

New Licensed Killer/Survivor (updated)

Member Posts: 28
edited February 2019 in Creations

Hey everyone, so last time I made this idea, I was still super new to the game. A lot of the survivor perks I had thought of were actually already in the game too, so it wasn't an amazing Idea at that point lol.

My idea for the next Killer/Survivor is the alien from John Carpenter's "The Thing." In the game he'd be called Body Snatcher. I'll call him Snatcher for short though. This killer would be a master of mind games and sabotage. Much like the Spirit in terms of fooling survivors. So what this monstrosity's power?

Diabolic Mutation (passive): Well, snatcher would have a passive in which it starts out disguised as a survivor not currently in the match (dressed in their base outfit). Any time the snatcher gets a kill -excluding disconnects- the killer transforms into their latest hooked survivor after a 3 second delay. While not using their active power, the snatcher will have a zero meter terror radius, will walk at the same speed as other survivors, can sabotage gens by "working on them," repair hooks, and use emotes with the same controls as survivors. Ways to tell the killer apart from other survivors would be that the snatcher will not use the same voice as their current survivor form. For example, a killer disguised as Claudete would make David King noises. A disguised snatcher cannot hit survivors, save them from hooks, pick up items, search chests, or sprint. They're also still in first person for obvious reasons.

Frenzied Mutation (active): After a 1-2 second transformation period, the snatcher erupts into a mass of legs and writhing tentacles. The snatcher will gain an 80% speed boost and can instantly smash through pallets. (Note: the goal of this speed boost is to make this killer marginally faster than the legion in feral frenzy, but I don't know the exact numbers on that, so I went with 80%) This effect will persist for a minimum of 4 seconds, but it can be extended infinitely as long as they have not left the chase state. Things that will automatically end the active regardless of time remaining are the following: the killer breaks a pallet, the killer is blinded, or the killer downs a survivor. Ending the active in the previously mentioned manner will induce a sever movement penalty for 2 seconds. Activating this effect will also let out a scream much like the one in the movie that can be heard across the entirety of the map and will activate survivor perks like dark sense free of cost (basically survivors with dark sense or other killer aura revealing perks will be able to see the snatcher's aura when they start their active.)

Mori: The Body Snatcher wraps multiple small tentacles around the leg of the survivor, pulling them closer. The snatcher's stomach opens up to reveal rows and rows of teeth, and it lets out a blood curdling screech. Then it leans down and starts to eviscerate the survivor by biting multiple times.

As you can see, The Thing is a master of fooling survivors into a false sense of comfort. Using their passive, they can sneak up on unsuspecting survivors and pretend to work with them while messing with their objectives. Their active also allows them to chase survivors while putting the killer at a disadvantage if they don't properly manage the chase state. With some practice, the snatcher can be devastating to a team of survivors who don't communicate well or just play for themselves. In terms of perks, this killer can also bring some interesting stealth into the mix.

Perk 1 - Hex: Secret Sacrifice: The entity has given you the power to hide your vile deeds from your prey. This perk uses 3 totems, and reduces its effect based on how many of them are left.
3 totems - survivors cannot see or hear the effects of a survivor being hooked (this blocks survivor perks such as kindred)
2 totems - survivors cannot see or hear the effects of a fellow survivor being sacrificed.
1 totem - survivors cannot see when a fellow survivor has been injured. (this blocks survivor perks such as empathy)
Given that this can be a very powerful effect, I decided that making it take up more than 1 totem was an essential drawback to using this perk. It also means that your ability to stack this with other hex perks would be limited given that only a couple remaining totems would be usable via hex perks.

Perk 2 - Devious Diversions: Your study of the survivor's behavior gives you the ability to better outwit them. Every time you hit a survivor, gain a token. At 2 tokens, you may call upon the entity to let out a terrible screech. This creates a false stationary terror radius 20 meters in front of the killer and reveals survivors inside for 0.75/1/1.5 seconds (this stops at walls and consumes 2 tokens). Using this perk also reduces your own terror radius to 3 meters for the duration. You can only activate this perk once every** 3/2.5/2 **minutes. This enables you to scare survivors away from areas you'd rather not have them in. Or to zone them into a corner so you can trap them for the kill.

