Solo Queue is an abomination. DC from being downed, allergic to gens, leaving teammates to die on hook. It’s a real pain. I’m a PS5 player who doesn’t care if you’re on a different platform, im just looking for altruistic team players who aren’t afraid to give it their all, and will build gens and have a good time. Cross Play is enabled of course, and I’m a team player who will really try hard to be there for my team, and I won’t unhook in front of killer or hide in a locker all game. I’m ready to escape and will try all that I can to. I might have some bad games (don’t we all?) but I certainly will always be occupied in the game and I won’t give up or slack. If this sounds like the kind of player you’d like to play with, my username is EntityDreams. (Don’t mind the lack of hours on my game, I just got the PS5 a couple months ago lol)
Discord is Randall#3087
DBD is TTV-Inevertunnel
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i'll join my discord is:MikoGamingHek#9089 my dbd is iridescentpanda/TTv#74a7
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i can join team, I am actually looking for team to join to join community cup also
my profile ._.Sharkym._.
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I play on ps5
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That's first sentence sums up solo q, I feel ya