Which Killer should I get

Grunbar Member Posts: 2

Coming up on 9000 shards again, got two killers left but can't decide on who to get first.

Which Killer should I get 32 votes

The Oni
brokedownpalaceChordycepsAkitoFobboAurelleOltsOlenxni6_InvadeGamesChikyByeByeQtliffWindowsXPBatraidynGrunbarnyixxiBOSpectreparrot_rusitsLuMaySpaceChoomMarshMallow0302 23 votes
The Knight
GlamourousLeviathanKirarozucatkillsmouseAkshay78Raven27NachocatNicKaylessDinomastahImaPUNK29 9 votes


  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673
    The Oni

    Technically The Oni is stronger. And he's way more fun to play as and he's also very instensify to play against.

    It's fun to zoom around and smash people. He's better at snowballing and pressuring more survivors. His ability also gives him map mobility. With some practice, some good perks and addons you'll have fun with him.

    The Knight can only summon one Knight at a time. He's slow. Even his zoning potential won't work on good survivors bc they're able to see from where you come. So they w-shift away and you will lose even more distance.

    it's also kinda sad that his other knights arent really... good? I mean the assasine is still very slow and his chase duration is the shortest of all three like... The fat guy is only worthy for chasing/distracing and so the patroller. And yea..

    Pretty sad they did nothing about his 3 soldiers. They're slow, weak, activating them takes so long and finally: Everyone is able to see from where they come.

    Long story short: The Knight will make you tilt very fast and even tho Oni can too: At least with Oni you have to learn to get better and you'll be able to 2K even very very good and organized teams. But Knight won't do that for you bc he hasn't the potential to evolve like this.

  • Raven27
    Raven27 Member Posts: 15
    The Knight

    Voted for knight only for perks

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 976
    edited December 2022
    The Knight

    Knight is more fun, stronger (not strong, just stronger), and has better perks.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 615
    The Oni

    the knight is extremely weak in every sense... not sure if weakes killer or second to weakest after pyramid head...

    literally get anything but the knight, it's not worth it

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 239
    The Knight

    Voted Knight for perks.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Since when is pyramid head the weakest killer? Basekit sadako would like a word

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,354

    Oni for the actual killer. Knight for perks, particularly nowhere to hide. So it depends on what you want.

    Decent killer with bad perks, or bad killer with decent perks.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 615
    The Oni

    I havent played her so idk, but pyramid head is the sexond worst from those i have, only the knight is worse

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    She's great with iri tape and ring drawing condemn playstyle, but basekit she's one of the weakest since she does not have any power in chase and basekit condemn is really weak and survivors are able to get rid of it quicker than you can put it on

  • ImaPUNK29
    ImaPUNK29 Member Posts: 2
    The Knight

    I haven't honestly played The Oni but with The Knight being one of the few killers I've bought (mainly for perk unlocks) he doesn't really have much going for him. Other killers such as The Artist are ranked lower on most boards but are still easier to play and get kills on. The Knight is clunky to play and on top of that not having a ranged attack means that his ability better be good (which it's not) to make up for the lack of oppressive ability. Without playing The Oni I support buying him instead for gameplay. I personally bought The Knight for his perks to use on other killers.

  • Batraidyn
    Batraidyn Member Posts: 100
    The Oni

    Oni is satisfying when you hit those curves the knight is straight out bad quote me if I'm wrong