Gotta love that reassurance is utterly useless for a basement hook
... which is where the most effective camping situations happen. Increase the range when?
Never. It's an anti-camping perk, and that's only allowed if it doesn't interfere with camping. They specifically gutted it so it wouldn't work against camping anymore, and now you want to buff it so it might be able to do a thing against the most egregious form? Don't be silly!
31 -
3 -
Ah yes I'll use kinship I have equipped on the person hooked in the basement. Very smart reply my dude
32 -
Its fascinating. I read complains about the game in every thread, its unreal.
For the most part I love the game and say: Thanks BHVR for this awesome game.
Issues? Definitely! But still my favourite game over the last year.
5 -
Go downstairs and get a bit closer.
4 -
A perk that was meant to help combat one of the least fun playstyles isn't working as intended. That warrants discussion.
12 -
I think you have to be halfway down the stairs before it works
0 -
u might as well go for the rescue in that case
4 -
To think, Kinship is really bad compare to Reas, where its possible to use them 6 times on your teammate, possibly save 3mins.
Kinship works only once, and requires another teammate to be there with you full time.
Beside, you should be able to activate Reas right above the hook? I dont think the new basement is far deep down.
0 -
You cannot activate it from above basement.
5 -
I believe the distance between you being above the basement to the hooked teammate down there was more than 6m.
I feel after the update, the basement stair is longer, so it must be why.
1 -
When Reassurance is an anti-camping-perk why can't we use it on the top floor of the basement to stop (time slowdown) camping downstairs? It can't be you have to go downstairs right into Bubba's arms or getting fully stalked by a Ghostface leaning against the wall just to even activate it.
3 -
You couldn't do it before Basement was updated, either.
6 -
I think if a Knight’s guards can magically rise up or fall down to different floors without ever even seeing a survivor… then reassurance should work when you are standing directly above or below somebody who is on hook.
8 -
Reassurance can be useful if the killer is camping basement inside the basement instead of at the top of the stairs (e.g. Insidious Bubba) if you pair it with Sprint Burst. 99 your exhaustion, run downstairs, apply Reassurance, Sprint Burst out.
If the killer is smart and camps the top of the stairs then it's a lot harder and riskier to do but Head On + Quick and Quiet can let you take a hit, apply reassurance, jump in a locker, and then force a 50/50. If they guess the wrong locker then Head On is active and you can stun and exit basement.
The problem with all of this though is that if you're already running altruistic anti-camp perks why wouldn't you just run Deliverance + Unbreakable and go for a hook trade while also getting value from those perks even in games where the killer doesn't camp.
2 -
For me it makes no sense that Reassurance works on multiple floors on maps like Midwich, The Game and RPD but doesn't work when you're on top of the basement. Imagine Reassurance like a 4m bubble around the hook, but the basement is like 4,2m high?
4 -
Don't get hooked in the basement.
The basement is designed to be a 'if you get hooked in there, it's hard to get you out' spot.
You'll probably have to trade.
5 -
This is so accurate, I am tempted to create a few Multi-Accounts to like it more than once.
(@Mods - this is a Joke, pls no ban :( )
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Ban-dy on the prowl T_T
3 -
Reassurance is utterly useless as it is, the time to get to from the generator that I hope you're working on 5 - 10 seconds, to pause my timer for 30 seconds, and then make your way back to the gen 5 - 10 means all it gives me is 10 extra seconds, if that, and if you're playing solo and can't communicate you're going for the safe then other people get off gens it's even more time wasted, at least previously one person could sit there and proc it multiple times until chased away, affording the chance for a save.
Since Reassurance came out it's been used on me less than 10 times and I'm pretty sure people just used it to use it.
7 -
It gives 10 extra seconds to you. It also gives 30 extra seconds to 2 other team mates
I always take it with my friends at it turned a lot of times a possible 3/4ks in at most 1ks
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"Since Reassurance came out it's been used on me less than 10 times and I'm pretty sure people just used it to use it."
This is my experience as well. Whenever I see Reassurance being used, it is when the same Survivor is unhooking me anyway.
