The hag needs a nerf

LibidinousPsyche Member Posts: 91
edited December 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Okay so I'm new to this game, but I just encounter a no win situation. The hag can basically mark the ground in several spots to camp gens right, so if you are down to two generators and they mark the spot of both gens, you basically are stuck especially if the killer trails both gens close together. Now, it was left to just me, and trying to run to a gen spawn those creeps run away then come back to the generator after they go away the killer has already came camped remarked and waiting. How do you over come this? I think the hag should only be able to mark one spot, because I searched the whole map and I could only find 2 generators left, both had the spawns of the creep things. If that's not the case put more gens in the map.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • LibidinousPsyche
    LibidinousPsyche Member Posts: 91
    edited December 2022

    I read the crotus prenn asylum map has 7 generators, and if so then 2 I know were marked.. I need to find the lay out because me and this other fellow searched and searched, maybe I'm a da. How many spots can the hag mark?

  • LibidinousPsyche
    LibidinousPsyche Member Posts: 91
    edited December 2022

    Oh shoot I didnt know you could crouch through them ty a lot.. So let me ask you this, for the hatch to spawn do all gens need to be done? I had 1 left, and I assumed if it was down to 1 person and 1 gen left the hatch spawns, but maybe I mis read something along the way, but it never spawned or the blood timer thingy. Thanks again on the crouching tip.

    ps, but 10 traps wow thats a lot at a given time, she could camp all the gens lol.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,141

    Crouching over Hags traps is the best counter. She'll usually set them up around a hooked person too, so crouch walk over to them to unhook. If you are the one being unhooked, then pre-hold crouch so when you hit the ground you don't set them off. Then crouch walk to a safe distance. Crouch walk over them to do a gen too. She's definitely a decent killer, just try avoid basement when playing against her. You don't wanna get hooked there.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Hypothetically speaking you could put a trap at every gen at the start of the game but this is bad in practice because hag has to be within 40 meters of the triggered trap in order to teleport to it (can be extended with add-ons) so if someone triggered a trap on one side of the map hag is near and she teleports to it if you then trigger a trap on the other side she more than likely won't be able to teleport to it in time. Most Hags will just choose the 3-4 most clustered together and the first gen or two against hag is free while she sets up. Honestly disturbing the hag right away so she can't set up her traps properly is a decent counter to her, if she can't set up the web of traps properly in the beginning it's hard for her to keep up with survivors. Also don't worry you're not gonna see her much anyway I'm pretty sure there's only 8 or 9 hag mains in existence, most killer players don't like Hag because she's bad at looping. I was gonna say bad in chase but that's not strictly true if the survivor run the route the hag predicted and set up traps along that route ahead of time. If she didn't than yeah she's a 110% killer without a ranged power and terrible in chase.

  • LibidinousPsyche
    LibidinousPsyche Member Posts: 91

    OK thanks guys good tips.. Yah I ran right into a trap as they were chasing me went bobbing through a bunch like a bowling ball through pins lol.

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    Hatch spawns when only 1 survivor is left on the map. You'll see a little hatch icon pop up above the gen counter on your hud when it's active. As for Hag traps, crouch walk. That also works against the little trails Pyramid head can leave on the ground (looks like barbed wire). Crouch walk through either of those things and they won't trigger.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited December 2022

    She's actually maybe the killer with the most counters, and in my opinion could get a little more love from the devs. I feel like most of her power and pressure comes from teams being unused to facing her, like you were. =)

    If you manage to set off her traps regularly at strategic times (while she's far or carrying someone, or when she's in chase and you're healthy to maybe divert her attention from your injured teammate) she'll lose a lot of times resetting them, as without traps she's pitiful in chase.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    After reading this thread, it dawned on me, that the game needs a better tutorial. Something that explains what a killers power is, its strengths, weaknesses and how to play against the killer. Maybe in a short movie or something that goes over the basics.