Disconnects are way too common. Something needs to be done about it.

It seems like every other match, at least one person disconnects. And it is becoming an increasingly demoralizing factor for the game. Simply put, it makes the game NOT fun.
What more can be done to mitigate DCs? It seems like the current system of progressive timeout penalties isn't much of a deterrent; if it were, we wouldn't be seeing as many DCs as we are.
Other games have successfully addressed this. Why can't BHVR seem to get it right when it comes to disconnects?
And I don't think this is a 'balance' issue with the game. It's an issue where entitled people -- killer and survivor -- are losing, so they decide to rage quit, and then they aren't penalized for it, but the other people in the match suffer.
More needs to be done about disconnects. PLEASE!
An update. In about 100 minutes since posting this, I have been in eight matches as survivor. There have been three matches where somebody has DC'd. Just had one in the last match. Went against a nurse, the first player went down in like, 20 seconds. And they DC'd right away.
Please, please, please enforce harsher punishment for people who disconnect. This is getting so ridiculous. Why are people queuing up into matches that they aren't going to play?
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In my matches I usually always see two dc's in the first few mins or seconds. It's extremely common now. Then the killer goes extra sweaty like their life is on the line on me and the other person left. So much fun :/
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I think the killer just wants the game to end at that point. Not everyone likes farming. Some of us just end the game so we can all move along to another one.
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I'm currently putting together a thing, but basically tracking my last 300 games on both killer and survivor. At 200ish now, and it's bonkers.
At least a third of my games as killer have someone quitting - be it a DC, a suicide or an AFK.
Slightly less on survivor, which makes sense because I'm one of them.
Me bringing flans or streamers had no effect on the rate of quitting, so I don't think a reward for not quitting would have much of an effect.
Short term - DC penalty only decays when you play out matches without DCing. Remove kobes - these serve no purpose in the game other than an 'I quit' button for the most part, and that other 4% of the time it becomes really annoying for the killer. Rebalance and rework perks as needed.
Long term - DC or AFK players are replaced by bots.
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Prepare for the flood of people defending giving up on hook/DC's like they know what they are talking about.
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Replace them with bots and then remove the penalty.
Keeps everyone happy. Nobody has to play a game they aren't enjoying, Killers don't lose BP and Survivors don't instantly lose. Oh, but people who play in a toxic way looking for reactions get cucked.
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There’s a really, really easy way to never get the DC penalty on purpose. People just have to not be immature ######### that ragequit the moment the match doesn’t go how they want. They should be forced to play it out, because they queued up for it. How every other major multiplayer game does, because letting people ragequit without penalty ruins the game for the rest.
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######### no the penalty has to stay everybody knows that the bots in dbd are stupid
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The bots are actually pretty decent, considering the kind of quality features BHVR usually puts out, they're really good.
Obviously, there would need to be improvements but it's certainly the best system available. Improve the bots and add Killer bots
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And those people would be making an excellent point.
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One day, when the machine learned bots have evolved, switching out mid match for a sweaty bot will be a killer SWF strategy.
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Bot replacement would be great, but BHVR have said they have no intention of putting the bots in the live matches. This was their response, I believe, to the exact suggestion you made.
Earlier today I gave my suggestion for increasing the punishment in the other thread complaining about not being able to DC. I think they should be more strict. MUCH more strict. It is too small a punishment at the moment and the players that don't mind taking a short bathroom break or using their blood are exploiting the generosity BHVR has given them.
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I agree very strongly. Replacing disconnected survivors with bots lets everyone else keep playing normally instead of getting their game ruined.
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Someone said we should hardware ban people who DC in one of those threads.
Ultimately, punishments are only covering up the root issue.
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What region are you playing in? I'm in US West and DC's aren't really a problem across all of the MMRs (or at least it seems), although apparently the situation in Europe is worse.
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I care about DC's because the game is over when a survivor leave, if a bot gets added in it's place I will still hard win that game. DC's cannot be so minuscule in a game where a player leaving so heavily affects the outcome. I don't care about bp either and it's not like I am some 2k hour vet, I have 800 hours where 200 is probably afk and I really don't have much to spend bp on anymore. It's fine in cod where one less body means nothing, it's not ok in dbd how do people not understand this?
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If the bots are actually good, it shouldn't matter if someone leaves.
Even if they aren't, it's still better to have 2 teammates and a bot than just 2 teammates.
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But it's even better to give harsher punishments for people who serial DC.
within a 1 week time period
1 dc - 5 min
2 dc - 30 min
3 dc - 1 hour
4 dc - one week
If it's a dbd problem then yeah the penalty's can be lowered like normal when they are happening, but if it's a hardware/internet problem you shouldn't be playing an online multiplayer game like this in the first place.
Should the bots replace DC's on top of that? Yeah there is no downside only potential upsides but they cannot supplement actual penalty.
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That's a horrible idea, sorry. At least you aren't as bad as the guy who wanted anyone who DC's to be hardware banned.
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If they made DC penalties higher those DCers would just suicide on hook instead.
