Add a way to sell/exchange unused addons (also, subcategories for loadout menu).

I like the bloodweb system, but because of the random nature of it as I keep playing I keep accumulating addons and offerings that I would probably never use .

So it would be cool to have some sort of sale / exchange system where you could trade your unwanted addons for some Bloodpoints or even some Iridescent Shards. Something like:

100 of the same addon:

  • Exchanged for 1 addon of superior rarity.
  • Sold for 1000 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000 / 5000 BP or 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 IS depending on it's rarity.

10 of the same offering:

  • Sold like addons.
  • Exchanged for 1 offering of superior rarity if available or an alternative one of the same type (i.e. 10 Primrose Blossom Sachet can be exchanged for 1 Fresh Primrose Blossom or 1 Sweet William / Bog Laurel / Crispleaf Amaranth Sachet. Map offerings would be exchanged for the offerings to other maps as they are all green, and Mori only to it's superior rarity as it has no alternatives).

Also, this is more of a quality of life change, but it would be nice to have subcategories in the loadout menu to filter perks and offerings, maybe have a submenu per character for the perks and by type (bloodpoint, map, utility, etc.) for offerings so you don't have to go through a lot of pages looking for what you want.


  • igotskiz
    igotskiz Member Posts: 18

    I've always wanted something like this. Personally, I'd like a way to compound offerings. Smash 4 brown Category offerings to make a green Category offering (25% x 4 = 100%). Combine 4 green Category offerings to make an Escape Cake/Hollow Shell. Combine 5 Escape Cakes/Hollow Shells to get a Bloody Party Streamers. So on so forth. Would be a great way to empty the clutter as there's no way you'll ever use up all your offerings.

    Only 2 major issues to your proposals:

    They probably wouldn't let you trade in-game items for Iridescent Shards, as that would weaken their value, which is bad for their business model considering they compete with Auric Cells.

    A system like this would require a huge update. Any time something this significant gets added, it's a LOT of work.