Which is a shame, it was basically the Perk this year where I was really excited. I would have totally used it and dropped PTS from my regular Build. And it would have been possible to save "hostage"-Situations with it, even tho I think those were just a cover-up for the complaints, which mainly came from Killer Mains who suddenly feared that Survivors might not have fun anymore...
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I mean, you name it - it is a Perk which might find use in an SWF. But if you are Solo (or I would even say, anything below 3 person SWF), the usage is really limited and not really worth to pick.
0 -
Lol the replies in this thread. Clearly people will never be happy until Reassurance has unlimited range and pauses the hook timer forever.
1 -
I mean I think thats reassurance main issue, since it could be a help for solos getting camped, but OG reassurance against people who actually know how to play would be hell, they could just pause the timer and use the hook timer + reassurance as a safe time to do gens, making getting a hook a punishment for the killer rather than a reward.
However since even the top 5% of the "best" survivors somehow manage to die to a meme killer like sadako, imo these teams who know how to play and hence use reassurance to its max potential could be counted with your hands, yet they nerfed it.
People are so keen is seeing the problems perks can cause on good players, when they failed to realize the average player does not know how to play.
0 -
Gotta love the solo queue moments when you use Reassurance whilst every teammate is injured but they rescue the survivor just 2 seconds after anyways
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It got absolutely slaughtered in the PTB because a couple of killers were complaining they couldn't just facecamp anymore.
7 -
It's more than just the average vs. good player thing though. That situation you described is what was suggested as a bad thing for the killer, but it's only a bad thing if the killer aggressively tries to defend the hook. You've got two people hanging around the hook, you just have to chase and down one. They have to come into range to use the perk, so you can use that as your first hit, and profit off that.
But I feel like people are just comparing that situation to the exact same one, minus Reassurance, while not realising that that situation won't happen without that perk.
With Reassurance, two survs could pull off this strategy. Without it, they won't bother. So the aforementioned situation of two survs juggling Reassurance should not be compared to two survs just hanging out, watching the hooked survivor die, it should be compared to one survivor hiding nearby and keeping tabs on the killer, while the other continues on a gen.
And then the comparison doesn't look that bad anymore, suddenly! Fewer survs on gens, and they have to expose themselves to get to the hook to use the perk, versus not having intel on where the survivors are, and them having an extra perk.
It's only a problem if the killer continues to try to camp.
Which just brings it back to 'anti-camp is fine, so long as it doesn't interfere with my camping'.
3 -
I don't Aven Fallen is safe, for now at least... :)
1 -
Who said this? Believe people just want it to work as intended.
10 -
If it could be used unlimited times swf could just abuse it using kindred and open-handed to get 24/7 aura reading on the killer at all times like old object of obsession, but in a zone. Easily making areas into unmindgameable tiles where the survivor can waste exceedingly amount of times because even when they do moonwalking or any fancy nonsense it doesn't stop aura reading its ridiculously easy to loop tiles when you see the killers aura basically like an open tile. So good luck huntress if you are on a high tile that you need to mindgame to get a hit you are going to have to run around that loop 10 times to get bloodlust 3 or simply leave making it all just a waste of time.
That is just one possible combo that could be done not only that, but it could potentially be used as a troll perk, but I think that could be easily fixed by allowing someone to give up or get rid of the effect. People like to throw shade on kindred and open-handed. Still, it's easily the most useful information perk survivors have to offer, and the best part is on small maps it can literally be a free object without needing other survivors to be revealed.
On a map like midwich people could easily abuse this by standing under the hooked survivor, and honestly, the aura revealing is massive, absolutely massive 32 meters, in fact, nearly half the map on a map like midwich. Yeah, it may be a few maps that this could be abused, but it's similar to boil over, where it was awful, and bully squads would abuse the heck out of it.
You might not care about this, but many others do making reassurance infinite would be the worst thing ever cause of just how abusable it could be in certain situations just like boil over. Like, I was joking with my swf when I showed them kindred open-handed the first time on a small map like what if I brought reassurance and just made them into a motion detector lol and honestly, it may not be busted with the current reassurance, but old reassurance it could have been overpowered as all heck to all, but stealth killers.
