General Discussions

General Discussions

Disconnects are way too common. Something needs to be done about it.

It seems like every other match, at least one person disconnects. And it is becoming an increasingly demoralizing factor for the game. Simply put, it makes the game NOT fun.

What more can be done to mitigate DCs? It seems like the current system of progressive timeout penalties isn't much of a deterrent; if it were, we wouldn't be seeing as many DCs as we are.

Other games have successfully addressed this. Why can't BHVR seem to get it right when it comes to disconnects?

And I don't think this is a 'balance' issue with the game. It's an issue where entitled people -- killer and survivor -- are losing, so they decide to rage quit, and then they aren't penalized for it, but the other people in the match suffer.

More needs to be done about disconnects. PLEASE!

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