Hook Bug

ScarletL1995 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

So 2 survivors were dead, the 3rd on his death hook when I was finally caught. Pretty proud I ran around without getting caught even though I was chased many times ... but while hooked I was going to die on hook for the other player when I unhooked myself. 4%!

Somehow I was immediately on my death hook after that. Even the killer couldn't understand what the heck happened. He was able to Mori me even though I was hooked once and escaped.

So ... lost a hook because of a bug with the unhooking yourself!

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  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I’ve seen this 1 time only, maybe 2 weeks ago. It seems to be exceedingly rare, but I can confirm that this bug does exist.