Can we please get Nancy Wheeler back for newer players

It's not fair to see others playing on a locked out Character. I'm not trying to get haters, but either open the survivors as a whole or get rid of all of them. I just don't think it's fair when I'd like to get Nancy wheeler but I'm not able to.. Again, I know I'll get hate from the ones who own her, but reverse it in a newer persons shoes and having a character locked out just because you BOUGHT and payed for a game later on. Thanks tc..
It would be nice if she'd be available again, but unfortunately, this matter is entirely out of BHVR's hands, because the reason she's no longer available is because the license was discontinued. That's a problem with the license-holder, not necessarily BHVR.
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BHVR didn't do it by choice Netflix literally pulled out of the deal.
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Beg Netflix, not BHVR.
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No, it’s not very reasonable to take away paid content from people just because others cant obtain it any more. If that ever happens, there should be some compensation (and not in form of shards or BP or something). You wouldn’t gain anything if the content was taken away for others either.
also, even though others said it’s not in BHVRs hands but Netflix‘s, that’s not entirely true. BOTH parties have to come to an agreement here, and we still don’t know officially what lead to them not renewing the contract to begin with. (Although there are rumors that Stranger Things content has a chance to come back to DbD - at this point we can just hope and re-state that it’s actually wanted by the community - but PLEASE don’t actively ask for this to be taken away for those that paid for it)
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Tough luck. And just like Mooks said it wouldn't be fair and there's no point in taking away the content from people that already have it either.
No point of trying to create fairness in an unfair scenario to begin with.
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What you're suggesting isn't fair either.
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"Reverse it in a newer persons shoes and having a character locked out just because you BOUGHT and payed for a game later on."
So we're expected to care about your feelings of unfairness, but you have no regard for the feelings of those who would lose content they paid for? (which is what would happen since Bhvr can't just give away Nancy and Steve willy-nilly as they aren't their own property)
Very weird argument tbh.
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I sympathize with you, I even made a comment on the day it was announced ST was leaving (to myself of course) was that I was sad new players won't get to play these characters... so I sympathize. is all I'll say really.
Yes, it's unfair but it's not our fault we have the DLC characters before you got into the game. :/
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Just cross your fingers and hope they get reinstated along with a Vecna chapter in the future.
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No hate, it's just literally out of BHVRs hands. They'll get sued by Netflix if they make her available again, since they no longer have the ST license. And they can't just remove her since people paid for her. It sucks but ultimately all survivors behave the same way and do the same thing, it's just a different skin at the end of the day.
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Get rid of all of them? LOL OK. Yeah, I’d be super happy if they took away all my survivors because you don’t have a character that you want
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I didn't start playing DBD until after the Stranger Things DLC was discontinued. However, I was still able to buy the content from a third party and I now have Nancy, Steve, and Demo. In fact, Demo has become one of my main Killers. So you can still buy Nancy if you really wanted that character - just not from BHVR.
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This is true. There were physical copies of the game that came out with the Stranger Things chapter. If you find one of those you can get the characters OP.
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Nightmare Edition for PS4 and I think X-Box too. BHVR had free upgrade to PS5 available but I believe it ended in September.
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Wow, OP is one of the most entitled people I've ever seen. Just wow.
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No it's there, I saw one but for 49 bucks no thx on that lol. Maybe If I didn't already buy the game on steam. I read ST may come back by this Christmas today that someone posted mid summer, but I guess it fell through?
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Wouldn't seem that way.
Leaks should always be taken with a grain of salt.
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Cool. Been awhile since I looked. I think $49 is more than I've put into the whole game lol Stranger Things could come back some day now that Netflix has given up on their own game studio, but probably won't be anytime soon. BHVR could be reluctant to do another deal with em after the way the first one went down. Caused a whole lotta headaches and they most likely made less money from it compared to other licenses. Usually when a property is active and popular the parent conpany takes a much higher percentage.
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So, Good news I was actually able to get a seller to drop it to 12 dollars, bad news no skins or customizations for it :(. They should have at least left all the dress up in the game, IN CASE someone bought the dlc.
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That would make BHVR money from the ST license, which is precisely what they cannot legally do.
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That's good news for us, too - we can keep our paid characters, because YOU finally got them, too.
I really hope you'll find a solution to get the cosmetics, we've bought already so there isn't a reason for you to force BHVR to remove them from our inventories because you can't have them. Good work man, stay whining!
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That's literally illegal to remove paid content from people. Plus its Netflix's decision to remove the content, not BHVRs. I dont see why we should just be cucked because of a decision we can't control
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I don't think you know what "fair" means.
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Firstly, it's not entirely BHVRs decision to keep her in the game, it's also up to the license holders (Netflix). Also BHVR cannot lock players out of content they paid for. If it were possible, that would be more unfair than some players not being able to play a certain character.
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So just Nancy.... and not Steve and Demogorgon
Right ok then
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No I got them also, but I'm kinda sad. The perks they had I've already been using and didn't realize it since I'm new, so basically I bought the skins only with no way to dress them up. Oh well, if they ever bring them back, then I'll be 1 step ahead. Thank god I didn't pay 40 dollars up to 90 where I see people selling it for that. On ebay right now ones in the 80's. This one was like 50 something, but swindled it to 12 bucks. Ty seller!
