Ha ha you're really funny
This game is survivor sided and yet you want killers and their perks nerfed? After your wishes are granted, what perks will you complain about next? Killer aura perks? Ha ha don't make me laugh. I can't wait for 2023 and what their new complaints are going to be.
It’s only survivor sided if you view it from a specific point of you (high skill range, possibly swf coordination or at least all 4 survs know what they are doing)
other people - especially soloq players, actual newbs, casual players even in swf - also play this game and they experience may differ from this whole „survivor sidedness“ - but they are also allowed to give their feedback on their game experience.
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I am more amazed by the amount of Us vs Them topics on this forum.
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It's been this way for years. As long as there's plenty of people that only play one side I would assume it'll never end.
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none of my friends play dbd and tbh the game does feel very killer sided at the moment with all the perks run into the ground do you know how painful 90s on a gen by yourself is just to get it blown up by eruption or or other gen regression perks team mates dying getting tunnelled out camped ect and you think a solo q 3v1 is survivor sided in anyway no
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With a name like BillsHere101 you would suspect he would make "buff survivors" topics lol.
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The game isn’t survivor sided. The kill rate being 60% statistically confirmes it is killer sided
What you mean is SWF sided and the problematic perks such as eruption aren’t good against SWF anyway
15 -
Sadly this is all too true. I understand many who only play as killer find playing as a surv unfun or worse, but I learned long ago playing both roles makes you much better at both roles. So becoming at least a competent surv will make you a stronger killer .
Then there's the empathy created for both sides as you learn to see many different perspectives.
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Mate we got a tiny solo queue buff that we've been asking for for close enough to 6 years now while wanting the most overpowering and unfair things on both sides nerfed (at least, if you take the opinions from both sides and combine it into 1 person anyway) and you're making topics like this every other day now
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The game is survivor sided
I feel that you just got rolled as a killer, possibly by a SWF and now you think everyone is doing that all the time.
They aren't.
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There is actually a list of ideas to buff killers. Many of them are interesting. Would you like to see what they are?
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It's SWF sided but against solo queue it's killer sided.
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Low mmr it's killer sided.
Mid mmr it roughly evens out.
High mmr it's survivor (SWF) sided.
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Sometimes I wonder what exactly people expect the game to be.
All in all it feels as if they want the game to have only one killer that plays pretty much like Michael with perma-no-tr but basekit tombstone who resets gens to 0% and who's hexes can't be cleansed? All while survivors should be completely silent and neigh-invisible and fix gens in less than 20 secs with no skillchecks -while- endless looping the killer?
That's the impression all these threads, suggestions, demands, etc seem to add up to.
I maintain the opinion that it's part some people's ego, but to a great part how the game plays. Cause as it is right now the above feels to be the only thing the game rewards. Sure, there's more objectives... on paper. But...
The only 'reward' you get it BP. and they are not much an incentive, but a necessity by design. So the only thing that might 'feel' rewarding is... 'besting your opponents'...
The game needs an overhaul from the ground up.
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I would narrow it down even further than "SWF sided" - cause it's really not any swf. The base advantage swf usually has is that you can fairly certain you fellow survs won't dc/suicide on hook for no reason and will actually make an effort to get you off the hook. But that's not an advantage, that's a workaround for things that are amiss in dbd atm.
The game is swf sided as long as swf is both competent and coordinated - which includes perk and item selection. Which, tbh, few swf are. At a certain point you'll mostly run into those --- but ever since they adjusted the soft cap and matchmaking thresholds it's still way more of a mixed bag in terms of who you're matched with.
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Everybody has already made the clear and obvious point so no need to rehash that
So instead, I'm going to go ahead and entertain that even IF the game were one sided over the other, there can still be broken and/or annoying as hell perks that make the game incredibly unfun to play, even if said game would end in your "victory" (with either 4K or 4 escapes pending which side you're on).
A game being X sided and perks on Y side being annoying and bad for the game is not a mutually exclusive thing
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Survivors can finish all gens in 4 minutes but sure okay it’s not survivor sided. “Just apply pressure” at 4 different places simultaneously on gigantic maps, but also don’t use any of those boring unfun no counterplay gen regression perks!
Give me a break.
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High MMR its "who ever wants to win more" sided
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It's fun to read that there are lots of people who don't see this evidence. Survs only want to have easy win. "Eruption op" yesterday I faced some killers with eruption, ez win 0/4, or 1/4. Genrushed like #########, and I was with a friend so not a full swf but a 2 people swf. This game can be broken because Devs think that only one surv take like prove thyself, so you have only one prove per match, but swf bring at least 2 prove thyself, also hyperfocus, and the "destroyed and useless" dh that is stronger than before but now require a brain to be used. At low mmr, killer is easy because there are survivors who doesn't even know how to walk, but at top mmr it's only pain. But hey, nerf eruption and now give survs infinity base kit unbreakable. Next we want a shotgun for survivors to kill the killers.
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thanks captain obvious
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Literally all of my friends have quit the game because of how awful the game feels.
