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General Discussions

Since im bored, i decided to name the worst maps for killers.

-Garden Of Joy

-Eyrie Of Crows

-Mother's Dwelling

-All Badham maps


There are most likely a few others that i decided not to put as of right now. And yes i didin't put The Game cause it isn't as bad as the maps i said above.

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  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Eh. They somewhat depend on the killer I guess.

    Eyrie, Badham and Cowshed are not that bad on Legion because they're middle sized maps with good enough visibility, but loading on Mother's Dwelling with Legion or Hag makes me want to just mess around until next game.

    I'd add RPD to the bunch, though it's not as bad on killer as it is on survivor, if it was not such a great map for Hag. Destroys my Legion games though.

    Of course, I'm very biased, but that's because I don't want to speak for a killer I haven't played a fair amount. So far I can only judge for Legion, Hag and Ghostie.

    The most neutral maps in my perception are Crotus Prenn's. Nothing bad to say about them. Nothing super exciting either. I like the circus on Chapel, though Maurice still hasn't returned...

  • Member Posts: 193
  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I'm still not entirely sure why people think Eyrie of Crows is so bad. It's definitely not killer sided, but it doesn't feel anywhere near as bad as maps like Mother's Dwelling, Fractured Cowshed, or even honestly The Game to me.

    Although, it does depend on the killer, because it is really bad for Trapper, and for stealth killers. For the majority though it seems... fine? Relatively neutral, as far as DBD maps go.

  • Member Posts: 1,168

    Eyrie is so void of palates and vaults, has absolutely no layout variation and has such a good open view I'm really surprised to see it as a bad killer map.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    Kind of depends on the killer. I'd add the indoor maps to that list. They're miserable for every killer I play.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Maybe this is a hot take but I actually think The Game is killer sided. Like yes there's lots of pallets but that's it...

    -Strong basement

    -Low number of windows

    -Predictable pathing by survivors

    -Gens can take a while to find

    -Middle top level can be kinda barren

  • Member Posts: 2,451

    Eyrie is bad, because it's really to loop. Most tiles are safe against most killer, close to each other and you can waste time running around some structures.

    The main building is also not bad and easy reachable. And if you are too far from the main building, shack is near.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Agreed on all of these. I’d add every indoor map too because I just hate them on both sides

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Are they? Most of them seem like pretty standard window-and-pallet tiles that you can mindgame if you know what you're doing. There are some pretty good tiles near the centre, but the ones near the edges aren't that bad at all. They can be connected a lot of the time, but idk, I really feel like Eyrie has an overinflated reputation when it's really not that bad.

    It's certainly nothing compared to maps like Mother's Dwelling and Fractured Cowshed.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    Mother's Dwelling is a map that's pretty decent for a few specific killers I think.

    Pinhead for example. People have to run really far in order to solve his lament configurations. And he can teleport on occasion.

    Pig is a killer I can never decide if this is a good map for her or not. She can struggle to get downs, especially on that map. Once you do get a down though, it will take survivors a really long time to remove her RBTs, especially if you harass them at the jigsaw boxes.

  • Member Posts: 82

    Haddonfield is not that bad. In some RNGs. The middle of the map is pretty empty with only a pallet here and there. The only thing i can complain of the map is the windows. The rest seems pretty okay and it sure won't be that hard as a killer. Gas Heaven has an okay main building with a very good pallet behind it. Besides that, it's an autohaven map. Pretty good imo. For the Asylum, i feel very neutral.

  • Member Posts: 82

    Eyrie is a way too big map, which already is a problem. Along with that, there's 2 gyms behind the main building, and 2 gyms in the middle of the map. Along with the shack at the corner, with that there's also some filler pallets which makes the map very hard for the killer.

  • Member Posts: 82

    The Game is not the worst. That's why i didin't put it there, mainly cause the map is also smaller which is easier to manage.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Eyrie Of Crows isn't that bad, it depends on which killer you play as though. The rest I can agree with. Would also add Shattered Square to the list.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Eyrie is about medium sized, it isn't comparatively that big at all. I'm not sure why so many people think that it is...

    I dunno, man. They're just gyms, you can outplay those by mindgaming and at least they require survivors to stay in them to use the pallet, harder to drop-and-run the way connected tiles normally work. I truly do not think Eyrie deserves to be discussed in the same breath as the real monsters of survivor-sided map design.

  • Member Posts: 82

    Shattered Square's only problem is the size honestly. It has an okay ish main building with some really unsafe pallets sometimes. I have played it as both modes and seems to be that is pretty balanced. I just hate how some pallets are all close to each other sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    The problem with eyrie is eyrie is basically it's the worst part of suffo pit made into an entire map instead of it just being the center. The gyms on the side are normal but the problem is the half dozen miniloops in the center that connect all of it together. You can go from one side of the map to the other then into main or shack without too much difficulty and creates chases that last way too long. There's really no dead zones on any part of the map. Then this is less of an issue but those bushes have phantom hit boxes and it's really easy to get stuck on them as billy, demo, huntress, etc. I think Eyrie is salvageable but presently there's a reason it's the offering survivors bring when they really wanna escape.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    My guess is because the graveyard part can spawn with several very safe pallets and they are very easy to link, on the rest I agree with you, the main is average once you remove the two breakable walls and the tiles are regular tiles too, except the graveyard zone the rest of the map doesnt have much pallet density either, I think the map got bad press because streamers said it was bad and if Streamerâ„¢ says is unbalanced it has to be true, right?

    I also think Eirye is nothing compared to Mother's Dwelling, most Badham variations, Cowshed or Ormond, all of those are brutal compared to any other map.

    On a sidenote, I feel like SWFs tend to send you to Eirye, Garden of Joy and Coldwind, sweatlords SWFs almost universally send you to Badham and Ormond.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Yeah the pallets being very close together + the size are the main problems. If those were fixed the map would be fine

  • Member Posts: 427

    Ormond is also a good candidate

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Yeah it is? It's the same size as Ormond, both significantly smaller than the larger sized maps like Mother's Dwelling.

    Obviously there's the question of if those maps are also too big, but people act as though Eyrie is comparatively very big when it's not really.

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited December 2022

    Eyrie ranks 8 out of 17 in size, it is medium sized.

    In any case, map size is not as relevant as people believe, Azarovs and Shelter Woods are tied on second largest map and they are quite Killer sided, on the other hand Badham maps sit on the smaller size (10, 11 and 13 depending on variations) and are considered one of the toughest maps for Killers.

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    The core problem is that some killers do well on these maps. The killers that are really punishing to play there are always the weaker killers already.

    'Size' is a tricky term, because Eyrie feels bigger than it is due to the insane density compared to Ormond. Like...Eyrie (and Garden) have that thing where you can chain loop into loop into loop and then back again ad-nauseum.

    That said, I'd rather play on Eyrie or Cowshed any day of the week than do another Garden game. Survivors have wised up to how stupid the main structure can be with certain window spawns, including at least one configuration I've seen that is a literal infinite. No idea how this went live.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    @StarLost True unfortunately.

    I really think they need to shrink down the size of many peoples to make them pressurable by those weaker killers with less mobility. We can adjust the higher tier killers accordingly that this may over buff in turn.

  • Member Posts: 193


    Big, mostly open map with pretty safe main building for survivors and shack isn't really that far from the middle

  • Member Posts: 193

    I mean if survivors know what they are doing buildings are still painfull in Haddonfield. And the rest of the map depends on rng.

    Gas Heaven nah i hate it. Big, open with decent main building and shack that isn't too far from the middle.

    Asylum is just big, posseses strong window and can sometimes have nasty rng.

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