Eruption seriously? What about Hyperfocus/Stake Out
Can someone answer why the devs added +10 gens if they were going to add OP crap like this perk combo?? The added +10 did nothing and I'd argue gens are even faster then they were before. They completely gutted Thanatophobia and Ruin and you've got stuff like this in the game? They also didnt touch prove thyself. Wow I wonder why so many killers are running Eruption, Brine, Overcharge meta because these speed up gen perks are pure cheese and you still got prove thyself which tons of people are bringing on top of it.
I think they seriously need to stop adding regression perks and speed up perks at this point and start focusing on these maps and look into why gen perks are being used on both sides. I have been unable to consistently have fun games of killer tonight because of the speed of the gens. Every game someone has prove thyself or toolboxes with BNP. And if they aren't using that they've got Hyperfocus/Stake out or something else. I'm literally resorting to knock out builds and leaving people on the floor to try and slow the game down which is somehow working a little bit. You get little to nothing out of hooking people because you can count on a gen popping as your bringing someone to a hook. Deadlock is a 100% must in every build I use now. It's frustrating, boring, and lame. I love this game but am so sick of this massive flaw that's been in it forever. You play killer you feel like you have to be at 4 places at once to apply enough pressure to stop them from finishing! I used to play killer most of the time but as of recently I'd say I played survivor 75% of the time because it's less stressful and doesn't feel as bad when you lose.
Honestly, Hyperfocus Stake Out combo isn't that strong IMHO. It relies on skill checks appearing (which despite Hyperfocus increasing the frequency of them appearing as you get more stacks, they sometimes still take forever to pop up), the user able to hit the greats (harder than it seems, especially as the cursor moves faster), and Stake Out requiring setup in order for you to more reliably stack on more progress with Hyperfocus. Only issue it really has is when a toolbox is involved with it, as toolboxes increase the chance of skill checks appearing and BNP skill checks count towards Hyperfocus, so if I'd change anything on it, just make the perk not work when repairing with a toolbox.
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As a soloq warrior, I laugh everytime I see Prove Noobself. Kids m1 gens like their family is gonna get murdered if they don't escape, then they wonder why they're not improving at looping.
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Personally, I think that the person making the decisions has no idea what their game is because they don't play it themselves.
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I honestly think prove, bnps, and hyperfocus should be deleted off the game, and heavily nerf eruption to either lose incapacitated or work once per Gen like tinkerer,,
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A survivor solo finishing a gen in 40 secs even with a decent setup requirement shouldn't be a thing
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I was never a gen-focused player, I did everything, but now that's the only option with how killers play. Every match has at least two gen regression perks, usually three or four. So now I run gen perks; I love Repressed Alliance with Wiretap. It locks the gen and protects it from any regression, and with WT, you see the aura of The Killer and get more value.
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Hyperfocus and stake out are pretty map dependant and killer dependant. If you don't get a map like rpd or the game with a large tr killer then you really don't get stacks of stake out fast enough. It takes a minute to fully stack stake out so unless you can easily build it up while working on the gen you'll waste more time getting the stacks then you save.
Letting go off the gen due to eruption or pain res resets hyperfocus. Stealth killers make building stake out harder.
When the stars align it's powerful but let's not act like it's consistent.
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Wait until people figure out potential energy is a good perk and you can stack it and delete the 5th gen in like 15 seconds.
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In my experience playing survivor when using the combo its pretty strong. You get stake out stacks pretty consistently. And the skill checks come more frequently as you get more hyperfocus stacks. You can absolutely murder a generator on your own.
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It's Self-Care for gens. A complete trap perk
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Reminder that only 2 percent of survivors use hyper focus. They can nerf it because it’s not going to change anything when almost nobody uses it to begin with.
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Contrary to popular belief, it is possible for multiple things to be an issue at the same time.
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U want unbalanced stuff? We dont need to discuss Hyperfocus/Stake Out. Discussion about the current Med-Kits and Toolboxes are enough tho. These things (not the brown ones) are absolute garbage, broken #########. Its no wonder everyone brings in Franklins Demise this time.
Prove Thyself is another thing, holy #########. Its number should be halved.
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I mean, this would be a reason why Eruption made it into the game. They clearly did nto playtest it (or at least not enough).