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This little update is to all:
I thought they had special perks to these characters, that's why I thought it wasn't fair. I didn't realize we were already using them. Sorry to the ones I offended saying we should remove them for all. If I thought it was just skins, I wouldn't have started this post. Again apologies.
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Yes Netflix is a money hungry company that keeps going up. I've been thinking of canceling mine for awhile now.
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I mean in your OP you mentioned that you only wanted Nancy...
Plus if I were new I wouldn't have bought them... But it's more personal choice rather then not knowing
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Oh yeah, they renamed all the perks and made them commons. Perks aee considered BHVRs own creation, so as long as they changed the name and didn't link them to the characters they could still use em. And everybody gets access to the same perks. Demo is a fun killer tho.
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I did mainly want Nancy, but I realized it was a dlc, but I actually like the gorgon. I haven't played Steve yet. I just wish they would make common cool outfits that will fit anyone with no named attached so EVERYONE can use the same outfit.. ;) that's a way around it.
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You can actually still buy the DLC from CD Key sites (not sure if BHVR like this so wont be specific) and from what I understand they are legit keys that were bought when they still had the licence so they still honour them.
But you will pay 10x the original price if you want it
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Ow you got them nice
Now how would you feel that now after you bought they got deleted
Cause that is what you suggested right?
Or is that off the table now that you have them?
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The redemption arc
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Welp, they are really pointless, the only worthy thing is playing as the gorgon, he's kinda fun, thats the only plus to having this dlc. I payed for gorgon only lol. Would be nice if we actually could dress em though.
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Honestly hold out hope.
Im yet to hear this is fake so if so please let me know.
The dbd leaks channel that got Wesker and the knight correct also posted something new coming for a strangers things chapter, possibly part 2.
It very much could be fake but im holding out slight hope.
That hope also comes from the fact that Netflix's game deal is a total flop (ha) and its why they pulled the chapter.
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Also wasnt up to bhvr to remove the cosmetics.
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a little research goes a long way...
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So first you are throwing a hissy fit (at the wrong people) for not being able to get them and saying if you can't get them they should be deleted cause of "fairness"
And now that you have them they are "pointless"
If i ever make a movie starring a spoiled arrogant brat as the main villain can i call you?
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Pointless in the fact they are non customizable, if I made a movie, it would be how someone likes to name call to feel big and to make someone else feel small. You have no right to call anyone spoiled brat unless you want to be called a picked on kid your whole life that was probably to scared to stand up for yourself so you knock on other on the internet because you are hidden by a screen maybe because you are still a little scared child?
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Damn i've seem to have struck a nerve
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There is no reason to name call and belittle someone who you don't even know. That is all.
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There is a difference between namecalling and calling someone out
Complaining about not being able to get a product with a stance of "if i can't get it, nobody should" and when people show you how you can still get you proceed to say how pointless the product you wanted to take away from people who payed for it is is pretty much the text book definion of being a spoiled brat.
I didn't call you spoiled brat to hurt your feelings, i did it cause you were acting like one.
Meanwhile all you had was some random shot in the dark with a baseless assumption in a sad attempt to hurt me.
There is nothing the screen between us is preventing you from doing. Except ofcourse you trying to beat me up.
And if that is the case that you feel that i am braver behind a screen cause you can't use physical violence to win a argument then you calling me child is ironic to say the least.
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Call it what ever you like you didn't hurt my feelings you made me angry because I spent money on a product that I could have payed 60 to 100 dollars for " which I wouldn't had, but I'm sure others have" to find out all the perks are in the system already and after buying the dlc you still couldn't buy the skins for them. I thought they would unlock once said dlc was purchased.
No one said anyone was wanting to use physical violence again assumption, but what I was saying is you wouldn't say it to my face :) TC
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Welp good news if you really want to play as Nancy you can buy dlc keys from third party sites for an inflated price or 50-60 Euros,,and before you go nuts over this price remember you asked for a few thousand of people to have their characters taken away just because YOU,a single person can't have it
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Most people are smart enough to actually check what they are buying.
Thinking the skins would unlock after you bought the chapter especially isn't very bright of you seeing how the whole reason you had to go to third parties to buy the chapter is cause bhvr can't make money out of it anymore.
So no need to get angry. Other people think before acting. Just like most people when they are in an argument talk about what is being argued instead of trying to make stuff up.
Not being smart enough to understand how copyright works isn't a problem though. It was that arrogant statement of "if i can't have it nobody can" that made people call you out for being spoiled and entitled
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You can still prestige them and get the bloody clothes for them.
Better than nothing.
I also still hope they work something out and someday ST can return.
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So wait; the opening post was 'It's not fair people have what I don't. Take this PAID FOR PRODUCT away from everyone else to make me happy'?
Ok. Well, my car got totaled by a drunk driver. I no longer have a car. It's not fair that other people do. Please take away everyone's cars to make me happy. 🙃
Or how about: It's not fair that my lottery ticket was not a winner and someone else won the $1 Billion lottery a few months back. Please take away all their money to make me happy.
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Deff. please take your money away and share it with me. I need some now after christmas :\
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Yah thats true, a lot of points getting to 6 though. I'd have to play 24/7 lol.