Give Ghostface permanent Night Shroud?

I recently watched a video by SpookyLoopz about how he would change every killer.
He said Ghostface is in a good spot after his rework but he suggested that GF could be changed to be the first killer to not have a terror radius or red stain but at the expense of stalk % decaying on non-marked survivors.
I actually think this would be a great change. I don’t get to stalk survivors to 99% but I don’t have to constantly broken out of stealth either. Seems like a fair trade-off to me.
He talks about it at 14:27 for those who want to watch the clip.
My initial reaction to that was like "no way", but the more I thought about it, the more sense it made.
It seems OP, but perhaps not more than being able to 99% mark survs, leave them, and then essentially instadown them without warning at any point later. It just doesn't make much sense the way it works now.
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So essentially T1 Myers but 115% instead of 105%
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Yeah right now I feel like GF functions more as an insta down killer with a bonus stealth ability than an actual stealth killer. I know you might agree with me when I say his stealth is great on indoor maps but it’s extremely tricky to not be constantly broken out of stealth on more open maps.
I don’t think it would be too OP if they did the stalk decay mechanic correctly.
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T1 Myers can’t insta-down survivors
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Not even to mention that exposing GF is maddeningly inconsistent. If I knew I couldn't expose him, I might not waste my time trying in futility (and disbelief) to expose him while staring straight at him.
I might add that the mark would have to remain in LOS to prevent the stalk degradation, which would need to be pretty rapid.
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So very true. GF is really inconsistent and I frequently get exposed by survivors hiding behind objects and around corners. It can also being really annoying for survivors who stare directly at GF but still can’t seem to break him out of stealth. Making him permanently undetectable solves these problems.
Yeah, maybe adding a slower stalk decay rate for survivors in that are in LOS would work well.
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I'm willing to bet back in 2016 before the game was released they started off with a killer that didn't have a red stain or terror radius and they figured out that they needed to add something to the game to give survivors some warning that the killer was coming and that killers having no stain or TR were powerful.
I imagine they put more testing into this before Myers came out and made him move slowly when he had no TR/stain because it is that overpowered.
I'm also willing to bet that before Pig was released she was probably tested with a faster crouch/uncrouch and they found she was ripping people off gens left, right and center and thus they had to nerf her crouch speed.
I think SpookyLoopz was more interested in pushing content out rather than making good suggestions. The suggestions I saw him make were enough to make me not watch the rest of the video, his ideas were that malformed.
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Ah, even worse
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I would agree with you if Ghostface had tons of map pressure and if SWF didn’t exist. But he doesn’t. And players on comms also destroy him. Losing your ability for 24 seconds (18 with Matchbook add-on) is brutal.
I’m a GF main so I’m not saying he’s terrible, but he’s extremely inconsistent on most open maps and very weak against SWF.
Also, is it too much to ask of players to have more situational awareness so they don’t get grabbed off of a gen?
I doubt they’ll take the time to rework GF again (I really hope they do though).
Post edited by ShroudedGhostFace on0 -
Feels like a nerf to me honestly. Just like Mirror Myers he'd only be viable on indoor maps, not having a red stain or terror radius is not a huge deal like he thinks it is. The only redemption of Ghostface on big and open maps is being able to 99% people.
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Accidentally posted the same response twice so I deleted this comment
Post edited by ShroudedGhostFace on0 -
It’s not a nerf if you’re good at ambushing people and marking survivors that are close to you or running away from you. It would make him easier to play, and not so weak against SWF.
If you getting broken out of Night Shroud, you basically have no ability until it recharges. And if you’re facing a good team, that’s going to be frequently happening.
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That sounds cheap as #########, please no.
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If you want Ghostface buffed that's fine, but removing his terror radius and red stain completely is not the way to go. It's a bad idea and a hard pass for most people.
Yes, it is too much to ask of players to have more situational awareness so they don’t get grabbed off of a gen. SWFs would have less issues but SoloQs would have to dart their camera from side to side like milk-dipped mouse in a cathouse for most of the game. It's bad enough with Ghostface in his current form and a healthy gen grab can be a tide turning event.
Only one licensed killer has had a positive rework (Bubba) and the rest are either left to rot (Myers, etc) or got destroyed. (Freddy, Pig) At least Ghostface gets new skins.
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I still think he wouldn't be OP even with permanent Night Shroud, but I think he could at least use a buff to his reveal mechanic. It's currently way too easy to be broken out of stealth. Maybe increase the time it takes to reveal him to 2.5 seconds or 3 seconds?