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I have used it for fun but quickly realized how garbage it is. The instance requirement was overboard too. It's like the Hatch nerf; the devs went unnecessarily far with the changes. They don't seem capable of incrementing nerfs for Survivors.
1 -
Yeah true, forgot to mention, I kinda refuse to play solo. Survivor gameplay is miserable and stressful imho, I play it more for the company than anything. Duo queue is already at the limit of bearable for me
0 -
1 survivor permanent on hook whilst you can chase down others?
Sounds like a buff to killers to me
1 -
I would say reassurance should be buffed by x meters to the point where a survivor can stand above the hooked survivor in the basement and be able to activate reassurance. However, basements differ and some basements like the one in the main building on the Eyrie of Crows for example would require extra range for reassurance to activate, as there is stairs above it, thus elevating the survivor. Same with the basement in Thompson House, etc.
So the Devs should keep Reassurance at 6m, but make it so it does not factor in the elevated distance the survivor is away from the hooked survivor.
Also, buff reassurance so it can be used on both stages of the hook without needing to unhook the survivor and it will be a perfect anti-camp perk.
I always use Reassurance and I often get value out of it. Instead of attempting a solo save, it gives my teammates time to make it to the hook after they've finished healing. Or gives us time to open an exit gate and then save. I can spend extra time finishing a gen before heading off for the unhook. It gives the team more crucial time to setup the bodyblock's needed so 1 can bodyblock whilst the other one unhooks, safely from the killers grab. Even now it's a very good perk, but it should be buffed slightly so it can be activated above basement and used twice on one hook without needing to unhook.
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Why should Reassurance have zero risk? Doing it through the floor from above or below is nuts.
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I like how people are engaging in healthy debate and you're out here being bitter and angry for no reason
5 -
Actually it may be alot stronger when action icons get here provided they indicate if a survivor is being chased.
If you see reassurance and then a chase starts you know someone else has to unhook.
If you see it and no chase starts killer is camping do gens.
As to basement there is no issue there generally if you get hooked in basement its your own fault and as long as the unhooker goes in healthy you should be able to at worse force a trade, you can also run in and use reassurance and get hooked and teammates know they have to meet and heal up for a 2 for 1 rescue trade. The only exception to that is Bubba, and if Bubba has someone in the basement, your best just letting them go anyways most of the time.
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Why should the perk be allowed to complete negate all threat of the basement by walking on top of it? It's dangerous for a reason.
4 -
It's entirely possible for Reassurance to be buffed without overbuffing it.
What is it with these forums and the concept of doing things in moderation that's so difficult to understand
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Well yeah,basement hooks are supposed to be kinda stronger and favor killer lol
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Yeah, you would swear that most of the people who play this game don't actually like it.
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People are literally saying it should work like it did in the PTB, while failing to realize how abusable that version was. Reassurance already does its job just fine, so idk what more y’all want lol. Basement’s supposed to be an unsafe place to be hooked that’s a method of snowballing for the killer.
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Wait, so OP is upset they can't stand above the basement hook & pause their hook timer with literally 0 risk?
The Basement hooks are supposed to be the Killer's home turf; Why would a safe Reassurance exist there?
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It's only 0 risk if the killer chooses to sit in the basement, and that's their fault isn't it?
4 -
But basement is usually where killer's camp. Since it was originally designed as an anticamping perk, it should reach basement?
2 -
I differ in the part of "you just have to chase and doen one", thats were the ddifference is between a good player and a bad one, a good player will not get downed outside of a deadzone by anything less than blight/nurse, if we are talking a bad player, you are right on every aspect, as they will go down to even a trapper or a sadako, but against good players that just down them doesn't work unless you are blight/nurse.
0 -
Or you can take the risk by going down the stairs, instead of expecting the game to hand you hook delay with 0 risk.
I know being more than 5 meters from the God Pallet is scary, though.
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Killers stand on stairs and then it's basically guaranteed death, and you don't even get to freeze the timer, but please, carry on, lmao.