Eruption and call of brine without fail, shows up in every single game

Since the big update I see a lot of different survivor builds from hyper focus based ones to fun head on or object builds. Sometimes the meta shows up on one or two players in my games but I see a lot of diversity for the most part. Killer wise though all.I. + call of brine. Without exaggeration I’ve gone 20 plus games in a row seeing this duo.

It is so frustrating bc if I was in a swf eruption would do little bc of call outs but for solo que it’s immensely annoying and boring to see this. The devs wanted to shake up the meta so they made most of the surv perks that were used often pretty bad without replacing them with new better ones, but in contrast killers got nerfed gen regression—and then new better gen regression???

I know gens go fast so slow downs are needed for most killers, but without fixing anything else the games are just the same thing, in my mmr anyway. Killer kicks gen with call of brine + eruption, camps it for a few seconds so you can’t tap it immediately or chases you away just long enough for progression to go down a good bit, leaves, then someone gets downed before you can finish it (bc call of brine regressed it) and then it blows up and you can’t do anything for half a minute 😭. And when there’s a three gen and they camp it early game it’s even more unbearble, bc half the time your teammates don’t notice it or can’t do them bc they patrol it all match. I just wanna have fun games not play gen jokey 24/7 🤦🏽‍♀️.

I want to run perks that allow me to have fun and allow the killer to have fun, so they don’t have to deal with dead hard and hyper focus every game (bc those aren’t really “fun” for either side in my opinion. I rather run roulette builds to try and get value from ######### perks like buckle up) but I can’t bc they don’t help in games like this. If I wanna run head on, flip flop, premonition and whatever else it basically screws everyone else over bc it won’t help nearly as much against slow down meta as less fun perks will :/.

im sure it sucks for killers too though bc they don’t get to experiment more with fun builds. Unless you guys have fun with slow downs? I figure maybe you can relax and enjoy chase more bc of slow downs but surely you’d have even more fun if you could dabble with cute little niche perks too.

I wonder if they run these builds bc they assume survivors will run meta, and survivors only run meta bc killers run meta etc. But again, I don’t see surv meta as much so idk.

tldr I’m so bored of eruption call of brine meta bc it feels like a big stomp on solo que and I just wanna run buckle up and have fun


  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    I see a lot of the same perks from survivors too. DH, PT, Windows, Adrenaline, Resilience, OTR, Unbreakable seem to be the most common ones. I think you’re being a little biased here.

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106
    edited December 2022

    I see those in my games too but I also see plenty of variety though, it’s not every single one of my matches that I see them on all of my teammates. It’s true that there’s four so there’s a smaller chance of everyone running the same thing, but I mean I’ve been playing almost every day the past month and every killer save for maybe 1/20ish is running those two perks. I see maybe 2/4 survivors running full meta and a lot more random perks in play mixed in.

    Not trying to be bias, saying one side is using meta more often simply because they got a meta boost and the other didn’t doesn’t seem to be something to have a bias over anyway. It doesn’t mean one side is holier than thou or survivors are better sports or something, I just noticed surv meta has changed bc of nerfs so second chance isn’t the only thing we see anymore, while killers in my games are not cycling out those two perks as much.

    I also barely see otr or unbreakable in my games now, perhaps bc of the otr nerf and upcoming endgame slug changes. I only see resilience and windows really often, with adrenaline in the middle somewhere. I do still see dead hard on at least 1-2 people, but lithe and balanced are way more common now! Which is a nice change. I still think the changes overall just forced survs to alter builds a bit more.

  • KFChris18
    KFChris18 Member Posts: 112

    Its really weird right now. As a killer, I'm starting to see some fairly old school stuff from survivors. Heck, the old DS,UB,DH, Adrenaline builds seem to be making a comeback. Killer also feels relatively stable, which is odd since killer meta traditionally gets shaken up way more often by patches. COB and Eruption is starting to grate nowadays, but I'm sure a nerf is coming the way of eruption in the near future. Hopefully it is accompanied by gameplay changes that make sure neither side feels obligated to bring hard meta.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515
    edited December 2022

    I took all the gen regression perks out and replaced them with some random aura things+ scourge hook pain resonance across all the killers I play, and now run just these sets for 3 or so hours at a time.