Solo survivors and SWF will never be in the same league. Even if they gave solo survivors comms, there are still plenty of players who would never use it because they just want to play and not be forced communicate. The whole point of the survivor role is to work together as a team, and solo survivors need to accept that they will always be at a disadvantage even if killers like Ghostface receive a massive buff.
If I'm sweating my face off to get a 3K or 4K, then they should be sweating to not get grabbed off gens.
I think that a lot of the licensed killers should be buffed or reworked, and I think it's great that the Bubba rework made him stronger. However, survivors can't randomly deactivate Bubba's chainsaw, but they can deactivate Night Shroud on GF.
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Somebody hasn't seen Ghosty crouching from a distance, especially with newer cosmetics
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They have most definitely tested no red stain & terror radius killers and ruled them out. That's just never going to happen. Permanent Night Shroud would be exactly that. I suggest you pick a different hill to die on if you suggest buffing Ghostface.
His reveal time is currently 1.5 seconds while, his expose time is 5 seconds or 2.5 seconds when leaning so I can already spot a huge problem with making his reveal time 3 seconds.
Your second paragraph is ridiculous. 50%+ of survivor players are SoloQ and you sound like they just deserve to lose because they chose to play SoloQ.
Recent stats:
And he's in the same spot on the high MMR graph. By the official stats he's almost perfectly balanced.
Are you sure it's not a skill issue on your side? Are you a lazy Ghostface who doesn't lean-stalk enough?
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Heck no. I don't want any more of him
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You're showing me the chart that says Sadako is way stronger than Nurse? You've made some decent points but this kill-rate chart argument is just laughable. More people play Nurse than Sadako, so Nurse's killrate is going to be lower than Sadako's since not everyone who plays Nurse is good with her. This chart is not an accurate representation of the strength of each killer, even GF.
Never said that solo survivors deserve to lose. I just said that no matter how many buffs soloQ gets, they will never be as strong as SWF. Even if soloQ was given comms, there are still plenty of people who don't want to talk to their teammates and just want to play the game. Refusing to buff mid-tier killers like GF to protect soloQ is a weak argument.
So you're saying GF shouldn't have permanent Night Shroud but he also shouldn't get buffed so that it takes longer for survivors to reveal him. What do you suggest then? I'd like to know your thoughts on how you would potentially buff or change GF.
Again, he's not a terrible killer, but as a GF with hundreds of hours playing as him, he could use a slight buff.
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Give him a gun
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You heard him BHVR. Make it happen.
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I'm showing you official data that influences BHVR's decisions. They listen to to that data much more than a couple of plebs arguing in a forum thread.
While SoloQ can't ever be as good as SWF, the game should be designed in a thoughtful enough manner that things don't get added to the game that are easily countered by SWFs but difficult if not impossible to counter by SoloQs. That's bad and irresponsible game design. While SWFs will always be above SoloQ the devs should do their best to not artificially widen the gap with crap like Eruption.
You identify map pressure as one of his issues, perhaps a reasonable buff that wouldn't be so objectionable would be a passive slowdown in addition to or related to his current powers. Maybe survivors have their gen repair speed reduced by a percentage if they have been at least 50% stalked and if a survivor isn't stalked or chased for 5 seconds their stalk begins to decay and takes 15 seconds to decay down to 50% and then they remain 50% stalked. GF would get some gen slowdown but trade it for a bit of lethality, but keeping 50% stalk would still be powerful since he'd often be able to expose people before they could reveal him anyway. Just something off the top of my head, you can take it and run with it.
To be honest, I wouldn't change or buff Ghostface. I don't care about him.
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there goes the revealing mechanic having any use
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I guess a Sadako nerf is incoming because the official statistics say she’s way too strong. They actually do listen to what the player base says if they complain enough, which is why Freddy was completely reworked.
I agree that the game should not add changes that significantly impact soloQ but not impact SWF, but most killers in the game, especially GF, are designed around playing against soloQ exclusively. Loading into a match against a sweaty 3 or 4 man SWF on comms already puts most of the killer roster at a huge disadvantage. Balancing the game to bridge the gap between soloQ and SWF is a massive topic that should probably be discussed in another thread though.
I thought SpookyLoopz rework idea was cool because his idea improves on Ghostface’s strengths and what makes him fun to play to begin with. He’s an ambush stealth killer, let’s amplify those qualities.
Your idea of a passive gen slowdown is interesting but I’d rather GF be a stronger stealth killer than a wannabe slowdown killer. His “Driver’s License” add-on is already great for gen slowdown anyways.
I just made the thread as a “what if” topic. I don’t expect another rework, but having GF not be broken out of stealth by survivors would be so amazing though.