Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Just Quit

leowt Member Posts: 45

After 90% of all my solo queue survivor games today being killers running Call of Brine + Eruption + Overcharge/Pain Res and tunneling the first survivor out asap, I've come to realize this game is just not worth it anymore. No more getting upset over the many killers winning games that they have no business of winning. No more waiting for BHVR to break the radio silence. No more waiting for the devs to make changes only after they've made enough money from people who buy Nemesis and Onryo for their perks. Playing solo q is self-flagellation and I've often wondered whether I have been masochistic or self-hating for putting up with it. Yep, I'm a whiny survivor main here to declare his departure from the game. Belittle me all you want. But for those of you who are also fed up with this solo q-stomping genkicking meta, this is a reminder that you can just leave too.


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    Bye! Hopefully you find a game more to your liking and can eventually return if BHVR realizes how miserable that particular perk combo makes the game feel

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,225

    A lot of people I know are not playing at present due to the current meta, particularly on the killer side.

    Considering taking a break myself until they deal with Eruption in particular and I probably need a break anyway. I have been grinding a lot with the Bloodhunt and holiday login bonuses but since the extra BP are ending today it feels like a good time to take a break and come back once they sort out the Eruption/COB etc problem

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Have you considered playing killer instead?

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,995

    Definitely shouldn't force yourself to play a game you're no longer enjoying. I'm on a break at the moment too for a similar reason. I can't commit to 30-40min games.

  • Distortion_Enjoyer
    Distortion_Enjoyer Applicant Posts: 83

    this entirely. a fresh perspective and don't take it too seriously

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,980

    I feel this. I need one more level to finish the deep rift today, and it's been a slog. I might just play some chill killer games to complete a few challenges and let everyone go to be done with it.

    The burnout this rift has been pretty severe, and I need a break from the game. Really hoping the midchapter patch this month addresses critical things. *Cougheruptioncough*

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    lol only weird people play solo queue nowdays(no offense). since yesterday i only play with at least 2 friends i know that are good or i don't play this stupid game at all.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Here's the thing the Buff was fine what really screwed things up was the meta shakeup. They Nerfed Gen regression perks but didn't touch Gen Speed perks so it forces Killer who want to win to stack Gen slow perks (now I may got it backwards but point still stands). Basic Killers with no travel power will lose Gens so fast because of the Gen Speed Perks which now are stronger than ever with the addition of Potential Energy (as long as a Survivor uses it correctly that is)....

    Now if they nerfed the Gen Regression, Slow and Speed perks then we would see a different meta show up....but even I when I last played needed at least one to two Gen Slow Perks to even hold any pressure on the Survivors.

    Long story short it's multiple things that stacked up to making the mess we have now...both on Survivors and Killers alike

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    If you're playing 90% of your games as a solo queue gamer, why don't you mix it up and play killer? You can play without any of those nasty gen regression perks and not use a strong killer like Nurse or Blight

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Gen slowdown perks were hit hard through. I would even dare to say, that gens are faster now than before the shake up.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Drastically? No one knows the kill rates from before the shake up. We only know that the kill rates were to low for the devs and that 60% is their desired outcome. Also, kill rates is not the same as win rates.

    Now in regard of gens being to slow for solos. There are builds that allow for extremely fast gen progression. Even for solos. Surprisingly, they haven´t become meta (unlike slowdown meta for killers). Which also indicates that killers generally see the gens go to quickly. I mean, we have aura builds, heal prevention builds, lockdown builds, chase builds and yet, slowdown is whats getting used the most.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,139

    I don't blame you. I literally cannot play solo queue any more. I'll only play with friends now.

  • illumina
    illumina Member Posts: 73

    I would agree with some of these posts. I mainly play survivor and a lot of it is solo q. I do play SWf but it's with friends/family who are casual so our SWf is nowhere near the sweaty tryhard group. A lot of times my SWF "loses" but it's still fun when we play against fun killers. I've been playing a lot of killer lately and I will run meta if my challenge requires me to do so. If I have a challenge to kill survivors by any means in a single match or something. Most of the times, if its a challenge where I just have to damage generators/pallets/etc., I will do the challenge and get a few hooks but I will let all of the survivors get gens done and escape. I've been having fun playing this way. It really takes the stress off when you don't have to try super hard to "win" the match.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    With what part do you disagree? 60% kill rate being the goal of the devs? Or that gens are still to fast for most killers?

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,306

    it in terrible state. Full of cons and very little pros. Much rather play in a " buLly sqUad" as they call it... than helpless solo q survivor. As a solo q survivor u have little coordination so when the killers use these viable tactics (camping and tunneling) it hard to counter. But In swf u can actually pressure the other side back through swarming with flashlights, body blocking and sabo plays. To point the killer looking over his shoulder and circling the area 3 times every down.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,943

    I agree but that's why i main killer instead. Survivor has always been uninteractive and humiliating experience for me.

  • EmazingOmega
    EmazingOmega Member Posts: 4

    Playing killer has been more fun lately, but that's coming from someone who doesn't have every killer perk unlocked.

    Playing survivor is def not for the faint of heart right now, truly sad.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986
    edited January 2023

    That perk combo has to go!! It's really making this game unfun right now. Survivor is miserable to play. Don't even get me started on tunneling and camping, lol. That needs to be made less viable. That's all I will say before I get myself banned.

  • xCakeStick
    xCakeStick Member Posts: 101

    I do have to agree, I've played survivor all day, today. Unfortunately, It has been the worst experience I've probably ever experienced since getting back into Dead By Daylight. I've had continuous Huntresses, Spirits, Nurses and Weskers throughout all of my matches running most of the new meta perks with some good add ons. Whilst most of the killers were good, my solo queue team mates were... well, not.... they were precisely doing anything but not a generator, and because of the DC penalty being temporarily turned off, due to the European servers lag I'd imagine, the amount of DC's has been beyond ridiculous, and that alone ruined the game, as if they went down or saw a killer they didn't like, they just left. I hope it does improve, cause it's been an actual nightmare today.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,115
    edited January 2023

    I'm currently having a break due to the awful UK servers right now. But I have to say I'm not missing it too much.