    I have more fun, because camping a 3 gen is not fun.

    I don't break off chase, I don't switch targets, I just chase until they are down. This is actually fun.

    Since I'm not breaking chase and just hitting, it has happened that all four wind up slugged. I get one up and restart the chases.

    I don't kick gens because it was never fun.

    If I'm facing a SWF of 3 or more, I just lose, and that'd be fine, except they act like ******** most of the time, if they win(some SWF do stupid things like mob starstruck)

    If I want to win, I change the perks back.

    I'm not implying that anyone should do this, just stating that it is it's own type of fun, and for me at least it beats what the gen perks have to offer from the killer side, fun wise.

    On survivor solo I started running all gen rush perks. This is actually fun.

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    Happy you found a way to have more fun in matches! I love running aura perks too :> hat tip to you friend

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    Yeah I wish they would add more to do like extra escape activities, that way killers wouldn’t have to focus gens too much and survivors wouldn’t be stuck holding m1. Hope those perks see some changes and other ones get buffed or added so you guys can have more fun too <3.

  • Jinxed
    Jinxed Member Posts: 248

    I think it's a little much to say it's every game, I do see some different builds. That said, I do see those perks a lot.

    I would also agree that survivor perks are a little more diverse in my experience but there are definitely some perks that crop up a lot more.

    At the end of the day, just play whatever you like, the gen regression will probably get nerfed soon anyway, since everyone's complaining about it.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 992

    Three survivors are running Hyperfocus + stakeout though, so it's necessary.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited December 2022

    Eruption might need a look, but right now the meta for killers seems to be 'hard regression', while in SWFs it's 'do gets really fast, use Fogwise'.

    Also - you aren't seeing it every game. Even Nightlight, which is generally high MMR games (where you'd expect to see meta perks) only has it at 18-20%. I don't think the killer meta has ever been more varied perks wise - I also see a lot of Surge, PR and even the odd Overcharge. Hell, sometimes even Penti.

    Also also - killers run regression because right now, they need it. And because most of their other perks are either info based, which you don't want too much of, extremely niche or really, really bad.

    Also also also - I've had games recently where I just couldn't kill people fast enough, despite short chases, to counter how fast the gens are flying with some of the crazier new survivor perks.

    I'm much, much more scared of Fogwise, PTS and Hyperfocus, maybe with Potential Energy to explode the last gen.

    Stake out can be really nasty when they send you to The Game though. Had a bizarre game on there where people weren't even trying to evade me much - just drop pallet, get hit, drop another pallet, go down - but the gens were gone before I knew what happened.

    Sub 7 minute game, including about two full minutes of me trying to make something happen at the gates. First time in a long while where I've used the term 'genrush' without feeling hyperbolic.

    I really, really don't mind seeing most of those though. It's when they go for a full 'explode all the gens' build in an SWF that it gets a bit much.

    Killers don't run regression perks because they are especially fun or engaging to use.

    They run them because:

    • You don't know if your next opponents are going to be solo puppies or SWF pit bulls, and it's better to be safe than sorry.
    • Some of the new survivor perks are busted when you face off against a SWF.
    • Non regression perks that aren't info based are either extremely niche or borderline useless.

    I do see a lot of Unbreakable though.

    That's how I like to play too - lots of chasing. It's where the game is generally the most enjoyable.

    However, there...really aren't that many good perks to help in chase. STBFL is decent on some killers, but also a risky play. Bamboozle and Starstruck are niche. The rest almost unambiguously sucks.

    You have to buy yourself time for those fun chases somehow. Sadly - regression is sort of mandatory and, after the nerfs, one slot doesn't really cut it anymore.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,164

    My Pyramid Head build of choice (my main) involves no regression and is pure aggression/chase: Lethal Pursuer/I am All Ears/Awakened Awareness/No where to hide.