Seriously? People STILL complain about Hyperfocus/Stake Out? I have not seen any of those Perks in my games for weeks. Because they are not good enough to be used.
Hyperfocus/Stake Out was decent when you encountered Wesker in 9 out of 10 games and when those 9 out of 10 games happened on RPD. Killer with big Terror Radius + small Map = many Stake Out-Stacks to protect the Hyperfocus-Stacks.
Whenever you did not end up against Wesker and on RPD, it did not do much. And since both variables are not as common anymore (RPD is back to normal in the rotation, not everyone runs Wesker anymore), you get less value out of Stake Out and utlimately Hyperfocus.
Maybe dont rush to the Forums when you just lost a game and have seen the 1 in 100 chance that someone actually runs this combo...
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No it's not it seems like one because players are not using it at the right time. I have used it on a dangerous 1 person Gen to build up my stacks in peace and then blast out that 3 Gen lock before the killer knows what's going's a good perk in experienced hands but a trash perk in inexperienced hands
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makes me dread seeing an offering for The Game, though. I don't think I'm going to forget the time I saw someone bring Hyperfocus, Stakeout, a Commodious Toolbox, BNP, that perk to restore charges, and the one that gives a repair speed boost for cleansing hexes, all at the same time. And I'd made the mistake of bringing Ruin. Which they spawned on. <_>
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Hyperfocus by itself is fine, Stake Out is kinda the issue. For one increasing the bonus of HF and correcting non-greats.
But yeah, Is not like this is run every game unlike the other 2 slowdowns u see pretty much on everyone.
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I see Eruption in 90% of my games and Stake Out and/or Hyperfocus in maybe 1% lol. They are not even remotely comparable problems.
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Nobody uses Hyperfocus
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It's a good 3gen breaker
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Nah bring a BNP and hyperfocus and you can knock out a gen in 25 seconds solo. People are sleeping on it hard.
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Bullcrap no one uses Hyperfocus I see it in multiple games every day. And like I said when I don't see it it's toolboxes with overpowered add ons like BNP and prove thyself on top. Maybe killers wouldn't bring annoying slow downs every game if gen speed was balanced. If I could go for chases and hooks without worrying about blasted gens in 4-6 minutes I'd never bring another slowdown again. And I'm sure many killers agree and would do the same. But the devs can't balance gens.
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Let me add one more thing. The main reason they can't balance gens is because 90%of their maps are garbage and survivor sided. To big, to many pallets, to many safe loops, to strong windows and structures.
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Stake Out, Potential Energy, PTS, Fogwise and Deja Vu are all a little silly, as - especially against an organized squad - they can melt gens faster than you can kill them whilst also knowing exactly where you are.
Eruption has a pick rate of 18-20%. Bull to 90%.
Also - something having a high pick rate is not, in and of itself, an indication of a problem. Self Care had a ridiculously high pick rate.
Killers run a lot of regression, because A. Against a team that knows what they are doing, you simply do not have enough time to kill them all before they explode the gens and B. aside from some info perks, killers don't have many universally useful perks that aren't regression. I mean...STBFL can be good on some killers and one or two can use Starstruck well, but outside of that it's all pretty meh.
Had a game a few days ago on Ghostface/The Game that I wish I had recorded, because it was fascinating.
I had almost no downtime - stalk, chase, pallet, down, hook, stalk, chase, pallet, down, hook - and I was at 0 gens before I'd gotten 6 hooks. Just running Surge didn't cut it, the only way I could have won is if I'd either hard tunneled someone out early (I don't like doing that) or brought substantially more regression, preferably Eruption. The second I was away from a gen, two of them were back on it. They were barely even trying to evade me - run me a bit, go down, because in the time I took to hook someone, I'd lose a gen.
They had:
Deja Vu.
PTS x2.
BNP x3.
Stakeout x2.
Fogwise x2 (which didn't even help them much against Ghosty).
Game lasted around 7 minutes, and a good portion of that was me defending gates. Ended with 2 hooks on 3 people, 1 hook on 1 person and got told to uninstall in postgame.
You're starting to see it more, as a new SWF meta emerges. Hyperfocus, PTS, Stakeout, often Potential Energy to break a 3gen or destroy the last gen.'s the thing.