Perk 3 - Entity's Blessing: The Entity has acknowledged your thirst for blood, and has provided you the ability to hide up to two of your hex totems from survivors. With this perk equipped, two random lit hex totems will appear to be dull. After 2 generator have been completed, one of the disguised hex totem's aura will be revealed to survivors for 6/5/4 seconds. After 4 gens gave been completed, the second hex totem will be revealed to survivors until it has been cleansed. (The blinded status effect will counter the aura revealing effect) This perk obviously makes finding a hex totem more difficult for survivors, and it forces them to break dull totems they come across. This also means that trying to hide a hex will result in possibly not optimal perk builds for killers.

The snatcher would also come with some interesting add-on's. The less complex ones would reduce the transformation time on both his active and passive. The more interesting add-ons I thought of would allow the snatcher to sabotage a gen by setting a trap on it while disguised. This would make it so that survivors must pass a very hard skill check, and if it fails, they go down a health state if healthy or get a deep wounds debuff if they're already injured.

So, with all this talk about a cool killer, which survivor would we introduce? Well, I would like to propose a Survivor who's goal is to track down the killer and keep their team informed of its location. In the movie, the main protagonist was R.J. MacReady, and I think he'd perfectly fit this role given the fact that he vanquished the alien in the end. RJ could also look like his counter part from the The Thing due to the fact that the alien had no definitive form to it.

Perk 1 - Strong Willed Tactician: Your dedication to keeping your friends alive allows you to inform survivors of the killers location even in the midst of a chase. Every time the killer hits you, survivors within a 20/32/Infinite meter area of you will see the killer's aura for 3/4/5 seconds.

Perk 2- The Shadow: Knowing your team relies on your wits, you realize you'll have to get a closer look. When facing the killer from at most 10/12.5/15 meters away, their aura is revealed to fellow survivors within a 20/25/30 meter range. Additionally, the noises of your movement are reduced by 50%. This does not reveal killers who are currently cloaked. Using this perk increases your chance of being the Killer's obsession. This is meant to be a perk that makes a survivor take on the role of a scout. It however doesn't allow them to stalk someone like the wraith, spirit, snatcher, or pig who all rely on being cloaked via their special abilities

Perk 3 - The Fighter: Your experience combating killers allows you to keep them stunned for a longer duration. The effects of blinding and stunning a killer persist 20/40/60% longer than normal. This includes effects of flashlights, pallets, d strikes, and wiggling free. I thought this would be fitting for RJ because he is one of the few people who actually killed his antagonist

So this is my updated killer/survivor idea. I hope you guys like it! I didn't get any feedback on the last one, so I hope this will attract more people. I'd really appreciate it if you guys told me what you think!

Post edited by KillerKittens17 on

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  • Member Posts: 8
    Really cool idea and the perks all seem to be relatively balanced, although maybe give the shadow some sort of cooldown to use. Just a thought, how will the sabotage of the gens work? Can the snatcher kick gens and also sabotage as a different button, and is it more worth it for the snatcher to sabotage a gen because more time at gens means less time chasing and killing survivors.
  • Member Posts: 765
    Love the idea and the perks. There may be a few balancing issues with The Shadow. Do you need direct line of sight? Do you just have to be within range and behind a wall? Etc.

    Also, and this is just a me being a HUGE Thing fan; MacReady didn’t defeat the Thing. Either he Childs was the creature in the end (Carpenter has never said which onenit was but he did say one of them is the creature). One of them eventually dies, and the Thing simply goes back into hibernation waiting for a team to come and investigate the area.
  • Member Posts: 28

    So as an update on The Shadow survivor perk, I think some clarification is probably needed. The shadow was intended to be a high risk high reward sort of play style. While it may be powerful for survivors, the one using the perk would need to be close to the killer at all time. Due to this, I've made these changes!

    1) The perk will be continuously active, so there will be no cooldown.
    2) It will only activate in a 15 degree cone in front of you. This means it will go through walls, but it also requires you to basically look directly at them.
    3) The distance you need to be to reveal the killer should probably be closer to something like 4/6/10 meters. This means that survivors trying to embrace this play style will really have to bite the bullet in terms of keeping an eye on the killer!

    I really appreciate the feedback on this. Y'all are awesome <3

  • Member Posts: 28

    OH, I forgot to mention in the previous comment. In terms of the sabotaging gens thing. It'd be a slower gen kick that takes twice as long, but it regresses the gen by 20%. It'd be disguised as if you were working on the gen like a normal survivor.

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