    I might swap out Awakened Awareness for BBQ, but honestly I get so many cheap shots with Pyramid Head against sneaky survivors and that's just so much fun.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,854

    I refuse to run Eruption myself as I hate the perk and feel it is broken and unfair... but I do understand it too as with the weaker killers gens go so fast it can be quite hard to get on top of it.

    I prefer to use chases/pressure than boring slowdown but a few missed downs due to DH or unfortunate RNG can mean its a genuine struggle with M1 killers.

    So I guess the real question is how to solve this as stacking gen slowdowns is boring and limits potential fun builds you can run

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    Yeah it's annoying. I see Eruption constantly and CoB a lot as well. But according to some on these forums, we aren't actually seeing these perks as much as we think we are, because self reported stats from a couple thousand players say otherwise. 🤷

    So, just ignore your own observations and experiences and you'll feel much better!

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited December 2022

    I rarely use Eruption- it's pretty weak against SWF groups, which is where I need an optimal setup most, because they can just say "I'm about to go down, get off the gens" on comms. For that reason, I prefer Pain Res (Possibly with DMS on certain Killers), combined with info and anti-chase perks.

    And it's really not hard to see why Eruption is an unfun perk to play against. 25 seconds of stopping the survivors from doing anything. So yeah, have your Eruption nerf/rework, Survivors. This is not what a well-designed slowdown perk looks like; BHVR can do better.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    The original post's intent was aimed at what makes this game fun from a survivor perspective and I felt that it nicely mirrored what I experienced while playing a killer recently. This has nothing to do with balance, and I think the conversations got crossed here at the start and throughout.

    Chasing is fun from both sides, I wish they would balance with the intent to make that most of the gameplay.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,445

    My issue with this meta is simply how long it can drag games out for. I don't have time for 30-40+ min games. Those spare moments where I'll pick up my handheld Switch and contemplate a quick game just aren't happening anymore.

  • TigerSnake
    TigerSnake Member Posts: 531

    I also see "variety" from killers. Corrupt, Deadlock, No Way Out, Pain Res, Pop, Jolt, Gift of Pain, Lethal, Nowhere To Hide, NOED, BBQ, Brutal, STBFL, etc. There's definitely other regression perks you can run aside from just the usual three. If anything, the lack of variety from killers just confirms to me that gen regression/slowdown is much more required for killer than second chances are for survivors.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281
    edited December 2022

    I run eruption and brine just to have a chance i guess. I do run lethal and nowhere to run with them so i dont go the full 4 regression perks route. I don't camp or tunnel though so i play as fairly as i can until i cant anymore.

    I would love to use silly perks and whatever i want but everytime i do gens go way too fast. I use scourge hook + jolt too, but a lot of the times my hooks are so badly placed i cant get value out of that perk.

    Survivors can run more variety because there is 4 of you, but that being said i see mostly adrealine, off the record, unbreakable, dead hard, windows and resilience.

    Unless devs fix the maps and some killers gen regression is sadly needed. Eruption could go down to 15 seconds though. Brine is fine.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I don't take any claim serious that says "every single game" in regards to perks.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,619