Killers are no longer rewarded for playing the game well, since Eruption, Overcharge, and Call of Brine's regression applies without having to hook Survivors. So a lot of my friends just dont like the meta in the sense that they are rewarded for just playing the game.
Survivor, especially SoloQ, is not longer fun or tolerable due to Eruption just overall making the experience miserable. Which considering the fact that we mostly SoloQ or DuoSWF in a VC (never 4-man SWF), Eruption normally destroys us in matches with very little counterplay.
Of course, my friends said that they will reinstall and return to the game in half a year, or if large meta shifts happen for both sides. It is overall in the most unfun state it has ever been in. Hell, even old Legion going against pre-nerf CoH was unironically more fun than SoloQ going against modern Eruption.
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Idk, those killers do be having a lot of sneaky aura-reading perks...
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It's not killer or survivor sided. It's Entity-sided.
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I have alot of fun playing this game. The way I have that fun? I don't care if I win or lose. I play the way I want to the best of my abilities.
I win some I lose some. At the end of the day, it's just a game. I may not agree with the current starte of the game. I play it anyway.
Just stop caring about a win or loss and I bet you will have more fun. Just my opinion. 😁
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Least biased forum user:
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Nurse with double range
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You would be surprised to learn that this is asymmetric game, but to be completely honest, if BHVR won't change so much so often, think twice or more before releasing new killers, actually resolve bugs and gameplay problems in game and get avg killrates to 50% in all MMR, then this forum wont be "they and us"!
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VPN killers
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ones cheating, the other is using a feature
not comparable
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Correct !
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Is there a killer perk being complained about right now other than Eruption? That appears to be pretty much it.
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The game isn't survivor sided.
The game isn't killer sided.
This game is SWF sided, and map sided.
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Ironically nurse kill rate isn´t drastically higher than other killers. Even on high mmr.
Meanwhile, SWF has a 15% higher escape rate. Just imagine a killer with a 15% higher kill rate than the others. Everyone would instantly call for a nerf. And rightfully so. But for SWF it seems to be acceptable.
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Lag switching Survivors
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I disagree, the game is currently quite killer sided other than SWF.
Anyone playing solo queue at present can tell you how rough it is and even with map RNG and maps in general often being survivor sided, it isn't enough to counter the current regression meta or the depressing amount of tunnelling and camping even at 5 gens
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True but at least there used to be alot more civil discourse. People at least tried to understand the other sides view. Add to that there used to be so many things that were legitimate issues.
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I actually think it's way better now than it used to be.
Most people I encounter these days do seem to genuinely not want to make the other side miserable. Contrast that to 2017 or 2018, where the biggest videos were about making other players seem like idiots.
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Playing solo all the time. I don´t encounter this problem.
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You are an anomaly then
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People just remember bad matches more than good matches. I got used to make a screenshot after each match and look at them at the end of the day. To compare the bad matches and good ones. When someone disconnects on first down, i also make a screenshot mid game.
People willing to dc/suicide is a bigger issue for me.
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Ignoring WHY they are leaving is not looking at the underlying cause.
There are people who DC for no logical reason but when you combine it with the ones who you can at least understand...
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Another one of these? Love hearing high mmr killer mains complain about how the game is surv sided when they've rofl stomped enough teams to get stuck in an mmr bracket where every team is a 4 man swfs with 2k hours play time a piece stacking BNPs and prove thyself. And still somehow kill enough survivors to stay at that mmr.
Because at low to mid MMRs survs get stomped on the regular and it makes for an pretty unenjoyable experience. Good surv teams require an extremely high level of skill and co ordination. And a lot of killer mains seem to think anything less than a 4k every game is unacceptable.
I play both sides roughly equally, (maybe a little more survivor) and it feels killer sided from both sides. I rarely ever struggle in a killer game even with a mediocre build.
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Dc on the first down seems like a salt issue.
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Sure in that example I agree but this is not exclusively what I am seeing, not by a long way
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Some people even disconnect, when we are winning. No idea why. Since they also don´t stay in the match to ask them, or are on a different platform. I can´t ask them.
So the behavior is beyond me.
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SWF has a 15% higher escape rate because Solo Q is absolute ass, and so are those statistics showing killrates
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If solo queue is so bad, then why is the kill rate so low?
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Salt doesn't appear out of nowhere. Being first downed if you aren't guaranteed to loose after that isn't a big deal, even if deep inside you are entitled snowflake. But if you were first downed and then tunneled out 7+ prev games with no other outcome except death with 8k bp max, you don't have ANY reason to think this game will be different.
Yep, it's not a good reason to dc and suicide first hook. But the fact the game can be so frustrating you become tilted THAT bad (not as occasional loose strick but regularly, on average, as a permanent game mood) might be considered as a problem. Same for killers.
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Then its a skill issue. If you get found and tunneled out in 7+ matches in a row. I would consider changing the loadout (unless i´m testing a new build, but then i would already consider it a fail build) and how i behave for the first minute of the match.
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60%+ is low???