Will de-pips ever be removed?
I don't think they really have a place anymore and I feel like the overall DBD experience would be a lot more relaxed and potentially less sweaty/stressful/frustrating if de-pips got removed or reworked. It might maybe make people a little less toxic too?
Removing de-pips would benefit both sides, especially when dc's and hook suicides are a thing. People who dc could still get a negative pip, but if the survivor/killer actually tries, the negative pips should be removed entirely. There are so many factors out of your control, pipping is usually just a matter of luck/time played anyway.
So my question is: will de-pips ever be removed? It's been a while now since ranks were changed to grades, but de-pips are still around. I'm hoping it can be changed sometime soon, because I'm tired of de-pipping to unfair things that are not my fault at all (in the case of both survivors and killers, namely when there are dc's and hook suicides, but it is much more difficult to pip as a solo queue survivor in my opinion).
They probably wont get rid of em, but they should. Depips dont serve a purpose anymore, but they definitely punish players that get a string of bad luck. I've lost an entire grades worth of pips many times because some turd burglars wanted to dc or give up on first hooks. Theres times it makes me not even wanna play.
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I don't think they should get rid of de-pips however I do think they should lower the safety pip conditions a bit at iri/gold rank (Use the current Bronze safety for bronze/silver, and current silver for iri/gold).
As well as have a blanket safety pip when someone dc's or dies in the first few minutes of the match. The person who dies can get it if they have been hooked twice (tunnelled out) and can't if their total time on hook is less than 80 seconds and have only been hooked once (People who hook suicide wont get it but people who get abandoned on hook by teammates will), was gonna say 100 sec but had to account for monstrous shrine.
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Just remove the depip for the rest of the team when someone disconnects would improve the situation.
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I'd like to see them gone as well. They serve no purpose but to nerf the rise in grades, but since grades themselves are only for bp, why even keep negative pips ?
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They should be removed. When rank was tied to matchmaking, it made sense for depips to exist. That is no longer the case, and now they just exist to be frustrating and nothing else.
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Why would anyone care then how they play in match if there is nothing to risk?
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That makes no sense. If theres zero risk to lower your "rank" (sadly not even a rank anymore, since the game has gone to a worse direction to be more casual friendly), it would mean that everyone would eventually reach rank 1? Or whatever its called these days?
Also its very easy to get to the top "rank" anyways. How can you stress about it when it has nothing to do with the competitiveness of the game?
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That would be acceptable. Literally the only times I depip on survivor are from people goin out at the start of the match. Occasionally on killer I run into an absolute hit squad and lose a pip, but that doesnt happen too often. Survivor is where we need changes so you cant lose a whole grades worth from a chain of bad starts.
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Everyone is SUPPOSED to reach grade 1 if they play enough, that's the whole point of the system. It's completely removed from matchmaking and is explicitly meant to reward playtime not skill.
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People would still want to do well to pip up for wnd of month rewards. System would still be the same as far as 0, 1, or 2 pips for how you played. You just wouldnt lose pips for gettin bad teammates. For example, Ive had many times where I'll be 1 pip away from movin up a grade, then get a string of 4 or 5 matches where a teammate takes themselves out on 1st hook and end up depipping all the way back to the start. Doesnt matter if I did gens or ran the killer, if my whole team dies at 3 gens left, I depip. Wasnt my fault that everyone else gave up.
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Not if you unlocked everything.
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2 points
*most people havent unlocked everything, especially new players. I want new players to get lots of points to unlock stuff cuz they'll keep playing and I have better teammates/competition.
*if you have everything unlocked now, what's your motivation to play?
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*if you have everything unlocked now, what's your motivation to play?
To kill Meg Thomas
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I totally feel this, it sometimes makes me not wanna play too or at the very least I take a long break whenever I go on a bad luck streak and lose all my pips when I was just one pip away from grading up. I'm hoping they'll someday consider removing depips, I'm sure it would really benefit everyone, especially since grades are supposed to (according to the devs) just measure time played now. 🤞
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Depips do serve a purpose. They are an obstacle to the 1 million bloodpoint reward for Grade Iri I every month. Getting to Iri IV and earning 700k BP is already pretty easy, it's only the last few steps that pose any real difficulty.
What do you expect? Just to be able to log in on the 13th of every month and collect 2 mil BP without actually having to earn it?
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Honestly if I get my ass handed to me, I want my MMR to go down. That way I'd be more likely to have a match where I stand a chance.
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If they bother you just click through the pip display immediately. I've never even looked at the screen but once or twice. Can't imagine caring.
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Well, I can't argue with that lmao
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My OCD compels me to look at every screen at the end. 🥲 I know, no fault but my own, but it's still frustrating to see a depip for something entirely out of your control.
I know what you mean, but grades are really just supposed to measure playtime now and one can play a lot but still never gain any pips or lose all their pips for things totally out of their control, which is the most terrible feeling ever.
I've known people who hated on killers/their own teammates just because they lost a pip. I kinda feel like it causes extra unnecessary toxicity in an already super toxic community?
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Honestly if they ever did remove pips they would probably replace the emblem system with something twice as grindy so perhaps it's best to count our blessings.
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You know, I honestly can't even disagree with that... 😂 Would it be weird for me to say that I (want to) have faith in BHVR though? LOL.