    that combo isn't even so strong as you can think honestly... remember that you NEED to kick a gen 1st (time that most of the times you don't have), then downing a survivor in order to use those 2 perks... i don't know about your matches, but overall speaking keeping busy a killer is easy nowdays (unless it's a competent nurse) thanks to the maps extremely unbalanced (garden of joy is a valid example: has a HUGE amount of safe pallets near each other, not to mention the killer shack, various jungle gyms and especially the main building which is an actual infinite). i'm not a fan of meta stuff (i always play with brown addons as killer for example and usually without items as survivor), but i understand that most of the times you are literally FORCED to use it if you want avoid a crushing defeat, even if you do extremely well. I can do a valid exaple with the match that i did with the knight yesterday: started a match with a relative chill build (i had surge and scourge hooks as slowdown perks, alongside with plaything in order to spice up a bit the things and going for mixed hooks), but despite in the beginning i downed 2 of them in less than 40 seconds (a guy tried to do a pallet save for 2 times, the 1st time was hitted by one of my guards when i faked the pick up of his companion, the second while i was actually picking up the downed guy... greedyness can be fatal), a gen already popped... after leaving the hook and chasing another guy, the others were already healed and did another gen... I was still chilling because despite 2 gens already done, i had already do 2/3 hooks, which is normal if survivors know what to do (aka doing gens instead of wasting time) and if you don't prioritize to eliminate one of them asap, but after seeing people bodyblocking on purpose with the extended BT active despite i was aiming for the unhooker and 2 other gens done in a blink of an eye, i started to prioritize kills over hooks (meaning that i resorted to tunneling and proxy camping, especially the latter). i had obtained more doing this than playing normally (5 hooks in less than 2 minutes, only a single guy on the gen in the end and the survivors that were wasting time healing in order to do the save). Despite all this they finished the gens and in the end i killed 3 of them (wasn't easy at all despite they were average at looping due to the amount of safe zones that they had) and the "tunneled" guy in the end that was the only one who escaped. in that case i used the meta of tunnel and camp because they forced me to do so despite i had a build specifically made for doing mixed hooks (if those guys knew how to loop it would have been a gg ez for them due to the map, low tier killer that i was using and my perks that weren't optimal for that type of gameplay)

  • Ginnypig
    Ginnypig Member Posts: 159

    We have to use the meta cause there is no other way to be consistent as a killer, period. The amount of subtle cheaters dont let us have too much roomm for other experiences. I wish i could run something else, but i just cannot.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,292

    They should've expanded the arsenal of BBQ/WGLF mini-missions for extra BP. Those things were great for general gameplay.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Seems familiar. I quit dbd until the meta shake up because you know same 6 perks for 10 months straight on the survivor side.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Well for one most killer perks are just bad, this right here limits the variety you see. Secondly killer meta perks are seen so much because it’s required against good survivors with how fast gens go. Ie it’s fixing bad design. There’s more variety with survivors perks because their load out isn’t required, they have the flexibility to run “fun” perks that killers don’t.

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    I think you guys deserve a hard slow down that’s more fun than just kicking gens and hoping the team isn’t on call out comms :< I think it would be better if it was something else you did that was like an unavoidable build up similar to devour. Like after three hooks every gen goes down 20 percent or soemthing, that way you could hard aggro in chase and have the reward of regression. Then survivors who are upset have to realize that if they lasted longer than that’s the counter.

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    Yeah :( I wish killers had stronger perks that were still fun and more flexible that sitll helped out the game. Maybe if they implemented more to do they could expertement with more perks :).

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    Yeah! Exactly. If they added like mini objectives for both sides I think it would help relieve some pressure off the killers so they could have more variety and survivors wouldn’t be so bored doing gens and in turn regression perks wouldn’t seem as annoying to go against 24/7, or be as needed.

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    Yeah I wasn’t trying to use a hyperbole though, I’ve noted my last 20 matches and it really has been 18/19 of them with these two perks. Granted I play at night so maybe that’s when it’s sweatier, but it has been that reoccurring. It’s like a few months ago if you said in every game you saw dead hard no one would really bat an eye bc it was true

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    It is far more believable to see one perk out of 4 Survivors with 16 slots than it is to say that EVERY killer is dropping half their loadout on the same 2 perks.

  • ractus_the_rat
    ractus_the_rat Member Posts: 11

    I admit Eruption is rough on solo players. I would rather it be a buffed version of fearmonger (blindness and exhaustion) than making you broken.

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    Oh yeah, maybe this is bcs killers have 4 Perks and Survivors 16?

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 104

    When I’m winning, I’m having fun. Eruption helps me win more, so to me using Eruption is fun.

    I also love the anticipation of wondering how many people will be incapacitated right before I down a wounded survivor. Fun times.