DBD feels different

I took a break from videogames as I was recovering from a car accident, today I logged into DBD and got 2000 Shards so thank you BHVR.
I got a brand new 4K TV but DBD looks so blurry in it, also the skill checks go way faster now or maybe it's just me, I somehow keeps missing even if I actually clicked on the skill check bar...
More teammates are throwing, more killers are camping/slugging, I just want to unlock those Holidays Event cosmetics but they're making it so hard.
Dead By Daylight in late 2022 is a totally different game now
Only sweats are playing the game now. There's no business playing unless you're training to play comp. Casual players have lost interest as they were tired of playing against those same exact sweats who are still playing now, this is very easily seen by looking at player charts.
We've lost -40% of the playerbase compared to June. People are still interested in this game, they try to go back to it during events, but they stop after a few weeks, because it just feels so horrible now unless you already have invested 2000+ hours in it.
This game is way too hard and obnoxious for casual players. People come here expecting a survival horror game watching exciting video with hiding elements and intense chases with the killer, instead, they get matched against players with 6000 hours who down them in 5 sec then camp them on hook. Then in post-game screen they realize their opponent has perks that are 10x better than theirs and also that they have no chance to ever access these perks, unless they grind the game for 100+ hours
I've been trying to get my friends to play this game and I felt literally embarrassed by how bad it was. In one particular game we faced a facecamping + tunneling spirit with only pink addons who slugged my friend 8 TIMES IN A ROW while she was trying like never to find me and get her 4k, look at the killer's profile:
That's 71 pages of only -rep. Please explain me BHVR, who wants to play against someone who has a profile like that. They're not even deleting the -rep, they are PROUD of it, and they played the game for 110 hours in past 2 weeks so that's 8 hours/day just with the intent of ruining other people's games. We got matched against many killers like this one and some of them were streaming.
So to conclude, the game has not changed much, but the playerbase has. If you played it in mid 2022 then you were playing against people like you who want to play DBD like it is a GAME, but now you are playing against people who do it like it is a JOB.
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Good grief, the number of people in that screenshot going to someone's profile just to complain. Why you can get away with littering people's profile with permanent negativity...
Also, part of the player drop right now is it's kind of unplayable in some areas because of server stuff and people being busy with other holiday bits.
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You get what you're cooking, if he's playing in an annoying way to ruin someones day he deserves to be known as such.
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It's cringe the amount of survivors who trashtalk on someone else profil. Get a life, please.
Your bully attitude has no place in DBD, get good instead of trashtalking, sending death threats and insults to the killer please. I know it's shocking but players chosing the killer role are human beings too.
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The player drop has happened directly in July 2022 with peak player count going down from 96,390 (June 2022) to 68,130 (July 2022) or -30%. For comparison in 2021 it went from 105,052(June 2021) to 96,393 (July 2021) so around -10%.
And it's not just the stats. I have 18 friends owning DBD on Steam and only 2 of them have played recently. In-game you almost only see players with 1000+ hours now. Angrypug stopped streaming DBD last month despite having 10000+ hours.
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You're missing the point with this killer's profile. It is literally 1 click to delete a comment on your profile, and one click to make it private. This killer is not getting flamed for his gameplay, he is ACTIVELY TRYING to get -reps. If you have time, check hookcamperlol on twitch (not this killer but similar and will give you a good idea).
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Yeah I do think they could do more to deal with the killers in particular who go into matches with the express purpose of farming salt so they play in a manner I can only describe as griefing to get a reaction.
Trouble is, I see so many people making frivolous claims (literally just got accused of cheating by a killer lol) and crippling the report system with spurious nonsense, I don't know how they could police that.
I do think Eruption and DH both need to be nerfed into the ground as first priority when BHVR are back from holidays as both are very unfair and create a lot of frustration. Then deal with the huge increase in hard tunnelling players out of the game as this is really killing the solo survivor experience which is already rough at times
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And the difference between accuracy, salt, and malice is nonexistent. It's the sort of thing that should just get your ability to post on other people's profiles suspended.
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I used to play nurse and got way worse than that because I dared to play double range and slowdowns.
I had to STOP playing my favorite killer because of the amount of insults, and threats I receveid. Survivors adding me friend to wish cancer and aids to my whole family. It’s a game.
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Watch your words before accusing me on sending death threates, you sound like your play exactly the way the OP described, maybe you're the one who should get gud.
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I'm guessing you're on console if you're playin on a tv. Turn HDR off in your settings and 4k on like -1 or -2. It'll help a lot with visuals and performance if you haven't already done that. I'm on ps5 and it made a world of difference.
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You're missing though that in June we had the big meta overhaul update, which brought in a massive boost in numbers. In fact, you can see it in the image you posted previously, in the bottom right hand corner (as part of the broader chart).
Player numbers doubled with that update, presumably people who had already left the game previously and came to check it out post major update. And a chunk of those players simply didn't stick around again.
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Imagine being new player in this game. 30 different killers with different powers, more survivors, bajilion different perks. Of course you don't see new people, it's impossible to learn this game now if you new. You basically need to watch those 10 hour otzdarvas videos and take notes. It's not a game, it's a job. And as new survivor you don't get new killers, you get 4000h blights who don't take easy even if they see survivors are complete noobs and just steamrolls them in 3min.
Who ever in bhvr decided to listen do this dumb community and made dbd competitve game with mmr system needs to be fired.
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Lol imagine actually believing or listening to -reps. Leaving comments like that is literally the calling card of a moron.
Then they should do something about the survivors who go in to a match to ruin the killer’s experience by teabagging, flashlight saving, and spamming “gg ez” in endgame chat too.
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I don't think that casual players would be particularly interested in a gameplay overhaul, compared to eg. event with a new killer or Steam sales. There were similar sudden increases of player count in June 2021 and June 2020, so most likely the big burst in June/July comes from holidays.
The difference is that in 2022 the players almost instantly left after June. In the previous years they were staying for several months.
The picture I shared above is not that clear but the exact player numbers can be found here: https://steamcharts.com/app/381210 (In particular, check the "peak players" column)
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I'm not saying survivors can't be toxic. But one advantage that killers have in this respect is that they can dodge much easier. You can look at the profiles before the game, and if they switch off to a bully squad last second, you can DC to ruin the toxic survivor's plans, while a survivor DC'ing will just ruin it for its own teammates.
And again the point is not that -rep are always accurate, but that someone who collects and exhibits 71 pages of -reps like they are trophies is not the type of person you want to play against especially as a new player. This killer is griefing on purpose just like hookcamperlol does on twitch (but at least hookcamper is funny). He plays 8 hours/day like this. Would I be paid by BHVR's competitors to sabotage DbD, then I would still not be as efficient and dedicated as this guy.
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Neither is camping or tunneling then.
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You're the ruler of 'Whataboutism'.