The freddy reqork and what should be changing

-reduced time to put to sleep from 7 to 4
-no progression during the falling asleep (no interactions)
-no self care wake up
From my point of view, as a freddy main, these changes are good, but not enough to call it a day. My idea on the buffs that freddy should recieve:
-survivor time to fall asleep from 7 to 6 or 5 seconds
-no progression speed while falling asleep
-no self care wake up
and then the one change that would make freddy powerful:
-in the dream world, survivors may experience the freddy’s suprise:
- - when in the dream world, survivors could encounter fake pallets (both dropped and up) and when getting close to said pallets, the real deal will appear and the survivors will hear freddy’s laugh (only while in the dream world).
While the changes are good, i think the changes above are better and could make freddy a pontential treath to survivors instead of a joke, leave your opinion below, and try to be civil about it
If they rework freddy... the one thing I want take off is his stretching attack.. it's broken.3
Very simply on Freddy, as I main him.
Very simply.
-Reduce dream state transition from 7 seconds to 5 by default.
-Remove slight reduces speed on ultra rare add on Red Paint Brush (no ultra rares shouldn't have downsides)
-Remove downsides on green block (slightly increases chances in dream world etc)
-Either make Blood Warden have multiple uses (every hook = 40, 50 and 60 seconds and the time is stackable) OR.... give Freddy one shot capability during the 1 use.
-Give Fire Up! a 2% buff across the board.These are logical, and simple changes for Freddy. At the very very very least, the icon should notify when someone if on a gate. It should light up when the gates are open and it is active AND go off when the timer stops.
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Please fix his model. He seems to be stuck at about 50% size, even smaller than the female survivors. Though the Freddy here is based on the questionable remake, the Freddy we all know and love was played by Robert Englund, a man of some height and stature. Would it really be inappropriate to make him as tall as the other killers, say the Huntress or the Wraith?
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I think bloodwarden lights up when the gates are opened and btw i also think u should be able to see the exit gates red lights activate on the exit gate icon so u can tell when survivors are opening1
@nicholas_0545 said:
also think u should be able to see the exit gates red lights activate on the exit gate icon so u can tell when survivors are openingThat would be really broken lol
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Yeah what do u think about the new changes they were talking about for sprint burst and overall exhaustion
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I think that 5 seconds is the sweet spot. 4 is kinda too fast IMO. As for the 0 progression I would rather that Dream Demon knock you out of actions for even just 2 seconds (similar to Doc's shocks). That would be a lot more valuable than 0 progression because being asleep doesn't actually matter if you're not being chased.
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they are redoing freddy? wow. when I play him I do so without perks as he is OP in my opinion. if these changes go into effect, and I add a perk or 2 the survivors may not even get 1 gen completed. (I play freddy when I want a ton of BP in a hurry as I average 20 to 25k per match)2
bortami said:If they rework freddy... the one thing I want take off is his stretching attack.. it's broken.0
@thesuicidefox said:
I think that 5 seconds is the sweet spot. 4 is kinda too fast IMO. As for the 0 progression I would rather that Dream Demon knock you out of actions for even just 2 seconds (similar to Doc's shocks). That would be a lot more valuable than 0 progression because being asleep doesn't actually matter if you're not being chased.4 is not too fast he is weak as hell. wow a measly 2 seconds if it was five. the transition for him to be 4 is fine and needed he is weak as hell and slow to catch survivors 1 second isnt much a difference to survivors for escaping the killer it is. he needs to be viable 2 seconds less is LAUGHABLE. so yeah and many others wont agree with your post of only 2 seconds less
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@Russ76 said:
they are redoing freddy? wow. when I play him I do so without perks as he is OP in my opinion. if these changes go into effect, and I add a perk or 2 the survivors may not even get 1 gen completed. (I play freddy when I want a ton of BP in a hurry as I average 20 to 25k per match)op lmao what? you must play low ranks if you think that hes the weakest killer by far