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I mean you always defend DCing being unpunished but don't explain. My argument is that it's either a game over or a insta loss for one side. It ruins the game.
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Are bots still planned to help out after DCing, SOON?
When we have that, they should just make it so survs can't kill themselves on the hook without having certain perks for it (Slippery Meat, Deliverance).
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It's hilarious how mobile can implement "disconnection bots" but the main game can't.
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Survivors writing in the endgame chat: "reported for farming, enjoy your ban!" Also doesn't help. So no matter how the killer reacts to early DC's, someone will complain.
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Pretty much this. Bots are doing a decent job and are in any case better than not having anything else.
This is the improvement I've been waiting for for years and it looks like we are pretty close.
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The main reason I see for DC's is tunnelling off hook and imbalanced killers like Nurse or Blight.
Deal with these first and we will at least see a reduction, though I very much believe you cannot force people to play games they don't want to play and replacing them with a bot is a good solution.
I pretty much never get a DC when I play killer as I never camp and I never tunnel off hook and I cant believe that is just a lucky coincidence
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Other games have successfully addressed this. Why can't BHVR seem to get it right when it comes to disconnects?
The problem is that DBD isn't like other games. Ask yourself how meaningful it is for a player character to die in other multiplayer games.
- In match-based FPS games like Overwatch, a death can give momentum to the other team, but the dead player respawns. So the system can backfill another player into the match, they spawn in, and the match goes on. (Alternatively, the match could just be aborted, which is exploitable and is a waste of everyone's time.)
- In BR games, you dying is bad for you and good for everyone else. So it's not a problem, and therefore doesn't need a solution.
- Other games may not have a concept of player death at all.
- Games that aren't real-time can simply pause the game until a player can be backfilled.
DBD doesn't fit into any of these categories. It's a real-time game where death is permanent. I think this is why there hasn't been a good solution for such a long time.
I think the two best solutions are:
- Have a bot control the player character until a player can be backfilled to play them. We only just got survivor bots recently, so it's not surprising to me that this solution hasn't been implemented. It very well could be now that we have bots. (There are some details that would need to be considered, such as whether the backfilled survivor gets to pick their own perks or if they are forced to play with whatever the DC'd survivor had.)
- Let the remaining players vote on whether to continue with the match. Players could change their vote at any time for the remainder of the match. If the vote ever becomes a unanimous "no" then the match immediately ends without penalty for the remaining players, who all get whatever BP they had and possibly some bonus BP for the inconvenience. All players not in a group with the DC'd player are guaranteed a safety-pip. Nobody's MMR is adjusted, except for players in a group with the DC'd player, for which the match is considered a loss.
In both cases I think a matchmaking lock for the DC'ing player is still warranted.
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Instead of punishing people for leaving the game, how about figuring out the cause of all the dcs and fixing it?
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Only way to fix dcs is to let survivors win all the time or get killers they enjoy bullying and looping.
Many survivors DC due to what killer is or going down first. There is no fixing elitism and selfishness.
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If the game is balanced I guarantee you DCs will be very rare
No survivors want to be downed and tunneling out of the game at 5 gens
Remove the possibility of tunneling and camping completely from the game and you will see the magic happening
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I play a lot of survivor and killer and i see this selfish entitled DCing all the time. Most of the times survivors just DC due to going down first in the match. How is that unbalanced? Stop with the excuses and stop playing the game and making it miserable for other players just because you cant handle losing/ or going to be hooked.
Killers mostly DC due to getting genrushed or looped so they get frustrated and leave, but in my opinion survivors DC just because they cant handle disappointments.
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Like I already said, people leave the game because they know its already a loss. The killer can tunnel and camp if they want to, so whats the point of continuing wasting time with the match?
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So getting hooked first you know its a loss? Sure sure... I've had so many survivors DC in the first 15 seconds of the game, well at that point it sure is a loss for the other 3 survivors.
Like i said stop giving excuses. I'm not fan of tunneling or camping but sometimes those methods are needed and im not talking about 5 gen tunneling/camping. Killers don't like you flashlighting, palleting, bodyblocking etc etc but hey ..those things are sometimes needed.
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Well, you think tunneling and camping are needed, for what exactly? To win the game? If you want to sweat so much, then you should be thankful survivors are DCing. Easy game.
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Ok so what you are saying is that killers shouldnt be allowed to try to win at all? If i have 2-3 gens up and i have 4 survivors up still, and i want to put little bit more pressure onto them i will tunnel at that point. If you DC because you werent allowed to have easy game and easy win... well that isnt the game being unbalanced or unfair..thats just you not handling defeat well.
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The game is unbalanced if they are forcing people to leave the game or to commit acts that pretty much have no counter
Fix the balance and everybody will be happy
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Making the DC penalty worse won't force people to play boring/unfun games. The current gen kick meta and the tunneling/camping abuses makes the game so unfun that I don't even blame my teammates for leaving anymore. The game is just becoming more and more unfun and suck you whole motivation to play after the first few games. The increase in DC isn't the fault of survivors, but the devs fault for accepting the game to stay in this state instead of correcting their mistakes and also fixing some LONG overdue mechanics.