(Resolved) Advice on how one can stop holding grudges?

So I got really pissed off when someone complained about my blood warden when the whole swf brought dead hard because I'm someone who does NOT like hypocrisy. Now I got banned from their chat when all I asked was to see that it is in fact hypocritical so I could calm down. Sadly, I'm not calm since he's begun ignoring me. Do I have a mental illness? Is there anything I can do to stomp this "principle of the thing" issue of mine out for good?
As someone who's sometimes gotten into stupid arguments in EGC bc of this game, my best advice is to just say what you want to say and move on. Don't dwell on it or let it linger in your mind if that makes sense
Like for example in my Killer games if some dude gets mad about how i played, I either just say yeah i wanted to win or deal with it. If people get mad about stuff you do like what do they want, you to apologise for playing the game?
Also there's no point arguing with people who aren't actually open to a discussion, you can't convince people who refuse to see a different perspective on things, it's not worth the energy you invest.
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That is helpful advice but when it comes to hypocrisy, there's something in me that refuses to back down and it actually makes my body hurt a little.
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Honestly I think everyone is inherently hypocritical (myself included) at times.
It just depends what we are hypocritical about, if that makes sense
Honestly not worth wasting your energy on.
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I know. I think I'm just gonna be stuck like this. Dumb stuff like principles always overtakes me even when I don't want to deal with that and I hate it.
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With regards to DBD related stuff you eventually just become apathetic towards it over time
Like sure there's stuff that's annoying af in the game but eventually you'll just be like "whatever, moving on"
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You sure? It's been nearly 3k hours.
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I have 4k hours myself and I'm just about at that point
I mean don't get me wrong, the game still pisses me off to no end sometimes
But i just don't care enough to get annoyed in EGC for example, I just click continue and forget about it or stop playing
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I hope I get to that point. Thanks for the help, man. It means a lot.
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Us Legion mains gotta stick together
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Wait, you too?
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Hell yeah
I'm a joey main bc I dig his style.
I'd main HUNK but his animations are still ridiculous looking and he doesn't have his own voice.
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I swap off from Julie and Joey. Refusing to buy HUNK until they fix him because I see that as a little pay to win with that bug.
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I have/had the same exact problem but I'm slowly getting over it. Idk how I did it. Putting endgamechat off for a while helped I guess. Also endgame chat is useless anyway, most of the time there's nothing in it, or one person saying gg. Aaaaand then there are the moments where people complain/insult etc.
So I just turned it off for a while.
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It's always tempting to respond to (seemingly) stupid comments, but no argument, however cogent, is going to change people's minds--they're just as convinced in their beliefs as you are. Giving up on trying to argue in the post-game chat has brought me immeasurable peace of mind, and now Katy Perry has her fame back, Sia was released from Beyonce's Beysment, and people are finally buying Artpop.
Besides, there's nothing more satisfying than responding to a paragraph-length tirade with just "ok, I'm sorry you feel that way"