    I don't take the game very seriously and just try to enjoy it whatever happens. But the increase in regression stacking has seen a noticeable jump and it does degrade the experience significantly. Eruption really ruins a match for me from the moment it comes into play- it just fills me with dread (and not in a good 'you're playing a horror game and should have some dread' way).

  • xCakeStick
    xCakeStick Member Posts: 101

    It's been gradually improving, only came across 2 laggy servers. However, because they disabled DC penalty it makes you realise why it's necessary for one to be there.

  • NITRAS42
    NITRAS42 Member Posts: 170

    I never understand this game. When I play killer, the survivors can usually seem to make one more loop, drop the pallet just right. . .

    When I play survivor, I never hit a window without taking a hit, get hit dropping a pallet, and can never seem to get more than one loop.

  • Forza
    Forza Member Posts: 109

    "No more getting upset over the many killers winning games that they have no business of winning. "

    Sounds like entitlement. For most of this games history it was killers and solo queue getting shafted just to cater to SWF. Wanted to "get gud" at killer? It wasn't about skill, but about which killer you played. "Get gud" meant playing nurse or blight.

    How many survivors out there mistakenly think they're good at the game because they run all meta perks and play with a sweaty SWF group?

    Now it's actually really easy to deal with 4 gen. Get your SWF team to bring some gen perks, a toolbox and go blast one of the 3 closest gens together as soon as the game starts. You might have to "get gud" to accomplish this, but you can do it on literally any map against any killer. But you need to "get gud" first, or else you really have no business winning.

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    There are some days that feels impossible to get a good match going, but other than that its usually fine. Still escape most of my games.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    -"I got hard tunnelled by a Clown for no reason"

    Are you sure it was no reason? Let's do some math. There are 4 survivors and each one does generators four times faster than your base regression.

    The only way for the killer to have a decent game vs efficient players is to tunnel someone out of the game. Remember back in like 2018 when Horvath made it take longer to die on the hook? Survivors didn't abuse that time to keep working on gens to the last second right? Oh wait that's totally what they do.

    Gen rush has never been this strong in the history of the game with the exception of the old BNP. The only thing about that is that during this time the old mori let you kill a survivor without ever hooking them first.

    If the survivors rush gens then the killer has to rush one of them out of the game.

  • o7o
    o7o Member Posts: 335

    Are you sure it was no reason? Let's do some math. There are 4 survivors and each one does generators four times faster than your base regression.

    Survivors doing their objective doesn't merit the killer to focus tunneling a survivor the whole game. This is rather a skill difference and possible BMing from fragile egos.

    I had gone against a Pinhead the other day playing solo queue, he would not leave me alone even if he was losing chase, the final pallet stun on him made him camp my downed body in front of my teammates and just stared at my body M1ing it as he tried letting me bleed out and ignore everything else but my other teammates were competent enough to pull him away and go for the save.

    Gen rushing doesn't merit you tunneling, that will just encourage the survivors to gen rush. The total opposite of what a killer wants. Which is a reason why the current meta is so effective but punishing.

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226

    sounds like that killer and many i see on my games have a huge skill issue.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,608

    I think a good step after changing Eruption is to nuke camping from orbit, see what effect that has on kill rates and make changes accordingly. The game would be more fun and entertaining for the majority on both sides if a 12 hook playstyle were the most feasible option.

    For that matter, if they want to nuke tunneling as well, get rid of collision detection on a survivor with OTR active and buff the duration. You want to hang around not touching a gen for 1.5 minutes as an example so you can try to body block me once even though you dont have collision detection? Good luck with that and thank you for throwing the game to me if I'm the Killer and please go to a different lobby if I'm the survivor so I have a chance to escape.

    Tunneling and camping is lame for both sides; balancing for a 12 hook playstyle would be better.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    The second I got Jane to p100 I haven't been playing. It's been 3 or 4 days already and I still don't want to return

  • Triplehoo
    Triplehoo Member Posts: 736

    If you play the game multiple hours wvery day, no wonder you get burned out... Take a break. I took one. Lasted about 4-5 months and came back. Enjoying the game again because of the hiatus.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Well, lucky for everyone here they just released the new Solo Q changes which are looking absolutely huge for Solo Q and should be able to help solve infamous situations such where two people working on gens thought the other was going for the save, so hopefully you’re back soon!!!

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    tbh i understand it i havent played solo q for months, i only play this game if AT LEAST i have one friend to play with otherwise i dont play solo q, having to deal with 2 randoms is hard enough already.

  • HaybaleMS
    HaybaleMS Member Posts: 28

    I feel your pain…it is a real drag playing solo queue most of the time. I think I need a break also.

  • 3mor
    3mor Member Posts: 1

    Trust me, you're not alone. I just came back to the game after a year long break, and I'm already at a point of taking another year. Solo queue experience SUCKS, shifting the meta to a worse meta is not helping either. Feels like forever freddy all over again, 10 minute rounds turning into 30.

    I had a game yesterday against pyramid head patrolling a 3 gen not even wanting to chase anyone. All he did was kick gens over and over with the usual copycat build. I was literally giving him free hits begging for a chase but he didn't want none of that. Boring af.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    High mmr solo q is ok. Quite balanced games actually. But low/mid mmr solo q is absolute dog #########.

    And if you start in low mmr soloq it's hard to climb out. I only was able to improve mine by running with a swf for months.