Any smallish map will do. It works even better on The Game. And a SWF running this sort of 'blow up the gens before they can kill us' build will send you to DDS, Midwich, RPD or The Game.
Outside of tunneling or hard regression, I haven't found an answer to this.
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They also said sometime around the ruin rework that they wanted gen perks to not synergise in order to create less 4 regression builds
And here comes Eruption, call of brine, overcharge and nowhere to hide builds
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It looks to have started with the most recent increase to gen times back in the summer. Not that I'm against the intention of that change, but the outcome was bad in my opinion. Before you'd see a lot of varied builds, often survivors wouldn't run any gen perks. In the immediate aftermath of that update when I played survivor I really struggled, and the result was a belief that I had to run gen perks to have a shot of winning the game. It's tit-for-tat now with every survivor and killer running gen rush/regression perks, hence the boring meta that we are currently in.
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Just remove all gen related perks, or even better, remove gens and make other objectives much more interesting.
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Right. That's also what Self-Care is
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Then nobody is using meta perks
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Are you citing self reported stats by a small subset of the player base? Because that's not much more useful than my anecdotal experience (and who says I'm even playing against those people? I know I'm not high MMR). I absolutely see it in way more than 1 out of 5 games.
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Funny, i reduced playing (solo)survivor and play way more killer, because i feel its less stressfull...
Also i dont run slowdown perks, but i got a killer i feel really good with and manage to get good results.
But to be fair, my games are very binary, i either stomp the survivors for a 3/4k with 1-3 gens left, or i get stomped with 4-6 hooks, depending on swf, map, and rng (my mainkiller is dredge, and he depends very much on locker placement around the map).
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Oh, and I don't think it helps that the "More BP for me as a Survivor" perk is also a "do gens faster" perk.
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There are certain times of the day where the games are more fun and less sweat. But last night I had 6 or 7 killer games in a row that were all extreme gen rush games and it was complete BS. Not fun, just pure stress and sweat. I had enough of it.
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True that.
Multiple slowdowns stack so well because they changed how they interact with gens already regressing or blocked by the entity. They made it so that those gens can be damaged further, when that wasn't the case previously. Or that multiple effects can be applied with the same action (aka kicking meta)
It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to understand that's what made synergies possible. They literally created the very issue they were stating they didn't want to have.
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And you can also lose all that energy and time you spent doing it if you get hit. Trash perk.
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A lot of people don't understand getting that time in a faraway corner gen is a lot easier than trying to do it on a tight 3 gen. Not all gens are the same.
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Surely you'd expect to see meta...more at higher MMR?
And - I swear there's a name for that fallacy, but don't attack the only available stats unless you can provide more accurate ones.
Define 'meta perks' for survivors?
Because it's certainly not the most used. OoO was the SWF meta for a good while, and I don't think that was ever 'highly used'. And I don't think I'd describe Self Care or WoO as 'meta'.
About the closest you'd get to meta for survivor perks was pre-rework Dead Hard. The gen blowing up SWF build is...more of a gimmick. Like Tombstone Myers or Condemn Sadako.
It doesn't mean it's not a problem.
It's a trash perk in solo.
It's a god perk in SWF, ditto Fogwise.
I'd have to find the video, but a duo did a gen in about 6 seconds with a gimmick build revolving around PE. PE is nuts.
You need a team to pull it off right, but you don't charge it up on the final gens. You charge it up on an earlier gen, then have people pop their gens, then blow up the final gen.
Killer is stressful.
Solo survivor is just...depressing.
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Having used both Eruption and the Hyperfocus/Stakeout to devastating effect, I will say that Eruption is much more busted.
That's because you're going to get value out of Eruption much more consistently. Hyperfocus/Stakeout depends on one major condition: Being able to maintain Stakeout stacks.
Easy in some cases, hard in others, and against stealth killers, practically impossible. If you're not actively repairing within the terror radius, you'll need to consistently hit great skill checks, which is challenging for even great players.
I've had games where I used Stakeout/Hyperfocus to chew through generators solo at astonishing speed, but more often, it was two wasted perks slots.
Eruption isn't guaranteed value, but damned near.
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