Legion Ability + Off the Record UI Bug

VaporLion Member Posts: 386

When Legion hits you in his ability the Endurance stauts effect will still be shown in the UI but will not give you Endurance.

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  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    If they hit you in Frenzy, that wouldn’t consume the Endurance since it doesn’t down you (unless it’s the 5th hit). If they then basic attack you prior to you mending, OTR can’t save you because you’re still in deep wound. Is this what happened?

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,361

    Idk if the icon not going away upon being hit by FF is a bug, because you could mend and be able to take a hit due to OTR's endurance. But Endurance was changed so that it does nothing if you are in deep wounds.

  • VaporLion
    VaporLion Member Posts: 386

    oh yeah i forgot about that change cuz i made a break and barely play anymore, but it goes to show how stupid it is. Its not a logical assumption to be made that mending will skip endurance. Might as well remove Endurance when the mending is applied.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    The Endurance isn’t removed because you can still use it if it hasn’t expired before you get rid of your deep wound. But it will be removed if you're downed.

  • Mystaria13
    Mystaria13 Member Posts: 495

    Endurance does not stack but if you can mend you’ll still have otr because deep wound is not a basic attack. I find legion more annoying since they changed these perks to endurance like dead hard and otr. I don’t get to use my perks usually because of his power and that’s annoying to me considering he’s in his power all match basically and there’s no way to hide from it. I’ve also noticed I’ll be far away out of the terror radius and he still comes to me because he sees me even when I’m not in the tr with killer instinct which he couldn’t do before…