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General Discussions


So I picked the game up and started back playing again. I went ahead and bought Nemesis & Sadako for the perks. I don't have eruption yet, but have COB.

I'm playing Doctor on Garden of Joy x3 straight, Haddonfield, then Knight map x5 STRAIGHT, RPD, ARTIST MAP and then quit. I'm running Bamboozle, Overcharge, COB, & Pain Resonance!

How am I supposed to do anything as M1 on these maps? The map design is so bad. If it wasn't for survivors being altruistic, I would've gotten 1K every time AT MOST. It takes FOREVER for M1 to catch up... Literally. Pre drop and run on... Nothing you can do.

On Haddonfield, there was a gen in the house right next to a window. The window was just far enough to where if you dart towards it, it's a fast vault. The houses always had a window or a gate to jump at the house to slow you down massively!

Again, as M1... With a few meta perks... What do you do? If I had Nurse (on PC I'll smash them), ok no problem. Doctor? Destroyed.

I'm playing on console right now.

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  • Member Posts: 419

    Most likely just a little rust. Depending on how long you've been gone, the game's changed a bit. Older tactics aren't always as viable. I run almost exclusively m1 killers on console without issue.

    As for the Doctor, stacking gen regression on him isn't very good. Impossible skill check build is much better. Make your terror radius as big as you can and use the special blast often. You'll find people and keep em at tier 2 as much as possible. Run Distressing (increase TR), Unnerving Presence (make skill check zones smaller), C.phobia (make healing slow and near impossible), and any gen regression perk you want. (I think those are the right perk names. I'm not in game atm, so just use discriptions if I got the names wrong). It destroys most teams on most maps.

  • Member Posts: 710

    In general, killer on console is going to be weaker than killer on PC because you have less control over how much and how fast you turn. This is a limitation of controllers; mouse is just so much more precise and enables near-instant turns of any angle.

    With the weaker killers you are also at the mercy of matchmaking and map selection. There will be matches you are placed in that you simply cannot win within the limitations of your killer, control scheme, and skill level.

    Sadako is pretty weak, especially if you play her like every other killer. She is only strong when using a specific playstyle and build designed for condemned kills, and that playstyle is boring as ####. If you are going to play her as a standard hooking killer you must go into the match with the expectation you will lose.

    Nemesis is fairly decent, but he's not an M1 killer and his power's effectiveness is determined by your ability to aim precisely, which is very hard to do on a controller.

    If you really want to continue playing killer on console, you should probably play killers that don't depend as much on ranged aim, and who aren't as weak as Sadako. Bubba and Wraith come to mind. As does Hag, but.... ugh.... Hag.....

    If you are willing to use headphones and put in the hours to learn her, Spirit might be a good choice as well.

  • Member Posts: 7,169

    I'm a Mikey main and I win most of my games. And no I don't use tombstone.

    Most killers struggle on the broken maps like Eyrie and Garden of pain. Never feel bad about losing on maps like that.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Honestly I’ve had surprisingly little issue playing sadako recently. Burning through my 40 cakes running CoB, Floods of rage, gift of pain and BBQ and have got at least a 2k every match with most being 3k-4k

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    Even if he got draws or wins if you only win because the enemy screw up it doesn't feel that good. You want to win because you did good and you outplayed them not because they run into you like headless chicken

  • Member Posts: 894

    I was gone for a very long time. I showed up to play for the 100% killer bonus and it's hell on m1. I'm an old Billy main & Nurse main. Billy is dead to me so I don't play him (he was my only p3) and Nurse is nurse. I can play her on console but I try to not use her.

    I'm literally wondering WHO DESIGNED THESE MAPS? Who thought it was smart to put a gen by a window they can fast vault? There are also 1000 pallets now!

  • Member Posts: 5,606
    edited December 2022

    Well there's your problem... Being a Hillbilly/ Nurse main means that you haven't learned how M1 Killers work

    And learning them now is a challenge (given how the game works)... but I wish you luck

  • Member Posts: 419

    Ooof, yeah it's gonna take awhile to adjust. Things have changed a ton since the Billy days. Maps are very different now. They're huge and have some absolutely crazy tile RNG. Survivors have never been safer lol. Once you get used to it, you'll see most players aren't as crafty as the old days. It's easier to force mistakes. It's also easier to p3 characters now and get a wide range of perks. Wraith is a good killer to play for people coming back. He can get a lot more map pressure than the other base killers. Just keep playin, ita get better

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    Skill issue.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 153
  • Member Posts: 8,603

    Post gameplay and we can give better answers as far as what is going wrong in your games. M1 killers are viable in a broad sense. Gets a bit tougher without the meta, but it's not totally necessary unless you're in that top 5% bracket, which 95% of people aren't.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    Agrees in Trapper

  • Member Posts: 236

    to be frank, imo bamboozle isnt that great, and also karma for overcharge+CoB you fiendish mongrel

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Try taking out CoB for Merciless Storm, on doctor it procs pretty much every time meaning gens are 110 seconds minimum. Bamboozle doesn't make much sense on Doctor considering he can prevent people from vaulting with his power. If you feel you really need a chase perk consider brutal strength since like clown survivors tend to predrop against doctor or STBFL for just being generally really good.

