be good in a swf. All you need is 1 good looper and everyone doing gens with minor rotations.

    Swf on voice has a huge advantage.

    I don't like this change. It's my opinion. You can have yours.

  • Member Posts: 9,435
    edited December 2022

    As a solo survivor, and a killer player, this change won't make a bit difference to how games feels, from either perspective.

    Currently, solo survivors are forced to run Kindred. Which means SWF gets 4 perks and solo get 3 (sometimes 2 if you consider the need for something like Sole Survivor, or other info perks like Bond, Situational Awareness, in order to lure other survivors to you).

    This removes the need to run Kindred as default, and anything that prevents certain perks being absolutely necessary is a good thing. Just like the basekit BT.

    But on the other hand, survivors still won't make use of these icons. I run Kindred every damn solo survivor game, and the other survivors are clueless. They can see these big yellow silhouette things that show where everyone is, but instead when I get hooked I see them dancing in the basement, or all on separate gens when there's only 1 more gen to repair.

    I guess it will improve solo survivor in a way because without Kindred I'll be blissfully unaware of how stupid my team mates are being.

  • Member Posts: 7

    I'm asking for specific examples. Perks don't count since both survivors and killers get them. What improvement did killers get?

  • Member Posts: 9,435

    Were you around for 6.1? Do I need to list all the basekit buffs to killer we got then?

    That's not to say killer isn't deserving of other buffs too. A buff to default FoV (or a slider even) would be very welcome.

  • Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2022

    I don't mind if they give this change to survivors if they give killers an option to queue exclusively against solo queue survivors or solo+swf mix or pure swf.

    That way if I don't want to face any swf I can just queue against solo survivors and I don't mind one bit.

    Let killers have 3 check boxes. They can get in whichever queue they feel like.

  • Member Posts: 9,435

    That would absolutely destroy lobby wait times, and why would that be necessary exactly?

    This isn't going to help out SWF at all. In fact Kindred is more effective than the icons, and SWF already don't both running Kindred.

  • Member Posts: 7

    I never said this would help out SWF.

    Why wouldn't it be necessary? Not everyone wants to face highly Discord voice coordinated SWF's all the time. If there are killers that do then fine.

    Why is it a bad thing to have more options? Killers that want to face all kinds of mixes can keep all 3 check marks on or 2/3 etc.

    If I just want to face solo queue and not want to deal with SWF that should be my option to choose.

  • Member Posts: 4,115

    Giving uninspired generic number buffs things to killers, like super small kicking speed buffs, do not improve the killer experience. Yes, they do improve the kill rate, but they don't make the killer's experience itself better.

    Survivor icons are a massive buff to the survivor experience. Killers should at least get a decent FoV slider to buff their killer experience. Both ideas could be done, then BHVR could make number adjustments to push the kill rate back to where they want it to be.

    While it is true that not everything need to be done on both sides, the problem is that it's never ever ever about the killer experience. We had so many official statements from BHVR that they wanted to look into solo q buffs, and statements about making solo q feel more like a team, and the post where they showed us a possible idea of survivor icons, and now a more concrete example of survivor icons. This entire time, we've heard absolutely zero on killer experience buffs. Zero comments on an FoV slider. Zero comments about fixing the unreliable footstep noises that still get bugged out. Zero comments on fixing the sound occlusion that sometimes deletes noises when you don't have line of sight, even if it's a paper thin unenclosed wall that sound should be able to pass over. Zero comments on fixing the aim dressing system that can steal hits from the killer. Zero comments on possibly lowering the purposely loud chase music, that is purposely loud to make the killer experience worse.

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    Shorter distance for survs after being hit, faster recover from a hit, better gen regression for kicking, colorblind mode arguably better for killer (scratchmarks), any specific killer buffs eg GF and Legion adjustments, …

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    Giving uninspired generic number buffs things to killers, like super small kicking speed buffs, do not improve the killer experience. Yes, they do improve the kill rate, but they don't make the killer's experience itself better.

    subjective, for me it made thing more enjoyable. But specific killer adjustments do count as well and there have been plenty.

    Survivor icons are a massive buff to the survivor experience. Killers should at least get a decent FoV slider to buff their killer experience. Both ideas could be done, then BHVR could make number adjustments to push the kill rate back to where they want it to be.

    nope, not a massive buff at all, only qol improvement and bridging the gap between solo and swf, while 4man swf don’t get any improvements from this at all.

