Buff Myers, rework/ nerf add-ons

steamed_hamzzz Member Posts: 247
edited January 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Base level Myers might not be the most powerful killer, but infinite tier 3, tombstone or tombstone piece, or a combination of any of those is just busted

it’s outdated, un-counterable and incredibly frustrating to go against.

”but there is counters”. jumping in a locker to avoid being mori’d isn’t a counter, it’s a short term work around, what then? He proxy camps the hook until you die or insta mori’s anyone that tries to rescue

A killer should never be reliant on add-ons to make them viable, Myers is a product of his time and needs a complete overhaul, both base kit buffs and add on reworks


  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,783

    I'm a Mikey main and I'd love to see him get some attention. He doesn't even need a full rework. Just some adjustments to his existing power to put him in a more comfortable spot.

    Trouble is his stats in both MMR brackets show him having both a very good pick rate and kill rate. I bet they use those stats to sway their decision on which killers to look at.

  • steamed_hamzzz
    steamed_hamzzz Member Posts: 247

    The problem there is I’ll bet a large percentage of those kill rates are because of his top add-ons

    Add-ons should serve as the icing on the cake to an already viable killer. Myers problem is his best add-ons are the entire cake itself, take them away and watch his kill rate plummet

    But then from a survivor POV, playing almost exclusively against infinite tier 3 or tombstone Myers can get incredibly frustrating, that’s my perspective anyway whenever I play survivor and go against Myers, which granted isn’t often but when I do it’s usually someone running those add-ons

    So maybe small buffs to his kit, QoL changes and add-on reworks will put him in a more balanced state

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,695

    I would honestly give Myers the honor of "weakest killer in the game". He's the only killer in the game with a hard cap on how much you can use his power.

    He really has been left to the wayside and is super outdated compared to every other killer. I feel like a good step forwards would be to remove the stalk limit on survivors. That way if youre unfortunate enough to keep running into the same survivor over and over again you're not effectively locked out of your power cause you cant find anyone else to stalk. Removing the slower move speed in tier 1 would be a huge help as well. They should probably remove the shortened lunge range in tier 1 as well. Its kinda weird that for the begining of a Myers Match you shouldn't even think of chasing a survivor.

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 746

    I don't think it's just a matter of looking at his pick rate and kill rate to decide when he needs to be reworked, BHVR also needs the approval of the owners of Myers before any changes go through (I assume.) He's not an orginal character and is also the first licensed character so who knows what kind of red tape BHVR has to get around to rework him.