    As a general tip I feel doctor is very strong at 3 genning due to static blast and t3 madness so identify an area you want to defend early on and try to keep chases on that area and don't be afraid to drop chase if survivors run too far away from it. As well as dropping chase to use blast in that area to always harass multiple survivor's, I feel doctor's macro game and ability to occupy multiple survivors at once is a bit underrated keeping a survivor at t3 and chasing someone else means that's half the team off gens every time you can make that happen.

    That being said some maps are just too large to always make this workable and sometimes you have to take an L on garden or forest but that's just part of the game when the map just says no to you but on average you can still win a ton with doctor.

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    M1 killer? Slap on Jolt and then use perks that help you win chases quickly.

  • Member Posts: 419

    To your original point that I kinda skipped over.....

    You got a REALLY bad string of maps there. Usually you won't get all the bad maps back to back like that. Garden is completely busted. I've seen good Nurses get wrecked on that one cuz it's just bad. RPD's not as bad as it used to be. Once you get used to the layout it's pretty good on most killers (Blights and Onis don't typically do so well there, but it's not insta-lose for em). Hope you get a better map rotation next time you play.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    There's only one stream really who plays Pig : CMWinter. He's a great player but every now and then he gets a comp team who just predrops all the pallets. You might see two hooks the entire game.

    He had one of these not too long on coal tower- but it probably won't be on his YT reel.

    -"Garden is completely busted."

    This map is just dumb. Let's have 3 "infinite" windows in a building - you know the kind we completely reworked and removed from the game years ago.

    To make matters worse the map doesn't really have much at all in the way of three gen potential. And it gets even worse because the car park area next to several generator spawns is absurdly safe.

    It's one of the safest maps in the game given the main building and the ability to chain most of the loops together. That map might actually be fair if you made the map like 15,000m² with the same amount of tiles it has now so that everything was really spread out far apart and you couldn't chain any tiles together.

    -"RPD's not as bad as it used to be"

    Recently they changed the RPD map (not talking about the west/east change) so that there may or may not be two gens in the main room. As a killer I basically can't win if there is only one gen in the main room and I can't lose if there are two gens in the main room.

    If you play an M1 killer on that map it's terrible.

  • Member Posts: 21,229
    edited December 2022

    I mean, okay but you're talking about actual comp players outside of a tournament setting (ie, no rules) AND they're playing against a Killer with zero anti-loop.

    The average player isn't going against comp players with ANY frequency.

    If you're point is that M1 Killers aren't viable in comp, then I mean that's true

    Post edited by Pulsar on
  • Member Posts: 894

    I'm still a nurse main.

    Yes the maps were so bad. I never tripped off hold W because I've been away for a long time. On M1, hold W & pre drop is GG

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    Against good survivors and on certain maps yes m1 killers are almost unplayably-bad. However, on some maps and against merely average survivors they're perfectly fine.

  • Member Posts: 1,526

    This would be the case if most survivor players were good, as beating an m1 killer is very easy, however people are really bad at the game( hell some people genuinly die to trapper and non condemn sadako), so they are not unviable because there is such a low amount of good players, you can even have an average killrate higher than 50% while playing trappless trapper, now trappless trapper isn't a busted killer, people are just that bad that they will hand you the win.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    The average killer goes up against "equivalent" comp teams that are their average skill level all the time. Those M1 killers get shut down hard by players who play "like" comp teams.

  • Member Posts: 613

    I think that translates to

    If Killer and Survivors are of equal skill, then a M1 Killer is likely to lose more often than win.

    That would be the case normally the higher in skill you go. If MMR was worth a damn and didn't pair you with random people of various skill levels due to the MMR cap being so low.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    In most games they’re fine but against actually high mmr good survivors yeah they’re not viable.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    When you are Hens and you win 200 games in a row it's against almost entirely Nurses and blights woth thousands of hours.

    When you're the average joe you just play against people close to your skill level (as a function of escapes/kills).

  • Member Posts: 3,303

    On a 5 match winning streak as knight on ps4 pro. He's perfectly viable imo. Last win was on garden of joy too 🙂

  • Member Posts: 2,371

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