    Please don’t victimize the killer side here. They do get constant improvements as well. And soloq experience in the current state is arguably more frustrating than killer experience.

    and I never said any of these improvements or bug fixes for killers shouldn’t come.

  • Member Posts: 658

    As Mandy said they be monitoring the impact of this on the game so I don't think some of y'all should worry to much. If by some chance this change drop kill rates then I'm confident the devs will make changes to killer but in reality as other said I don't think this one lil change is going to do that much other than making soloQ lil more enjoyable to play. That is coming from a killer man who only has 900hrs who hates swf with a passion. I'm not super worried about it at all lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    The devs are desperately underestimating how much this will affect survivor efficiency.

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    You are desperately overestimating how much this will affect survivor efficiency.

    When running kindred, which obviously gives way more info as auras are higher precision, you already notice how most randoms wont act more efficient when being watched.

    also, the super sweat squads won’t gain anything from this anyway

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    This gives more accurate information than kindred for free, mapwide. It'll let survivors know precisely when they can be on gens, constantly and for free. Even mediocre survivors know how to hold m1.

    "Sweat squads" also benefit from having information that is absolutely reliable without any flaws or error. They don't have to crowd comms with extraneous info anymore, they'll just know.

  • Member Posts: 4,115

    None of the killer improvements are experience buffs like the survivor icons will be. It feels bad that killers aren't allowed to have a decent FoV slider, because as long as the kill rate is where BHVR wants it to be, then killers can just suffer through mechanics that are purposely designed to make their experience worse.

    And that's the actual problem. BHVR created things like garbage FoV, on purpose, to make the killer experience worse, and killers aren't ever allowed to have their purposely bad mechanics fixed. Killer's FoV isn't a mechanic that just happens to be inconvenient. It was purposely designed to be terrible.

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    Icons do not give accurate info on position, progression etc. And it’s definitely not more accurate than kindred auras, where you can exactly see the survivors models and animations.

    and even the chasing mechanic can have flaws, as we already know from the obsession claws. You don’t know where they are being chased and if the killer commits or not.

  • Member Posts: 3,322
    edited December 2022

    I mean kindred is also map-wide yet I still see solo queue survivors playing inefficiently when it procs. I don’t think these icons are going to be the second coming you believe them to be. And no they do not give “more accurate information than kindred” because kindred produces literal in-game animations of survivors’ activity in real time. You don’t need to read what’s happening, you can see it. As it happens. People process movement faster than words.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    The obsession claws are vastly useful. Knowing they 1/4th of your team is being chased gives you leeway to work on gens without worry. I like the key with the obsession-aura addon for similar reasons. This will be that, but multiplied.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    You can tacitly tell what people are doing without seeing auras. Are you running for the save while one teammate is on a gen and one is being chased? Congratulations, auras are entirely redundant. The information is far better because of what you can infer with the breadth of it.

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    It will not be that. I would even argue most people don’t even notice that the claws indicate that the obsession is being chased or they know but don’t pay attention. And those players won’t pay attention to those icons most of the times as well.

    this is mostly a neat info qol improvement. Nothing more.

  • Member Posts: 3,389
    edited December 2022

    Letting you know what all survivors are doing at all times, is not a quality of life. It's a vast, game changing buff. I don't understand how you can convince yourself otherwise. "Some players are bad" is hardly a counterargument. Many players are not bad and this will give them a definite edge.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    As killer I am kinda chill for this change. Its only fair for Solo to get some informations.

    However, I would love to see killers came closer to each other (I just say Freddy).

    I will continue saying Freddy, Freddy, Freddy till he get something:-P

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    I know the game and the community. And I have seen how those people play with kindred active. That’s how.

    well, we will see which one of us will be right I guess as they are actually bringing these to us at least in a PTB to test

  • Member Posts: 687

    Omg yes bless. I feel like if I'm not the obsession and am being chased, nothing gets done but if they see the little bones jiggle they might be inclined to actually do gens so I usually feel I need to be the obsession every game (which I usually am ^_^) in order for my team to do stuff and get bummed when I'm not.

    Knowing what my teammates are doing and will be able to make decisions around it will be so so nice. Looking forward to this update, thank you!

  • Member Posts: 26

    Sweet! I can't wait to test out the gameplay and see how it changes things (if it does) once the PTB hits. Thank you for this BHVR, I never thought solo queue would get an actual update like this!

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