Good update incoming?
So yeah the upcoming action icons are a very good thing for solo players but I started wondering whats gonna be else in this patch.
Im really hoping for more quality of life stuff again like little killer updates, perk reworks and good lord give killer higher fov. 5 degrees really would be enough its not gonna be as much of a difference as y'all make it out to be.
Mid-chapter updates always have big potential to being the best kind of updates so Im actually gonna get my hopes up a bit for this one.
Anyone expecting something specific?
Is mid-chapter soon?
I'm expecting just the icons to be thrown in and that's it. Maybe next chapter release will bring mori update though.
*Edit: Just remembered that we might see further enhancements to the tome and store menus.
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Hopefully an FoV slider and not just a set increase, with perks that affect FoV completely reworked. Otherwise it won’t do much for accessibility.
i also kinda hope they will finally get the map reworks done with Red Forest and Swamp updates (though I guess that’s very unlikely to come with one update)
isn’t there also some stuff left from this years roadmap? As well as those anti cheat measures they talked about?
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Mid-Chapter should be early next year. Generally when the rift ends is around the time we get the mid-chapter ptb.
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Next update might let us select tomes and use the store while queued. I believe something like that was in the roadmap.
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Yeah you are right! Forgot about that. Well, that’s what I am expecting along the surv action indications then.
anything else should be considered a plus..
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I'm not getting my hopes up again. Especially since this time it's the midchapter after winter break so they have less time to work on it. Last mid chapter had practically nothing. But the mid chapter that was 1 year before that one was gigantic. edit : to be fair the flashlight adjustments were much appreciated.
If i expect nothing i am guaranteed to be satisfied and have a chance of being pleasantly surprised.
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The problem is that this still isn't going to help bad survivors. Just because you give someone information doesn't mean that said person will know how to use that information.
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Where did they show the new icons? Haven't seen them yet tbh. And yes it is sad that the Killer FOV still hasn't been adjusted.. FOV for Killer in this game actually prevents many from even trying that 50% of the game, due to how zoomed in it is. It really should be raised.. The 1st person FOV atm is simply making the experience even more stressful/inconvenient for Killers and nothing else..
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Biggest thing I want is a bloodweb overhaul. Some kind of insta spend my BP button, or something that makes spending 2 mil BP less mind numbing.
A good start would be eliminating the need to click and hold and getting rid of delay from the black eaty circle thing. Just insta click, done.
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If all we get is the icons, bloodwebs stay long and they do nothing to change the gen kick meta then no it's a bad update.
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Eruption will probably get nerfed since they seem to be throwing soloers a bone with this next update.
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Mid-Chapters are more interesting than new chapters for me.
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Give me a Freddy-Rework in the roadmap. And the Twins-Rework is warmly welcome too. Last Q&A was 1 year ago.
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Make Ruin 150% and remove the "Hex-Part", but keep the disableing when 1 is dead and you wont see Gen-Kicking as mich as now. Or increase Jolt-Numbers.
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Neither need reworks. Actual rework, that is. Like what Freddy already got.
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And then got stomped with 12 nerfs in total and a complete useless Addon-Kit.
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I'm hoping they end the year with a developer update for a PTB in jan
The game's in a weird state right now and I know personally I'm waiting to see what direction they're gonna take with the midchapter. I've stopped playing the game as of late due to its current state so I'm hopeful there'll be something substantial
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Finally we will can confirm that that the other team mates are doing NOTHING while we are in chase.
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I disagree.
They have to do something about the Eruption, Call of Brine and Overcharge meta that allows killers to go into a brainless cycle of kick 2-4 gens, down someone, repeat and win strategy. Buffing Ruin and Jolt doesn't fix that problem.
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Yeah people have started to catch on about what has now been dubbed "Gen locking"
As in, where you have a 3/4 gen and you just do nothing but repeatedly kick the gens over and over and injure/down anyone who gets into the deadzone. It's the perks that allow this to happen and it's not okay at all.
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This content has been removed.
A tool to aid players with poor game sense, great
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Sometimes my crystal ball doesn't work. Sorry.
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I’m just hoping for an Eruption nerf. Maybe Myers will finally get his add-on overhaul? Who knows. The Bloodweb could use some work too. And we’re still waiting for another round of perk reworks that we’re promised…
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If the 4 players have game sense of tasks, they will not waste time. Most matches that i winned in soloq had that type of survivor, that felt in conjunction with me what we should do individually, it is game sense, a learned sense of intuition. Yes, it should be learned instead of giving braindead tools to carry players without it.
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No Freddy got gutted and needs buffs
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Is anyone here who thinks only solos will see the icons?
Would be really suprised if that will be the case... And now ask yourself why.
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I don't care at all about the icons, if they use them as a content excuse to avoid addressing balance issues once again (like with the previous mid chapter that had literally 0 content) it will be just another huge disappointment imho